General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Success Stories Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Overcoming Meniere’s Disease

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Meniere’s Help

Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Is overcoming Meniere’s disease possible?

The official line on Meniere’s disease is that it is treatable but there is no known cause and no known cure. This is what the vast majority of sufferers are told and of course most believe; why wouldn’t they? Tell a patient who has been suffering for many years and believes they have tried everything, that actually there are known causes and therefore known solutions and you could be met with disbelief, disdain and even anger.

This is understandable considering what the sufferer has had to live through and the fact they have constantly been told health professionals that there absolutely is no cure. The literature and online medical websites agree, there is no known cause and no know cure, so it must be true right?

Not exactly!

How do I know? Well read on below, but for starters…..

At the time of writing, I have had a 21 year association with Meniere’s.

  • I suffered the worst Meniere’s has to offer for 7 years and thought I had tried everything, including very costly, damaging and unsuccessful surgery.
  • For 10 years I lived 95% symptom free through simple but profound dietary and lifestyle changes.
  • Since 2012 I have been completely free of Meniere’s.
  • For 13 years I have been supporting other sufferers.
  • For 7 years I have been a full time independent researcher and writer on Meniere’s. In that time I have corresponded and spoken to thousands of sufferers, doctors, scientists and other health professionals in regards to Meniere’s.
  • Most importantly I have watched thousands of sufferers regain their life, either by reducing or eliminating their symptoms or actually eliminating Meniere’s from their life completely. Many  of these people had been suffering for many years and most of these people had been told there was nothing more to be done.

So I humbly state that I think I may know a thing or two about Meniere’s by now and I state more strongly that you CAN overcome it, one way or another.

True, there is no ‘miracle cure’, ‘magical super drug’ or any one ‘silver bullet’ that can cure you of Meniere’s but I can confidently say that you absolutely can overcome it.

While nothing is written in stone with this condition and there is no one size fits all, there are some universal truths that apply to all sufferers. You need to gain a true understanding about what you are really dealing with, correlate this with your own individual circumstances, then take the appropriate action and this often needs diligence.

If there were some magical miracle cure I wouldn’t have had to spend so many years researching, communicating with so many sufferers and health professionals or write two books totaling 475 pages to help people overcome this.

In addition to the two self help books published since 2013 , I have been running Meniere’s Help for 13 years, the main website has over 20 pages and this blog over 100 articles and posts. The aim of Meniere’s Help is to help sufferers recover from this horrendous condition or to put it in terms sufferers understand most, help them get their life back.

The sheer numbers of people who have contacted Meniere’s Help alone who have overcome Meniere’s successfully stand as testimony that this can be done, not to mention my own personal case which you might find interesting to read about.

Click here to read Mike’s Meniere’s Story

In the past 4 or 5 years, the vast majority of sufferers who have contacted Meniere’s Help, beaten this condition and regained their lives have read Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance. Prior to my writing these books, it was often the sufferers themselves who were the greatest sources of helpful information, through both their successful experiences and their problems. Some of their stories are in the books. I correlate their experiences with scientific medical studies, data and statistics to back everything up and prove it is never a case of simply hearsay much less placebo effect.

It can sometimes need a quantum shift in perception and attitude towards Meniere’s in some people before this becomes obvious.

  • The first two steps in overcoming Meniere’s is to change your perception of what you are dealing with and refuse to accept the entrenched dogma of drugs to ‘treat symptoms’, surgery and the all too often spouted “learn to live with it“.
  • The next step is to manage your condition, stabilizing your symptoms so you can at least function normally again.
  • The final step is to identify and eliminate or correct your own individual root cause(s) so you never have to worry about the symptoms returning.

You need to educate yourself, take that knowledge, correlate it with your own particular case then take action, be that something you need to do yourself or take the information to an appropriate health professional to get checked and/or treated.

If you strip away the label ‘Meniere’s‘, see this idiopathic condition for what it is, simply a set of symptoms, then investigate the pathology of these symptoms you soon find both the root causes and more importantly solutions are indeed known. It may be surprising to some that these possible root causes are actually documented in scientific peer reviewed medical studies, data and statistics. Which begs the question then why are treating health professionals not aware of this?

Some are.

It just depends on which health professional you ask. On average, an ENT doctor or a so called  “Meniere’s specialist” will be very compartmentalized and concentrate only on a narrow area of expertise surrounding the ear, nose and throat.

Very few will have comprehensive knowledge of and understand the implications of gut issues, a misaligned musculoskeletal frame, immune system disorders, dental and jaw issues, toxicity or allergies. Fewer still will have any real in depth knowledge of nutrition.

Yet any one of these areas could be where the root cause for Meniere’s symptoms begin in any one individual. This is documented fact in studies cited in many articles on this blog and the evidence of testimonials from sufferers who have contacted Meniere’s Help over the past 13 years, you could say are further proof of this.

The simple fact is that everything within the body is connected and once something becomes out of balance or dysfunctional it can lead to a domino effect or knock on effect and result in dysfunctions and conditions that at first glance may seem totally unconnected.

Health professionals who understand this and take a more holistic approach are still relatively rare but the numbers are certainly growing. It surely must be the obvious common sense approach and how medicine should be practiced. Prevention and correcting root causes rather than the perpetual writing of prescriptions for drugs to simply try to treat resulting symptoms.

The problem with this condition is, simply because of the general perception of “Meniere’s” and its definition as “idiopathic” it means if you do find your root cause, correct or eliminate it and no longer suffer from any symptoms then you will be told you didn’t have “true Meniere’s“. 

There can never be a definitive cure because there is no definitive cause.  So then what is needed is to find your own cause, or causes (there can be more than one) in your own particular case. Do that and you have found the key to your own particular cure. The question is, do you stubbornly stick with the official line and continue to suffer or do you take things into your own hands and free yourself from this horrendous set of symptoms?

You might ask, “but where do I start once I have changed my perception?”

This is one of several reasons why I spent 7 years researching and writing books on the subject. There are too many variants and differences in each sufferer to do anything else. If there weren’t we could be shouting “we have the cure” and write it in one blog post. That is not the case though.

Meniere’s Disease has several possible root causes, many triggers and contributing factors in each individual case. Find your cause and you have in effect found the key to your solution, cure, answer or what ever words you want to use to describe eliminating these symptoms from your life.

Make no mistake, this can be done, it has been done and is being done all the time. Thousands have done this to my knowledge alone, including myself of course.

The need for Balance is not only true for the inner ear but everywhere in your body, from micro cellular level to musculoskeletal level.

When something is out of sync elsewhere inside the body, this can lead to a knock on effect, or domino effect that ultimately can result in inner ear dysfunction. This is in fact must be true for many disorders and diseases. You do not have to dig that deep to discover this is a simple biological fact.

The problem both doctors and patients face is that modern medical culture is geared almost exclusively to treating the end results, treating the symptoms; never looking for the cause.

Dr Amy Myers, New York best seller with her book ‘The Thyroid connection‘ explains this very well regarding how autoimmune disease is treated. You can read her comments in the article: Can Meniere’s disease be caused by Autoimmunity?

To paraphrase her: autoimmune disease attacks different organs. The sufferer will be sent to a doctor or specialist connected to that specific organ. Treatments will then be administered to stop the symptoms. These drugs will often have side effects in other parts of the body and then the sufferer will go through the same process again. Yet the root problem is what is causing the autoimmune response. Autoimmune disease is a dysfunction of the actual immune system, not the targeted organ. So if the sufferer wants to free themselves from the symptoms completely, the immune system in general is what should be concentrated upon.

The same goes for Meniere’s. The ear is the targeted organ, or the dysfunction of the inner ear is the end result. You need to find what the root cause of that is in your particular case. And it may be rare that it is in or around the actual ear.

From the endocrine system, metabolism and thyroid, the gut, blood flow, the back, the neck, the jaw, dental issues and importantly the immune system in general. Any one of these and more, if dysfunctional or out of balance, may lead to the symptoms of Meniere’s eventually manifesting. Balance in your lifestyle and diet is also important. Poor diet can lead to many dysfunctions and disorders, while prolonged stress can manifest poor health in many different ways, including Meniere’s.

