General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome

Meniere’s Disease or Acoustic Neuroma?

Meniere’s disease and acoustic Neuroma can have similar symptoms

Meniere's disease or acoustic neuroma? - Image showing position of acoustic near the inner ear

Meniere’s disease or acoustic neuroma? During the diagnosis process for Meniere’s disease, eventually you should have an MRI. One purpose of the MRI is to discount any tumors growing in areas that could cause the same or similar symptoms to Meniere’s,

There is a type of non cancerous tumor called ‘acoustic neuroma’.

What is an acoustic neuroma?

An acoustic neuroma (vestibular schwannoma) is a benign tumor that develops on the balance (vestibular) and hearing, or auditory (cochlear) nerves leading from your inner ear to the brain.

The pressure on the nerve from the tumor may cause hearing loss, imbalance and tinnitus.

In rare cases, it is possible for an acoustic neuroma to grow large enough to compress the brainstem and become life-threatening.

In the United States, approximately 2,500-3,000 cases of the most common type of acoustic neuroma are diagnosed each year.

Also called: Acoustic neurilemmoma, Acoustic neurinoma, Auditory tumor, Vestibular schwannoma

The tumor usually grows slowly. As it grows, it presses against the hearing and balance nerves. At first, you may have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

Acoustic neuroma can be difficult to diagnose, because as stated above the symptoms are similar to those of Meniere’s and other ear conditions.

If the tumor stays small, you may only need to have it checked regularly. If you do need treatment, surgery and radiation are options.

If the tumors affect both hearing nerves, it is often because of a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis.

The tumor can also eventually cause numbness or paralysis of the face. If it grows large enough, it can press against the brain and becoming life-threatening.

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Related article:

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

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Do you have Meniere’s disease or acoustic neuroma?

Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

L-lysine for Meniere’s Disease


Can L-lysine reduce the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease?

Anti-viral treatments and L-lysine for Meniere’s disease

One of the many possible root causes of Meniere’s disease is thought to be viral in origin.

Because of the relative success of various anti-viral treatments in some people this belief has held ground over many years.

If you have ever had a cold sore, the virus can show up in your blood test, so the study done in Hokkaido Japan showing that high numbers of Meniere’s sufferers have this present appears slightly flawed.

That said, viral infections are a possible cause to check for and rule out. It does have to be said that at least some people contact Meniere’s Help and say Valtrex has helped them reduce their symptoms.

The same cane be said of L-lysine.

L-Lysine Study: Recovery of Hearing in Meniere’s Disease after Antiviral Treatment

According to a study published in the American Journal of Otolaryngology published in 2014, ‘Recovery of Hearing in Meniere’s Disease after Antiviral Treatment,’ “Out of thirty one Meniere’s patients hearing was improved in twelve and not improved in nineteen of those patients.

Complete control of vertigo was achieved in those patients with improved hearing.  It may be important to note that the duration of Meniere’s in the group with hearing improvement was shorter (2.4 years) than the group with no improvement (5.5 years).”

Valtrex (valacyclovir) -anti viral medicine

Valtrex (valacyclovir) is an antiviral drug. It slows the growth and spread of the herpes virus to help the body fight the infection. Valtrex will not cure herpes and will not prevent you from spreading the virus to other people. However, this medicine can lessen the symptoms of an infection.

Moreover, Valtrex may also harm your kidneys. This effect is increased when you also use certain other medicines, including: antivirals, chemotherapy, injected antibiotics, medicine for bowel disorders, medicine to prevent organ transplant rejection, injectable osteoporosis medication, and some pain or arthritis medicines (including aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve).

Valtrex or valacyclovir is what is known as purine nucleoside class of drug. Purine nucleosides are antiviral agents that have selective activity against herpes simplex virus types 1 (cold sores) and 2 (genital herpes) and varicella zoster virus (chicken pox).

The purine nucleoside molecule is converted to a monophosphate by viral thymidine kinases. The monophosphate is then converted to diphosphate and then into a triphosphate form by cellular enzymes.

The triphosphate form blocks the replication of viral DNA by inhibiting viral DNA polymerase and terminating the growing viral DNA chain.

Other drugs may interact with valacyclovir, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products.

Possible side effects of Valtrex include:

  • confusion, aggression, feeling shaky or unsteady
  • hallucinations
  • problems with speech
  • a seizure (convulsions)
  • kidney problems–little or no urination, painful or difficult urination, swelling in your feet or ankles, feeling tired or short of breath.
  • fever, pale skin;
  • unusual bleeding (nosebleeds, bleeding gums)
  • red or pink urine, little or no urination
  • red spots on the skin (not related to herpes or chickenpox)
  • feeling weak or tired
  • stomach pain, bloody diarrhea, vomiting
  • swelling in your face, hands, or feet

More common side effects are:

  • nausea, stomach pain
  • headache
  • rash
  • tired feeling

Perhaps a much safer natural alternative to Valtrex and other synthetic anti-viral drugs, and one with little to no known side effects is L-Lysine.

Using L-lysine for Meniere’s Disease

L-Lysine is a natural essential amino acid that the body uses to build proteins, the same protein building block that helps treat cold sores and can also help fight cancer.

In fact L-Lysine also benefits the brain and gut. Gut issues are also linked to Meniere’s disease. Low lysine levels have been found in people with Parkinson’s, hypothyroidism, kidney disease, asthma, and depression.

