Learn from my bad Meniere's experience

Drop Attacks

Drop Attacks And Meniere’s Disease

Drop attacks: image of person falling overI have just posted the last part of the learn from my bad Meniere’s Disease experiences. In it I talk about the importance of not getting slack with your lifestyle and diet just because you are symptom free through dietary changes and supplements.  Also discussed are drop attacks and the possibility of Amalgam dental fillings being a trigger for Meniere’s

Drop attacks can be a terrifying and dangerous development for the Meniere’s disease sufferer to experience. Thank fully not every sufferers does. You can read “Mike’s Meniere’s Story” here

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance  Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Do you have Meniere’s or drop  attacks ?

Tell us all about it in the comments box below  or email Mike at

Further reading:

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