When you have Meniere’s disease, you lose balance in inner ear equilibrium but, as stated above, this loss of balance can be a result of imbalances elsewhere within your body or even your life. Learn how to bring your body and lifestyle back into balance, regain homeostasis and you can stop the symptoms of Meniere’s.

Given the right conditions, the human body can be the best hospital possible. It needs you to create the right conditions and be the best doctor.

Can you really reduce or stop your symptoms? Moreover, can you free yourself from Meniere’s completely?

The evidence from thousands Meniere’s Help has supported over the past 13 years shows us without doubt that yes, absolutely you can.

The answer to this in your own case, can very much depend on you. As stated above, it may take a quantum shift in perception and attitude to what you are dealing with, so then the next question is……..

Do you think you are ready or prepared to do whatever it is you need to overcome Meniere’s?

What value do you really put on regaining your health and your life? Are you willing to actually do what it takes? You may be thinking to yourself, “of course I am ready, why wouldn’t I be?”

Consider the fact that a huge percentage of smokers, when told they have lung cancer continue to smoke. Why is that? We really can be our body’s own worst enemies sometimes, and I do not exclude myself when saying that.

When readers of  ‘Managing Meniere’s’ and ‘The Need for Balance’ email Meniere’s Help and say things like, “You saved my life“, this is something money cannot buy.

To me such words are priceless. Not the somewhat over the top flattery of these words but the fact that yet another sufferer has beaten this condition. I suffered horribly for 7 years, I know how you feel if you are a sufferer and I would not wish Meniere’s on my worst enemy.

I rarely publish these types of emails on Meniere’s Help for fear of giving the impression of hype and sensationalism. Trust and integrity is very important in what I do. After all, this is a condition where most fear they are stuck with Meniere’s and often get told they have to learn to live with it, there is nothing more to be done.

The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth.

These flattering messages are slightly embarrassing for me and not really true; it was the sufferer who refused to accept they would just have to ‘learn to live with it”, they got proactive, took the appropriate action in their individual case and got themselves healed . They just needed the right information and pointers in the right direction.

You can read some messages from readers I actually do publish here and here.

If you are suffering from Meniere’s, I know you feel like you would do anything to get your life back; to feel normal again, right? There came a time when I would have drunk kitchen bleach if I thought it would have helped; I was that desperate. I also know how you feel if you are somewhat skeptical or your BS detector is flashing. I was once in the same mindset as you and I have seen a lot of nonsense so called ‘cures‘ come and go on the internet over the years.  Healthy skepticism is a good thing in my eyes, but at the same time a closed mind will never free you of Meniere’s or any other ‘dis’ ‘ease’ either.

Simply put, you need to know the how and why, then the what you can do about it. This is what the Need for Balance is there for. Ultimately to give you the information you need to free yourself of Meniere’s.

It may sound like a strange question, but are you really, honestly, ready to do whatever is needed in your case, to live symptom free or even overcome Meniere’s completely, despite all the negativity and naysayers surrounding this condition?

Many sufferers are convinced overcoming Meniere’s disease is simply not possible. This is what they have been told, what they have read. So the very first hurdle to overcome is this understandable, yet wrongly held belief.

How about you?

Albert Einstein allegedly once said, “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one that walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

If you simply accept the commonly held belief that there is no known cause or cure and that there is no getting over Meniere’s then that is exactly where you will remain, stuck in a cycle of vertigo attacks, brain fog, tinnitus and everything else that comes with this condition. You will be stuck with too many other sufferers going round in circles dependent on drugs that at best give negligible levels of relief and possible side effects, or worse, you will end up gambling with intrusive or destructive surgery as I once foolishly did. You will be entrenched in hopelessness.  In short, you will be stuck with Meniere’s ‘disease’.

If you are ready to stop accepting the little to no hope dogma of treat the symptoms with drugs, “nothing more to be done” and “learn to live with it“. If you are ready to educate yourself and take the appropriate action needed in your own case. If you are ready to take your life back, you are in the right place to start.

If your treating health professionals have told you there is nothing more to be done, then it is down to YOU to get proactive. As stated above overcoming Meniere’s completely can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.

Are you ready to start getting your life back? Contrary to popular misguided belief, overcoming Meniere’s disease is very achievable. 

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Related articles:

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Do you have a success story to tell? Have you reduced, managed or completely freed yourself of Meniere’s symptoms?  Email Mike at: or tell us all about it in the comments box below

Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Manganese and Meniere’s Disease

Is Manganese relevant in Meniere’s Disease?

The role of Manganese in Meniere’s Disease

Is there a role for manganese in either the treatment or as a causative factor with Meniere’s Disease?   Some nutritionists and doctors specializing in cellular nutrition may believe it can help relieve symptoms while most ENT doctors will probably know nothing about it or dismiss it. If it doesn’t show up on peer reviewed studies or papers in PubMed then most doctors may dismiss it, regardless of any other reports or evidence.

Timothy Haine MD, who writes on the internet about Meniere’s, dismisses the use of manganese as just another in his long list of “placebo effect”, claiming there are zero peer reviewed studies published on PubMed.  This is the man who refers to the bioflavonoids from lemon and vitamin C in Lipoflavonoid as a, “mysterious substance” as he consigns that too to his list of ‘Placebo’ effect probabilities.

Both vitamin C and flavonoids combined with other nutrients have been used with great success over the years for Meniere’s and to so flippantly dismiss their successful use as “placebo” shows a lack of understanding, or willful ignorance as to the importance of both reducing inflammation and improving micro-circulation through nutrition in Meniere’s disease. It also shows a complete disdain and ignorance of the importance of nutrition in general. Shocking perhaps, but unsurprising considering the almost total reliance on synthetic drugs in mainstream medicine.

The easy answer to this attitude is to ask the question, how many Meniere’s sufferers has mainstream medicine actually “cured”? Moreover, how many Meniere’s sufferers can live even partially symptom free through synthetic drugs? Ask a medical doctor how much they studied nutrition in their years of medical school and you will be lucky if they answer that it was more than one afternoon. Which drugs are used for treating what condition will be well known or easily accessible yet a significant understanding of nutritional biology, the very foundation of human health, is often sadly lacking. Many drugs block or prevent natural biological processes while the right nutrition can help the body balance these processes and correct them when there is dysfunction.

In the experiences of Meniere’s Help readers who have contacted us over 12 years, for many the right nutrition has helped them stay symptom free and lipoflavonoid is best used in conjunction with other supplements ( See more about supplementation here )

Unfortunately the testimonials of real sufferers who are the very people who experience every symptom, pain, relief and cure, are too often discarded as mere “hearsay”. The fact is that very few clinical studies will ever be done to prove the effectiveness or curative powers of anything natural because this cannot be patented and profited from by the huge pharmaceutical corporations. Research into synthetic drugs will receive multi million dollar funding simply because these drugs can be patented and profited from.

With all this said, regarding peer reviewed studies on PubMed that Haine bases his opinions on, there is indeed a south American study (translated from Spanish) indexed: ‘Efficacy of the treatment of Ménière’s disease with oligoelements’

Oligoelements are trace elements including manganese and magnesium.

The 2003 study published in the Anales of Otorrinolaringologicols Ibero-Americanos stated:

There are significant differences of better results in Ménières treated with olygoelements.”

The study did a split test of 68 Meniere’s sufferers. 34 were treated with drugs and 34 treated with oligoelements.

The reported results were: “In the descriptive statistics we find better results in the Ménières treated with olygoelements than in those that were not treated”

Manganese was used in this Meniere’s Disease study

[Oligo Elements are bioavailable forms of trace minerals that can be rapidly absorbed.  Oligo Elements unlock the various metabolic processes which generate functional or infectious diseases.   These bioavailable elements work by normalizing enzyme and hormonal functions in order to regulate homeostasis (balance) in the body.]

There is little to no literature about manganese deficiency being related to Meniere’s directly, so why might it help?

Doctor Laurent Bannock. author of The Clinical Nutrition Desk Reference recommends manganese in his supplementation regimen for Meniere’s and states that , “Deficiencies have been linked to ear problems”

Manganese is a component of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) which has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation. Reducing inflammation by supporting the immune system with powerful antixodants is one of the main functions of the supplement regimen talked about on Meniere’s Help that has worked so well for well over a decade for thousands of sufferers.