L-lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning it is necessary for human health, but the body cannot make it. You have to get L-lysine from food or supplements.

Foods high in L-lysine include:

  • meats
  • sea food
  • eggs
  • yogurt
  • legumes
  • potatoes
  • tomatoes
  • beets
  • avocado

Spirulina also has high amounts of lysine.

Viruses need arginine – another amino acid – to reproduce, but several studies have found that l-lysine blocks arginine activity.  This can help prevent viruses spreading, or reduce the length of infections.

L-lysine is known to be particularly effective at tackling the virus that causes cold sores, herpes simplex 1, so could it also help with viral ear infections?

There’s an increasing amount of anecdotal evidence that taking l-lysine can help relieve the symptoms of Meniere’s disease such as vertigo, tinnitus, or pain and pressure in the inner ear.

The evidence may be “anecdotal” but do not let that discredit the possibility that it may help. Anything helping any health condition that is natural will always be labelled “anecdotal” because giant pharmaceutical companies will never pay for test or studies.

Nature cannot be patented so there is no chance on monopolizing the market. The big money for studies, trials and tests will only go to pharmaceuticals that can be patented. This is the way the medical “industry” works.

If either valtrex and other anti viral medications or L-lysine work in a Meniere’s patient then that would suggest that indeed, in this particular case a virus is persistently present.

This would mean the regular use of either valtrex or L-lysine would be needed. Chose wisely which one you would use.

Bottom line, it is an elimination process when trying to find your individual root cause and dealing with it. When considering possible causes of your Meniere’s symptoms herpes should be one of the several possible root causes checked for.

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Help other sufferers. Do you have experience with L-lysine for Meniere’s disease?

Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading/references:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Neurocranial Restructuring

Neurocranial restructuring for Meniere’s disease and vertigo

Neurocranial Restructuring, also known as NCR is a treatment that has been around for well over a decade now and is a powerful therapy in physical medicine.

NCR is similar to cervical spine chiropractic treatment in that it concentrates on the muscular skeletal aspect of the body as an holistic solution to Meniere’s disease or vertigo.

Neurocranial Restructuring is a manipulative craniosacral procedure that works directly on the primary cause of neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunction – a misaligned skull.

Like an earthquake, NCR unlocks the binding pattern in the skeletal system and causes the body to shift into its original and optimal design: head, neck and spine in proper alignment.

By correcting the causes of dysfunction, rather than just treating symptoms, like pain, NCR produces permanent, cumulative changes to the skull, spine, pelvis and nervous system. 

Consequently, unlike other physical medicine techniques where you need maintenance visits for lasting treatment effects, each new NCR series takes you to a new level of functioning. As treatment progresses, life gets better and better.

We had one gentleman this week who combined NCR and supplementation. He was so happy that he requested that we put some information on the website, “even if helps just one person” to quote him.

While it is true many people are living symptom free from strengthening their immune system with the correct quality supplements and this allows our own immune system to take care of the inflammation causing the build of fluid in the inner ear.

It is neither a cure nor a treatment. If you have Meniere’s as a result of skeletal muscular problems in the back and neck area etc then NCR (seen in this video) may actually tackle your root cause.

Around the 6 minute mark there is a patient who had Meniere’s Disease and Vertigo. In this video it mentions:

NCR is said to successfully improve many conditions including other conditions related to Meniere’s disease and vertigo. These include:

All of these have been are often claimed to have a correlation with Meniere’s Disease from different sources.

NCR is reported to allow patients with many conditions come off of medication after years of reliance of painkilling drugs.

Neurocranial Restructuring was created by an American, Doctor Dean Howell. His website states: “In natural medicine, there are three modes of treatment: 1) nutrition, environment, and lifestyle; 2) detoxification; 3) musculoskeletal.” A mantra that very much echoes similarly to what we have been saying at Meniere’s Help for 16 years.

Here is an excellent video about a unique Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) method. You may find it worth investigating, especially if you have sinus trouble or persistent slight tinnitus that won’t go away despite living otherwise free of all the other symptoms.

Neurocranial Restructuring: Video

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Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease 

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other sufferers.

Do you have experience with Neurocranial Restructuring ?

Let us know all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at:

Further reading:

Neurocranial Restructuring

Learn from my bad Meniere's experience

Drop Attacks

Drop Attacks And Meniere’s Disease

I have just posted the last part of the learn from my bad Meniere’s Disease experiences. In it I talk about the importance of not getting slack with your lifestyle and diet just because you are symptom free through dietary changes and supplements.  Also discussed are drop attacks and the possibility of Amalgam dental fillings being a trigger for Meniere’s

Drop attacks can be a terrifying and dangerous development for the Meniere’s disease sufferer to experience. Thank fully not every sufferers does. You can read “Mike’s Meniere’s Story” here

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance  Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Do you have Meniere’s or drop  attacks ?

Tell us all about it in the comments box below  or email Mike at

Further reading:

Learn from my bad Meniere's experience

Meniere’s Disease Happy Ending – Is there such a thing?

I have just posted the final part of my journey with Meniere’s Disease. Finally living symptom free. (with the exception of a very slight tinnitus.

Click here to read Mike’s Meniere’s Story 

Email us at

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

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