Manganese plays an important role in a number of physiologic processes as a constituent of multiple enzymes and an activator of other enzymes.

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the principal antioxidant enzyme in the mitochondria. Because mitochondria consume over 90% of the oxygen used by cells, they are especially vulnerable to oxidative stress. The superoxide radical is one of the reactive oxygen species produced in mitochondria. MnSOD catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radicals to hydrogen peroxide, which can be reduced to water by other antioxidant enzymes. [Mitochondria is found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. Often known as the powerhouse of the cells]

Although manganese deficiency is not common, deficiency has been linked with several serious diseases such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and epilepsy but not directly linked to Meniere’s. It has however been linked to some symptoms of Meniere’s and other conditions with links to Meniere’s.

Possible effects of manganese deficiency are thought to be: nerve disorders, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), vertigo, memory loss, glucose intolerance , and epilepsy.

Conversely, at very high levels of exposure manganese can be toxic, and has been linked to several conditions including Parkinson’s Disease and thyroid dysfunctions.

With that in mind, the importance of balanced nutrition rather than stand alone supplementation can not be underestimated. As vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes all work in synergy it is important that the balance is right.

Comprehensive supplementation

Dr Tim Wood Ph.D explains in ‘Comprehensive Supplementation Delivers What Stand-Alones’ Can’t‘:

“Many people approach nutritional supplementation in piecemeal fashion.

For instance, some use stand-alone vitamin E products to promote cardiovascular health.  Others buy stand-alone calcium supplements to protect against osteoporosis.
Some use vitamin C and zinc to reduce cold and flu symptoms. And still others change their supplement regime every month, according to the latest magazine articles they have read.

None of these approaches –focusing on one or two essential nutrients and ignoring all the others–is satisfactory. In fact, they run counter to the most basic principles of nutrition and health.

Our bodies, and each of the cells that compose them, are complex, living systems comprising diverse structures (organs and organelles) that carry out a multitude of integrated biological functions.

At the cellular level, membranes, mitochondria, ribosomes, and the nucleus  work in concert to regulate the conveyance of materials into and out of the cell; metabolize carbohydrates and fats; synthesise proteins; and guide cellular growth, division, and differentiation.

Similarly, our bodies’ organs have distinct but integrated functions. Our digestive, circulatory, nervous, skeletal, and immune systems collaborate to allow us to acquire and break down foods, absorb and transport nutrients, detoxify metabolites, and fight infections.

All these processes, at both the cellular and whole-body levels, are intimately linked in the web of interactions we call “life.”

The well-being of the whole depends on the integrity and immutable function of all the parts; and in this sense, health is truly holistic.

As complex, integrated systems, our cells and our bodies require a full comlement of essential vitamins and minerals to survive and remain healthy.

The B vitamins–thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and cyanocobalamin–for example, are essential to cellular metabolism (energy usage and the synthesis of proteins, DNA, and other biological compounds).

We require vitamin C for the synthesis of connective tissues.

We need vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus for normal bone development. Copper, zinc, manganese and selenium are necessary for peak enzyme structure and function.

The list goes on, but the salient point is this:  All the essential nutrients are needed all the time.

Withhold just one nutrient, or provide too much or too little of it, and a given aspect of metabolism slows.

And because our bodies are integrated systems, when one component or function slows, our overall health deteriorates.

We also need a diverse array of antioxidants; that is, molecules that neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

Vitamins C and E are the best known of the dietary antioxidants.

But for complete, long-term protection, we need broader antioxidant defenses. In other words, we require a more extensive spectrum of antioxidant compounds, some of which are water-soluble, some fat-soluble, some that neutralize one class of free radicals (e.g., hydroxyl anions), and some that neutralize another (e.g., singlet oxygen).

Furthermore, various antioxidants accumulate in and protect different parts of the body.

Vitamin C is thought to accumulate in the lens of the eye where it affords protection from cataracts.
Two carotenoids–beta-carotene and lutein–accumulate in the skin and protect it from the sun’s damaging rays.
Lutein also accumulates in the macula of the eye, reducing oxidative stress and the risk of macular degeneration.
Vitamin E is absorbed into cell membranes, protecting them from oxidative stress.
Coenzyme Q10 protects mitochondria (the powerhouses of the cell) from free-radical damage.
And some bioflavonoids are thought to be important in protecting the integrity of blood vessels.

In short, comprehensive antioxidant protection requires that we consume not only vitamins C and E, but also a full spectrum of antioxidant molecules, all of which are essential for long-term health.

In summary, then, our bodies’ cells are complex, integrated living systems requiring all the essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals–in adequate and balanced amounts–to survive and thrive.

Provide just one of the essential nutrients in insufficient amounts, or provide less than broad-spectrum antioxidant protection, and cellular function declines and our overall health deteriorates.

These fundamental principles provide the basis for nutritional approaches to long-term health.

Importantly, they apply both to diet and supplement use. The importance of a balanced and varied diet is self-evident. We know that it is important to eat a diet that supplies a wide array of nutrient-dense foods; a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and one that supplies all the essential micro-nutrients, including the right amounts and kinds of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

It is just as important to take a comprehensive and balanced approach to nutrient supplementation.

Research has shown that diets in industrialized countries generally fail to supply even minimal levels of many of the essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

These deficits are particularly worrisome for vitamins A, E and B6, as well as for folate, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Furthermore, we now know that advanced levels of many of the essential nutrients–including vitamin E, vitamin D, and selenium–far in excess of Recommended Daily Allowances, are required to support long-term health.

As such, supplementing our diets with just one or two of the essential nutrients is not enough.

Each of us needs to take a complete vitamin, antioxidant, and mineral supplement as the foundation for our supplementation program.

The nutritional products you choose should provide all the essential nutrients. They should comprise a complete range of cofactors (e.g., choline) and a diverse group of antioxidants (including carot-enoids and bioflavonoids) –nutrients that have not traditionally been considered essential but which are now known to be required for long-term health.

Furthermore, a comprehensive supplement must provide the nutrients in balanced amounts and at doses shown to promote lifelong health.

None of us would think of limiting our diets to just broccoli and green tea just because we have read that both of these foods can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Common sense forbids it. Apply this same common sense and the fundamental principles of nutrition in choosing your nutritional supplements. Choose a high quality, comprehensive nutritional supplement as the basis of your program. Your health depends on it.”

Although there is no direct link to Meniere’s from manganese deficiency, there have been studies showing links to ear problems and the use of manganese as part of supplement regimen is known to be beneficial. Manganese may not hold the same importance to Meniere’s as Magnesium but as an important part of balanced dietary intake it should not be underestimated.

Dietary changes and supplementation is not thought of as either a treatment or a cure. People can live completely or almost completely symptom free as a result of the strengthening of their immune system through supplementation and a healthy balanced diet free of health damaging processed and junk foods.

Identifying and eliminating the individual root cause and triggers is the only way to actually cure yourself from Meniere’s completely.  This is something we have been focusing on for the past 7 years and continue to do so.

It can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.

Food sources of manganese include: Pineapple (raw or juice), Pecans, Almonds, Peanuts, oatmeal, Raisin bran cereal, Brown rice, Whole wheat, beans, Spinach, Sweet potato, Tea (green & black), garlic, grapes, raspberries.

sources: NIH, The Clinical Nutrition Desk Reference (Dr Bannock), Linus Pauling Institute – Oregon State University, USDA.

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

by Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com

Researcher & Author of ‘Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Have you used Manganese supplementation with Meniere’s or have you been tested and found to be deficient? Tell us all about it in the comments boxes below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Food Allergies and Meniere’s Disease

How food allergies and intolerances may affect the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

Do a simple search for studies on food allergies & intolerances related to Meniere’s Disease and a relatively long list will be pulled up.

One important thing to note perhaps is that most reference studies from the same source: American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery – (Derebury), in which it is suggested that as many as 30% of Meniere’s sufferers may have food allergies that at least contribute to their condition.

It is hypothesized that allergies may contribute in 3 possible ways:

  1. The endolymphatic sac may be the “target organ” of mediator released from systemic inhalant or food reactions.
  2. Deposition of circulating immune complex may produce inflammation and interfere with the sac’s filtering capability.
  3. A predisposing viral infection may interact with allergies in adulthood and cause the endolymphatic sac to decompensate, resulting in endolymphatic hydrops (Derebery, 1996).

Dr Timothy Haines, a long time writer on Meniere’s doesn’t have much confidence in these theories, stating that a. Hydrops may not necessarily be the key factor in the condition’s pathology and b. In his experience immunotherapy for allergy, is almost never a curative treatment for Meniere’s disease.

So lets look at some facts and experiences of sufferers who have contacted us over the years.

In 2000 the study “Allergic management of Meniere’s disease: an outcome study”, published in the official journal of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, stated the following (excerpt summary):

“The effect of allergy immunotherapy and elimination of suspected food allergens was evaluated in patients with Meniere’s disease.  113 patients treated with desensitization and diet showed a significant improvement from pretreatment to posttreatment in both allergy and Meniere’s symptoms.  Hearing was stable or improved in 61.4%. Patients with Meniere’s disease can show improvement in their symptoms of tinnitus and vertigo when receiving specific allergy therapy. The inner ear may be the target, directly or indirectly, of an allergic reaction.”

In the 1996 Derebery paper in the same journal, it states interestingly that:

” Meniere’s disease, although idiopathic by definition, has been ascribed to a variety of causes, which more recently include autoimmune factors. Interest in the role of allergy in Meniere’s disease has also increased. Studies from this institution and elsewhere provide evidence that allergy and immunologic factors play a role in Meniere’s disease in at least some patients

The aim of Meniere’s Help has always been two fold. Firstly, giving you the information you need to take appropriate action therefore enabling your immune system to deal with the inflammation, balance your various body systems and allow you to live symptom free, regardless of your root cause. And secondly identifying your particular root cause or causes and eliminating them from your life, and therefore free yourself from Meniere’s completely.

In our formative years we had multiple thousands contact us who were ultimately able to live symptom free. In latter years with our focus very much on root causes and contributing triggers we have had many more who were able to rid themselves of Meniere’s completely. It all comes down to knowledge and using that knowledge for your particular case.

It has to be said that it seems at first glance that food allergies and intolerances have not been the most common cause with the many people who contact us, but there have been plenty of notable exceptions. I would say it is something very worthwhile getting checked for and crossing off your list of possibilities and perhaps is an often ignored aspect.

Sizable enough numbers of people who have Meniere’s have found they have allergies to wheat, gluten, soy and/or some dairy foods.

Gluten intolerance 

The “increased interest” in allergies and Menieres Derebery speaks of may coincide with the huge increase in gluten intolerance, allergies or celiac disease in recent years. The extent of the relevance of that is debatable but the facts can not be ignored.

Interesting‘ because gluten intolerance is not a true allergy but rather a problem with gut flora.  With diagnosis not easy and often expensive, many people may never be diagnosed. Data varies, but just taking one quoted statistic that a decade ago, gluten-intolerance levels were at 1 in 2500 worldwide and today, it’s at 1 in 133 shows a shocking increase.

Why would such a huge number of the population suddenly start developing an intolerance to what has been part of the staple diet of a sizable portion of the world for generations?

Answers will vary depending on who you ask but I think it is obvious that forced food practices, food preparation, the introduction of GMO and the proliferation of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, additives and other environmental pollutants is killing or at least affecting adversely the the tiny organisms that we need inside our gut.

The bacteria contains billions of neurons which is why the gut is often called the second brain and it is vital to the immune system, so we can easily join the dots and equate the explosion in degenerative diseases in the past half century at the very least with the modern culture of eating highly processed foods rather than fresh organic foods.

Is it any wonder that the supplement industry and in particular the drug industry is so huge these days, as is perversely, the agricultural chemical industry. When you take into account that organic farming (which should simply be termed “farming” as apposed to the ‘chemical farming’ that produces most of our food) is not much more than a cottage industry, there is definitely something wrong.

Modern “food convenience” it could be argued is resulting in mass poor health where the only winners are the CEO’s and share holders of huge multi national drug and chemical corporations. But at what cost to their own families and the general population?

Gluten in the form we know today is a neurotoxin and of course the central nervous system has been linked to Meniere’s. Over the past 50 years, hybridization wheat grains has taken place to supposedly increase crop yield ( the results of that are highly debatable)  and lengthen ‘shelf life’. A protein called gliadin was added to grain. It is thought that higher concentrations of this protein has made wheat less digestible, which causes an allergy or reaction. Increased antibodies to gliadin, may have a negative impact on the neural system.

Gluten intolerance is much more prevalent in the USA than Europe. Gluten intolerant Americans who have eaten wheat in Europe have asked the reason why they don’t have any problems there but do at home. There are two very relevant yet contentious answers to that. Europe does not as a rule allow GMO crops therefore there is less gliadin and it also does not allow (as of the time of writing) the use of glyphosate herbicide.

A study published in the journal, Laryngoscope stated the following:
Wheat is one of the most common food allergens found in patients with Meniere’s disease (MD). Gluten from wheat has been identified to have a etiopathogenetic role in celiac disease, IgE hypersensitivity to wheat disease, and recently to gluten sensitivity. The aim of this study was to verify the incidence of gliadin prick test response in patients affected by MD.

Meniere’s Help reader’s experiences with food intolerances and the symptoms of Meniere’s

There were 58 adult patients with definite MD, 25 healthy volunteers, and 25 patients with grass pollen rhinoconjunctivitis tested with skin prick test to gliadin.

A total of 33 MD patients (56.9%) proved to be sensitive to gliadin, eight of whom were positive to prick test after 20 minutes, 13 after 6 hours, 11 after 12 hours, and one after 24 hours.”

We have long preached at Meniere’s Help the importance of what you eat and do not eat often being vital to help reduce or stop your symptoms (and often in the early days to the derision and skepticism of some in online forums, some doctors and some of our early readers – those people are very few and far between these days).

What do our readers have to say on the subject? Below are some extracts from mails to Meniere’s Help from sufferers,  that paint an interesting picture regarding what we eat, food and in particular gluten allergies and intolerances (used with permission):

I have been suffering with Meniere’s for over 12 years. I’m otherwise very healthy. I have given up gluten, lactose, caffeine and cut way back on refined sugar. But these 6 weeks were tough. I was so exhausted I could barely get out of bed. I found your site about 2 weeks ago and read about the supplements. I ordered all of the maximum recommendation.

I started taking them a week ago and have been dizzy free for 4 days. My head is clear, I have energy, and my vision has returned to normal. I got up on Saturday and walked over to the window. I was in awe that there was so much color outside. It was like I was seeing beautiful color for the first time. And the brain fog had lifted. I still have the tinnitus and if I move my head too suddenly I can feel the dizziness during my movement so I know it’s still there. But this is honestly better than I imagined I would feel so soon after starting.

I don’t know if it’s the supplements or the recent episode (which I suspect was brought on by allergies) had run its course but I feel fantastic. I have boundless energy and found myself actually laughing and feeling playful like my old self. If progress continues I plan to do the full vitamin routine for 90 days and then transition to a maintenance program of the 4 supplements that the vast majority take to live symptom free.

It’s been a long, rough road but I am truly hopeful of living with fewer and/or less intense episodes for the first time since my initial diagnosis.

I’ll let you know if the progress continues.
Thanks for giving me hope

Thanks for such an informative website.  I have, for a few months now, been reading through all the information on the site.  Your approach and philosophy to meniere’s really strikes a chord with me.I currently follow a strict low sodium diet, have recently given up both caffeine and alcohol (well, I have a decaf coffee once a day – not chemically decaffeinated) and have reduced my wheat/gluten intake severely…..(recent poor health has prompted me to become very interested in cellular nutrition!). 

I suffer what could be Meniere’s disease, however I don’t yet experience vertigo. I have a roaring hissing tinnitus in my left ear and facial pain on left side and fullness in my ear.

Another point is I have suffered from food allergies such as gluten, sugar, and processed foods as they have created a numbing sensation for years prior to my condition now.

Hey Mike,

Thank you for following up, again…  I do appreciate it. After reading your book I have taken the following action for myself.

    1. I’ve stopped all Dr. Meds with the exception of a diuretic.  (I had stopped but felt that my hearing worsened a little so I went back on it and it has seemed to help)
    2. I have great pharmaceutical grade supplements.
    3. I have dramatically altered my diet, cut my sodium way back to no more than 1500 MG on a typical day.
    4. I have met with Dr Derebery of the House Ear Institute in LA and have gone through extensive allergy testing.

I have discovered that drinking alcohol and beer have a definite negative effect on my hearing so I’ve cut them out as well, (for the most part).  I’ve also mostly cut out all processed wheat, am attempting to cut out gluten, and have gone to a mainly whole foods diet which included plenty of organic fruits, veggies, and non GMO meats, ( among other foods as well).

So far I have seen improvement.  My hearing has cleared up some in both ears.  The “fog” I was living with has subsided and my tinnitus has decreased as well.  Earlier this year my hearing was so bad that I was unable to hear the fan that is placed right next to my head at night.  For years I have not been able to speak on the phone with my right ear and now I am able to.

Finally, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for having and maintaining your web site and your book.  I have already referred it to a couple of people who I have met that are going through the same problems.  You definitely opened my eyes to alternative options for dealing with these issues, other than the Dr’s telling me to “learn to live with it”, or having to take the potentially toxic medications they were prescribing me.

Thanks again for your help.  I can’t express my appreciation enough!


Hello Mike,
Thank you so much for writing back and yes you are right. I was actually on TCM for 3 months and I thought I had my condition under control.  But soon I noticed that every month the week after my menses, my ear pressure will act up and my left neck will feel so sore and tensed.  I tried watching my diet ala keeping it low salt but soon got complacent.  I am really not very good at dietary control and I really needed to get my hands on your book to be disciplined about it.

I have started to do my regular brisk walking again, seen a chiropractor for some spinal adjustment.. Also plan to see a dentist to enquire about my alignment or even do a prick allergy test because my chiro told me I am allergic to gluten.”

“Hello Mike!

 I just wanted to congratulate you on the completion of your book.  As a fellow Meniere’s sufferer, I sincerely appreciate people like you doing extensive research and publishing what works and what doesn’t work.  More of us need to be solution minded, instead of having a victim mentality. Two years ago, I was literally a mess.  I thought my career was over, I thought my life was over.
    At this time, I have the (vertigo and brain fog) symptoms about 98% under control.  Diet– limited (but not super low) sodium and generally gluten-free.  No diet sugars, no MSG, no caffeine.  I do allow myself some alcohol, but in limited quantities. The supplements.

In any case, just wanted to say kudos for sharing your information.  I watched some of your videos earlier in my struggles, when things were bleak; it’s great for an MM sufferer to have hope that they can conquer this awful disease.

Best regards,

Thanks for all the info, Mike. I would say that a lot of the triggers do apply to Harry, significant factor  is low adrenal function, often referred to as adrenal fatigue ( see endocrine disorder connections to Meniere’s and metabolism and Meniere’s)  it’s a real vicious circle, with stress being the biggest trigger.

He also has atrophic gastritis (caused by an h.pylori infection) and was 65 (he’s now 71) before we realised he was gluten sensitive.

yes we e-mailed u back already.
symptom free for 2 yrs. doing a completely paleo diet.
low carb/ no flour/no gluten/ no sugar or any processed foods.
change was immediate within a few days

I’m blessed by having tons more good days than bad. My diet is gluten-free, and pretty much salt and sugar-free.”

Hi Mike, I just thought that I’d get back to you. Last week my Dr did a Blood test for Celiac Disease. It came out abnormal which means that I might have Celiac. For now it shows that I can’t do Gluten, Wheat, Barley, Rye and in some cases Oats. People with Celiac can’t absorb their Minerals correctly. So it would make sense that the supplements would help.

Hi Mike

Thanks for getting back to me.

I’ve had food intolerance tests, I’ve even had my amalgam fillings removed in a bid to feel better.  The food intolerance tests have made a big difference in that I have given up gluten and dairy and this has helped with my energy levels enormously although it took a while.
Thanks again, I do appreciate it.

Of course not everyone with Meniere’s Disease has food allergies or intolerances, but I hope I have demonstrated the possibility and getting at least tested is a must for you to either cross it off your list of possible causes/triggers or if needed to take appropriate action.

In other articles on the blog I have demonstrated the domino effect where seemingly unrelated issues can be vitally important to getting to the root cause of your Meniere’s for example: endocrine – thyroid- metabolism-T cells – Meniere’s.
If your gut is not healthy this can lead to many serious conditions, including the symptoms of Meniere’s. Research shows that gut flora supports your immune system, and protects your liver.
Ruling out vitamin and mineral deficiencies is something also to consider.  Often times, nutritional deficits can lead to nerve damage.  Most prominent is the loss of myelin (the insulation surrounding the nerves).

Vitamin B-12 deficiency is a common cause of myelin loss, as are copper and vitamin C deficiency.

Often times the deficiencies are caused by gluten induced gastrointestinal damage. B12 has a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, the formation of red blood cells, helps in the production of DNA and RNA, is important for metabolism and helps your body produce energy.

No plant or animal can actually make vitamin B12 (only microorganisms as in good gut bacteria can do that), it is typically only animal foods (B12 is stored in the liver) that contain B12 since plants cannot make or store this vitamin. This makes deficiency in vegetarians and vegans who do not compensate a possibility.

Bottom line on Vitamin B12 is that if through gluten or other food allergies and intolerances or toxins the gut flora is depleted then this vital nutrient may be deficient and we can talk about the domino effects and poor health from that forever.

Keeping your gut flora healthy is again about what you eat and do not eat.

Antibiotics also seriously affect intestinal flora and it is advised these days that after a course it should always be followed by a good probiotic. Sugar and artificial sweeteners, alcohol, sometimes coffee, pesticides, emulsifiers in processed and fast foods can all have adverse effects on your gut flora destroying the balance of the approximate one trillion bacteria there.

If the balance in your gut is out the knock effect throughout your body may ultimately throw your inner ear function into dysfunction and contribute to you to suffering with Meniere’s symptoms.

If you are a meat eater you may believe you are getting adequate levels of B12. However, the amount of antibiotics pumped unnecessarily into animals in forced farming may be affecting your gut flora and therefore depleting your supply of B12.
If you think this a not a problem then consider that just this week (April 2016) powerful financial investors from the city of London warned high street food chains about the serious health risks of using meat and poultry from factory farms. Their concern was that consumer awareness may lead to loss in profits.

The financiers, including Aviva Investors, Strathclyde Pension Fund and Coller Capital, are particularly concerned about the use of antibiotics classified as “critically important” to human health and the “routine, preventative” use of drugs on factory farms.

This surprising and unprecedented move follows warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) that antibiotic use in livestock production is contributing to the global threat of a “post-antibiotic era”.
Checking and dealing with it is one thing, avoiding it is another. Using a quality probiotic would seem wise and supplementing with Vitamin B 12 equally as wise given what we now know.
Fermented foods that have probiotic value are good for your gut flora health such as: natural probiotic yogurt, natto, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, pickles and lassi.
Dr Laurant Bannock DrHS MS LN is a world renowned Nutritionist. In his acclaimed book ‘The Clinical Nutrition Desk Reference’ he recommends using Thymus extract as part of a regimen for Meniere’s.
Thymus extract supports the immune system and helps decrease foods allergies.
You can see doctor Bannock’s recommendations here: Treatments for Meniere’s disease.
To re-emphasize how what you eat can make such a difference, one final email sent to Meniere’s Help:

Thanks for the email, Mike.   My husband Eric is still living symptom free…as long as we are eating whole, unprocessed foods and staying healthy by exercising.  As soon as we fall off the healthy food wagon, he begins to feel dizzy again.  Soooo, as long as we’re not slacking off, he does well.

I appreciate the personal touch on your email.  You’re a great guy to help so many people.

Have a great day!


Amy’s message that a change of diet can make a big difference is not untypical.

Are Food allergies and relevant in Meniere’s disease?

The hypothesis of Derebury as to how allergies might contribute to Meniere’s may or may not be correct but whether right or not it seems clear that allergies, intolerances, gut flora and metabolism are important issues to consider for people who have Meniere’s and what you eat makes a significant difference.


If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

Written by Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004

Researcher and Author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. What are your experiences with Meniere’s and food allergies or intolerances? Tell us all about them in the comment box below or email Mike at:

References/Further reading:

Meniere's Disease and Nutrition General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Vitamin C and Meniere’s Disease

Why Vitamin C is so important when managing Meniere’s disease

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient that is not stored in your body and therefore needs to be consumed regularly.

Vitamin C  is an integral element not only in the regimen discussed on Meniere’ Help but in other recommendations for Meniere’s from different doctors and nutritionists. It  is a potent antioxidant that fights inflammation.

Inflammation is an important aspect involved in causing the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. A closer look at its significance to overall health reveals its value is even greater than initially thought for Meniere’s, especially given what we know about the links of the thyroid to Meniere’s in at least one third of sufferers.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body doesn’t store it. You have to get what you need from food, such as citrus fruits, broccoli, berries and tomatoes. You need vitamin C for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of your body.

Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through urine. That means you need an ongoing supply of this nutrient in your diet. It also means it makes it very unlikely you can get too much. The body uses what it needs then secretes the rest. When there is inflammation or a cold virus present for example it may use every amount consumed while when your body is otherwise healthy it will use less and expel the rest.

With the constant inflammation related to Meniere’s and the fact it helps the immune system deal with that suggests more is needed and used than in a normal healthy body.

Once Vitamin C is consumed it is dispersed throughout the body. Among the highest levels of vitamin C accumulation are in the adrenal gland and pituitary gland in the endocrine system and therefore related to thyroid function.  Both the endocrine system and as stated above the thyroid are connected to Meniere’s in a sizable amount of sufferers. You can read about the connection of endocrine disorders and Meniere’s here.

It is such a powerful nutrient that a recent study presented at the American Physiological Society Conference suggested that vitamin C could promote similar positive effects on the heart to exercise.

Vitamin C is also a cofactor in at least eight enzymatic reactions, including several collagen synthesis reactions that, when dysfunctional, cause the most severe symptoms of scurvy.

The old American nickname of “Limey” for British people comes from the days when sailors sailed across the Atlantic or on other long voyages many would die from lack of nutrition and in particular scurvy.

Ships were eventually loaded with limes (high in vitamin C) to keep the sailors alive. Hence the nickname.

If you think scurvy is only a thing of the past, an 18th century sailor’s disease or something from the history books about Victorian England, you would be wrong.

A multitude of reports over the past few years have revealed the return of this most avoidable condition. 2009 Daily Mail: Scurvy is making a comeback among England’s children2013 The Telegraph: Cases of scurvy and rickets have been on the rise in parts of the UK“, 2015 CNN: “Scurvy. TB. Scarlet fever: They’re all back”, 2015 The Express: “Gout, scurvy, rickets and more: Victorian diseases are coming back”, 2015 The Independent:Cases of diseases rife in the Victorian era including scurvy, scarlet fever, cholera and whooping cough have also increased since 2010″, 2016 BBC: “scurvy is on the rise in England”.

The return of such easily avoidable diseases almost forgotten in the western world in our generation can be put down to many things such as increased poverty through overly harsh austerity measures from governments, malnutrition as a result of modern eating habits, the saturation of junk foods devoid of substantial nutrition and what I would call the criminal demonizing of Vitamin C (and other important nutrients) in certain elements of the media. Media that are funded through constant advertising of drugs.

The result being,  as with other vital nutrients RDA’s are lowered, supplementation is scoffed at and the unsuspecting public is horribly deceived and often it would seem undernourished as a result.

Evident from the studies cited below, many people are not getting enough Vitamin C.

A 2004 government study published in the American Journal of Public Health reported that “vitamin C deficiency and depletion were common” and concluded  that, “Health professionals should recommend consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C and should recommend supplementation for individuals at risk of vitamin C deficiency”.

The Journal of General Internal Medicine published a 2008 study titled ‘Scurvy Is Still Present in Developed Countries’ and pointed out that both Vitamin C and Zinc deficiency are a problem.

Both nutrients are very relevant to Meniere’s Disease, especially when related to thyroid dysfunction.

The point of this article is not so much to point out deficiencies as to bring attention to the importance of Vitamin C to Meniere’s sufferers on several different levels.

One of the most famous proponents of high dose vitamin C treatment for colds and other disease was Linus Pauling, a physical chemist and peace activist who won two Nobel Prizes, one for chemistry in 1954.

The New Scientist magazine ranked him as one of the 20 greatest scientists to ever live.

While the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C had been established at 40 to 60 mg per day — an amount more than sufficient to prevent scurvy — Pauling advocated amounts of 1,000 mg or even higher. Much of the scientific literature published on vitamin C in the two decades since Pauling’s death has supported his claims.

One point to remember is that RDAs are MINIMUM recommendations, NOT MAXIMUM LIMITS. This is an important misperception.

Dr. Frei, a researcher at Harvard University’s Department of Nutrition said in an interview with Dr Mercola (one doctor who specializes in nutritional health) that interest in vitamin C was renewed when it became known that many degenerative diseases involve oxidation, “and it is clear that vitamin C can very effectively prevent many of these oxidation processes, because it is a very strong antioxidant,” he said.

Preventing oxidation and inflammation is what is believed to be the key element in the concept of how nutrition keeps sufferers symptom free using the supplement regimen discussed on Meniere’s Help.

A large, decade-long research study led by Dr. James Engstrom at the UCLA also found that men who took 800 mg of vitamin C per day — which is more than 10 times the RDA — had less heart disease and lived up to six years longer than those following the conventional guideline of 60 mg/day.

Another study published in Life Extension Magazine in 1996, found that seniors who took high-potency vitamin C and E had an overall reduced mortality rate of 42 percent.

Low potency “one-a-day” multiple vitamins had no beneficial effect on mortality.  40 studies have also shown that people who eat vitamin C-rich diets have a lower incidence of cancer.

We can establish its importance as an antioxidant and its power to help reduce inflammation therefore helping keep Meniere’s sufferers symptom free simply from the results sufferers have reported to Meniere’s Help over the past 12 years. But is it even more vital than originally thought given its importance to thyroid function and the endocrine system and their connections to both overall immune health and Meniere’s Disease?

There is a relation between oxidation and thyroid dysfunction. Numerous studies have confirmed the presence of excess oxidative stress and a deteriorated antioxidant defense system in thyroid conditions. In fact, a large experimental study published in the BMC Endocrine Disorders journal reported that all subjects with benign or malignant thyroid disease had low levels of antioxidants, particularly with selenium, zinc, and vitamin C.

While low levels of selenium and zinc were not found in all subjects, low levels of vitamin C were.

This confirms an association with vitamin C deficiency and thyroid function. One reason why vitamin C may be deficient in all people with thyroid conditions could be a result of adrenal fatigue. This brings us to yet another link to Meniere’s Disease, stress.

As mentioned above, the adrenal gland contains the highest concentration of vitamin C in the body. In fact, the vitamin plays a crucial role in both the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla which are responsible for responding to stress.

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin C secretion is part of the body’s stress response. Excessive stress, along with insufficient intake of vitamin C, can create a deficiency that leads to adrenal stress.

Countless studies show chronic adrenal stress disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Because thyroid hormone is directed by the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands, anything that disrupts the HPA axis will affect thyroid function.

Are you starting to see the cycle of possibilities here? Stress (known trigger or cause), adrenal-pituitary-endocrine-thyroid (all linked to Meniere’s in some people), oxidation and inflammation (linked to degenerative diseases including Meniere’s), Vitamin C (the common nutrient that makes the difference either way.)

If you do not see it yet then read the links between thyroid and Meniere’s  plus endocrine system and Meniere’s linked at the bottom of the page.

Continuing along this theme, in addition to the above, Vitamin C actually helps thyroid medication.

For those who opt for thyroid medication rather than nutrition many still experience symptoms which indicate medication may not fully work towards thyroid homeostasis (balance).

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism studied the effects of vitamin C on the absorption of a synthetic T4 hormone with 31 patients who either had autoimmune thyroiditis or idiopathic hypothyroidism. Prior to the study, all patients were not in good control when taking the synthetic T4. Serum concentrations of T3, T4, and TSH were measured at particular intervals after vitamin C therapy.

All three concentrations were improved while taking vitamin C. TSH decreased in all patients and normalized in nearly 55 percent of them. T4 was higher with 30 of the 31 patients, and T3 was increased with all patients tested. These findings are very significant regarding the role of vitamin C and thyroid function.

Vitamin C has been shown to help thyroid function. One of the leading experts on treating thyroid disease, the late Dr. John C. Lowe, recommended the highest doses of vitamin C to bowel tolerance for four weeks as therapy.

We already know through the experience of multiple thousands over 12 years that using the supplement regimen can lead to a life with little to no symptoms. We have long known that the grapeseed extract, a vitamin C /flavonoid combination is one of the most important elements and can make all the difference.

Given the right nutrients in the right amounts the body has amazing self healing powers. This is the natural role of the immune system.

In the book Managing Meniere’s DiseaseI focus very much on triggers and getting to the root cause of your Meniere’s symptoms then eliminating it.

Supplements are also discussed however. Supplements used are not seen as a treatment nor a cure. The concept is that by feeding your body the correct nutrients in sufficient amount to keep your immune system strong and healthy it will deal with the inflammation causing your symptoms naturally.

It has proven very successful.

Looking at the role of Vitamin C and other nutrients in a healthy thyroid gland and endocrine system, it may be that in some cases nutrition could indeed be classed as a cure.

There are reasons why even eating what you may think is a healthy diet might not be enough but below are some of the best foods naturally rich in vitamin C.

Good sources of Vitamin C:

Mulberries, Strawberries, Acerola cherries, Citrus Fruits (oranges, grapefruits, lemon and limes), Papayas, Black currants, Kiwis, Bell peppers, Guava, Brussels sprouts, Melons, Dark leafy greens, Amalaki Fruit, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Some herbs ( cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley)

Important factors that affect absorption of Vitamin C


As Vitamin C is water soluble anything that has diuretic effects can possibly cause depletion. Caffeine is also a stimulant and can too much can quickly increase Meniere’s symptoms such as tinnitus and pressure in the ear.


Studies show that people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day have 40% less Vitamin C in their blood than non-smokers. At the same time your body needs even more Vitamin C to counteract the damage that smoking causes to your cells.


Prolonged stress also depletes Vitamin C and this is why you should take extra Vitamin C during periods of stress. A study at the University of Trier in Germany, showed that the stress indicators (both physical and mental) as well as the recovery from stress, were consistently lower in people with high levels of Vitamin C.


Drugs including aspirin, birth control medications, anti-inflammatory drugs such as PREDNISONE and DIURETICS (source: university of Maryland-Medical Center)

Thiazide Diuretics are one of the most commonly prescribed medicines for Meniere’s treatment. When prescribing diuretics the treating doctor will often advise you to eat plenty of potassium rich foods or even prescribe potassium supplements to offset the side effect of depletion. However what is rarely if ever discussed or considered is that these diuretics also deplete several other minerals AND ascorbic acid  –  VITAMIN C.

So above we see two known triggers, caffeine and stress and two commonly prescribed types of drugs for Meniere’s, Thiazides and prednisone possibly depleting Vitamin C.

Bottom line: Vitamin C is important for everyone, not least for Meniere’s sufferers and the information above should make it obvious that eating foods rich in vitamin C and/or supplementing is essential to help reduce, eliminate or avoid increases in Meniere’s symptoms.

High Dose Vitamin C for Disease States: Video

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004
Researcher & Author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help Other Meniere’s Sufferers. What are your experiences with or thoughts on what you have read here? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease and Nutrition Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

T Cells Relevance to Meniere’s Disease

T Cells and Meniere’s Disease

Spend any time on Menieres-Help.Com and you will constantly be reminded of the obvious importance having a strong immune system when dealing with Meniere’s Disease or any other disease for that matter.

A healthy immune system can deal with inflammation that would otherwise manifest into disease states such as Meniere’s.  The best ways to strengthen and maintain a healthy, strong immune system is through diet and exercise. What we eat and do not eat makes all the difference and even moderate exercise such as walking promotes immune boosting blood flow.

Many of the foods we eat can contain contaminants and toxins that can actually destroy our immune system or throw it out of sync through the endocrine system.  Water and other fluids we drink are no different.

Clean water and balanced healthy whole food diet (organic whenever possible) backed up by quality supplementation can keep your immune system strong and effective, keeping you free of Meniere’s symptoms.

One specific area within the immune system that has been linked to Meniere’s is T-Cells. T-cells are essential for human immunity.

T cells are a type of white blood cell (a lymphocyte that is produced or processed by the thymus gland).  Defenders that search out and destroy targeted invaders. The “T” stands for “thymus” — the organ in which these cells mature. As opposed to B cells which mature in the bone marrow.

Immature T cells (termed T-stem cells) migrate to the thymus gland, where they mature and differentiate into various types of mature T cells and become active within the immune system in response to a hormone called thymosin and other factors. T-cells that are potentially activated against the body’s own tissues are normally killed or changed (down-regulated) while maturing in the thymus. The thymus depends on hormonal regulation from the thyroid and the thyroid depends on a healthy endocrine system. Metabolism is also relevant. This whole chain of interdependent functions depend on the fuel (food) we give our bodies.

What causes the T-Cell response in Meniere’s Disease?

The connection between T-cells and Meniere’s has been discussed and studied for many years. In recent years a vaccine/drug was produced in Australia to help the body regulate T-Cells as part of a Meniere’s ‘treatment’.

Two or three years ago I had a long “interesting” conversation with the man claiming responsibility for formulating the vaccine. His initial comment was “Meniere’s is caused by T-cells. It is treatable

In this youtube comments conversation, he at first seemed cordial if somewhat arrogant. The conversation at first appeared constructive until it seemed obvious to me (in my opinion at the time) that the man was nothing more than a corporate shill probably marketing some biotech corporation’s vaccine.

He insisted the likes of Dr Burcon “were finished” (Dr Burcon is a Chiropractic doctor who is a world renowned speaker at Meniere’s symposiums and has helped many sufferers, whose root cause was cervical spine in nature, regain their health – some of which have come through Meniere’s Help.)

The conversation went further downhill when he referred to those promoting the health of the immune system through dietary means for Meniere’s in a demeaning manner as, “the vitamin crowd“.

I pointed out that the whole concept of diet and supplementation is to build a healthy immune system naturally, to enable it to tackle inflammation sufficiently to deal with the symptoms of Meniere’s. I also pointed out that in some people the root cause was neck/spine related, myself included.*

(*As a result of identifying this root cause in my own individual case and correcting it, I am completely free of Meniere’s and have been since 2012 – there are several root causes and everyone is different – hence there being no ‘definitive‘ cure.) Click here to read my own story

He continued to attempt to discredit anyone involved in helping Meniere’s sufferers except himself it seemed, if indeed that is his real motive.

When asked to list the ingredients of his vaccine he skirted the issue and continued to bash others who have been involved in successfully helping Meniere’s sufferers for many years. He was asked several times and never responded with a direct answer.

Why would that be?

He insisted on making the assumption that the diet/supplementation we speak of on Meniere’s Help was some form of “treatment“, even though I continually corrected him and reminded him it was all about supporting the immune system naturally and letting the body take care of itself.

It is NOT a treatment; just plain old common sense.

As there are several possible root causes and many contributing factors with Meniere’s, giving the body the fuel it needs and starving the ‘disease’ enables the body itself to be the best doctor. This is a simple yet fundamental concept based on natural human biology. Not a ‘treatment’ at all. Click here to read more on this concept.

He refused to comment on if he would be financially gaining from the use of the vaccine and could not (or would not) get his head around the fact that if there were a dysfunction in T-cells then that in itself is another result in a chain of events that follow from the initial root cause.

The conversation became rather too negative for my liking and his constant unjustified vilifying of the likes of Dr Burcon suggested to me that he was merely trolling youtube videos to throw doubt on all other methods of helping stop Meniere’s symptoms while promoting his own ‘business venture’.

Finally, I saw no benefit for any reader in what was being said and deleted the whole conversation.

I later discovered his thread on had also been deleted after he was accused of “trolling”  its members there. (Their impression, not mine)

His constant degrading talk of other good people involved in helping Meniere’s sufferers and the demonizing of all other methods but his own stank of someone only interested in the money he might make from his vaccine. I had never heard such talk from doctors or other health professionals regardless of their own opinions of these methods and I have spoken to many health professionals.

This man was no doctor nor scientist.

The Daily Mail ran a story in May 2015 about Michelle Leathem from the UK who was so sick with Meniere’s she was allegedly having vertigo attacks for up to 8 hours a day. She was having to do fundraisers to try and gather the approximate  US $19,000 for this man’s ‘treatment‘.

I will leave you the reader to come to your own conclusions there!

My own personal view is I think it is outrageously taking advantage of people he knows full well are desperate and will do anything to rid themselves of their symptoms. When we know this can be successfully dealt with naturally, through several different approaches and this has been possible for many years now, I find this outrageous yet unsurprising given the man’s arrogance and insistence on trying his best to discredit every other known possibility for sufferers.

Had he come along and said “look I have another avenue to go down to treat Meniere’s” maybe I would view things differently. That is not what happened. It was hard sell rhetoric, insulting to people who have spent years and lots of money and effort helping Meniere’s sufferers and illegitimately discrediting towards concepts he obviously had no understanding of.

I trust my gut instinct, and it didn’t take much to realize what a profiteering opportunist I was talking to.

Having allegedly suffered from Meniere’s himself it astounds me that he can hold the patent to this ‘drug’ and profit from such extortionate charges. I guess with millions around the world desperate with this condition he may well become a very rich man for something that will never become a definitive cure, but rather just another one of many long running ‘treatments’ with varying results.

If you are reading Stephen, (as you have been known to visit this site before) then feel free to comment below and I will continue to prove you wrong and expose you for what you are. How many people can afford the kind of money you are demanding?

As I said to you before, if your vaccine helps some sufferers then great, but we would like to know what the vaccine is made up of completely, every ingredient and what are the possible side effects?

As for T-cells being the root cause, you are simply wrong. It may or may not be that your drug turns out to be more effective than others but at the end of the day it is another ‘drug’ for ‘treating’ a resulting effect rather than tackling one of the several known root causes.

Getting to these root causes and dealing with them, almost always naturally is not only possible, but has been done by countless sufferers and is being done all the time. All the money and tricks you throw at marketing your drug can not change this fact.

The Thyroid factor

Just as inflammation is a causative factor, T-cell irregularities may be a causative factor but regardless, both must be a result of something else at the ‘root‘ cause. Irregularities in the formation and regulation of T-cells must be another domino falling along the route to the symptoms of Meniere’s manifesting.

If T-cells mature in the thymus gland and the Thyroid modulates thymic endocrine activity then a healthy endocrine system and therefore thyroid is needed to maintain healthy T-cells.

As discussed in two previous articles, “Thyroid Dysfunction Connections to Meniere’s Disease” and “Endocrine Disorders Connected to Meniere’s” it is all connected to the immune system and if anything within these systems is out of sync then the immune system will be affected and vice versa.

When considering a healthy thyroid and endocrine system, diet must be the first and most important factor. What you eat or do not eat, the nutritional value of what you eat or any toxic contamination of what you eat is vitally important.

How can healthy T-cells be produced if the thyroid is malfunctioning. Thyroid disfunction can be corrected with nutrition to allow the thyroid to produce and send out the correct hormonal responses needed for T-Cell function.

To just back these facts up, consider the study published from the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 1986 that concluded, “thyroid status modulates thymic endocrine function in humans.”

In a study published in 1992 in ‘Thyroid’, the official Journal of the American Thyroid Association regarding “T cells and human autoimmune thyroid disease” it stated, “There is compelling evidence that the thyroid cell itself, by expressing HLA molecules, and presenting antigen directly to the T cells, may initiate disease, perhaps after an external insult.”

In other words, something affecting the thyroid can result in the thyroid affecting T cells.

In another study published on PubMed.Gov 1994 (Ohashi H, Itoh M.), it was shown in hyperthyroidism that: These results suggested that thyroid hormone suppressed the immune response and that a deficiency of this hormone was associated with an increase of activated T cells.”

A study published in ‘Biological Psychiatry’ in 2009 concluded that, “These results show for the first time that thyroid hormones are important neuroendocrine regulators of tumor evolution, most probably acting through the modulation of T-cell mediated immunity affected by chronic stress”

This study is of particular importance to Meniere’s sufferers as the subject of the study was ‘Involvement of thyroid hormones in the alterations of T-cell immunity and tumor progression induced by chronic stress.

Stress has long been a highly debated cause of Meniere’s symptoms. There is no debate for most sufferers who know all too well that stress can bring on a vertigo attack or at the very least an increase in pressure inside the ear. The debate in most cases is whether stress is a root cause or a contributing trigger. This study would suggest that in at least some cases it could be a root cause.

The study states that, “Stress alters the neuroendocrine system and immunity”

StressendocrineimmunityALL have been linked to Meniere’s in separate ways. We can see here by joining the dots and considering the domino effect root causes can have on our health, how stress might be a root cause in some cases.

The study goes on to state, “Thyroid hormones have been related to stress” and “Chronic restraint stress* impairs T-cell mediated immunity”

*Restraint stress is a specific type of stress used in studies and experiments to cause enough psychological trauma and produce a desired effect*

You can read an in depth article on how stress can affect the thyroid and as a result the immune system (including T-cells) here.

When you consider that strengthening the immune system through nutrition has helped so many people live free of Meniere’s symptoms, even if the root cause were stress, then it is obvious that the right nutrition can help greatly.

Whatever the reasons, T-cell irregularities has been linked with Meniere’s Disease in some people at least.

Increases in T-cell, and what are called helper cells have been recorded during acute Meniere’s attacks. This suggests autoimmunity as a contributing cause.

To help Stephen understand the importance of nutrition to the immune system, the thymus gland and T-cells here is some information from the “vitamin crowd“- the US National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health:

1984 study ‘Cell-mediated immunity in nutritional deficiency.

  1. Dietary deficiencies of specific nutrients profoundly alter cell-mediated immune responses.
  2. Both moderate and severe deficiencies are associated with significant changes in immunocompetence
  3. Diets with inadequate levels of protein, calories, vitamin A, pyridoxine, biotin and zinc result in loss of thymic cellularity
  4. The production of thymic hormones critical for the differentiation of T lymphocytes is reduced, especially in protein-calorie malnutrition and zinc deficiency
  5. Confirmation of a T cell maturational defect in nutritional deprivation comes from the observations of decreased total (T3 and rosette-forming)
  6. Loss of cutaneous hypersensitivity to mitogens and antigens is a consistent sequela of dietary deficiencies of protein, vitamins A and C, pyridoxine, iron and zinc.
  7. Cell-mediated immunity directed against allogeneic histocompatibility antigens may actually be enhanced by experimental protein and polyunsaturated fat deficiencies

2010 Study: ‘Nutritional imbalances and infections affect the thymus: consequences on T-cell-mediated immune responses’

  1. The thymus gland, where T lymphocyte development occurs, is targeted in malnutrition secondary to protein energy deficiency.
  2. Profound changes in the thymus can also be seen in deficiencies of vitamins and trace elements
  3. In zinc deficiency, there is a substantial thymic atrophy
  4. Importantly, marginal Zinc deficiency in AIDS subjects, children with diarrhoea and elderly persons, significantly impairs the host’s immunity, resulting in an increased risk of opportunistic infections and mortality; effects that are reversed by Zinc supplementation.

I could go on forever quoting from other studies such as:

‘The thymus is a common target in malnutrition and infection’

‘The thymus gland is a target in malnutrition.

‘Cell-mediated immunity in nutritional deficiency.’

‘Serum thymic factor activity in deficiencies of calories, zinc, vitamin A and pyridoxine.’

…and so on.

Search on the net for ‘nutrition and immune system‘ and you will see the studies are legion. It is not rocket science, the immune system, as with the rest of the body, needs water, air and nutrition just as a car needs fuel, oil and lubricants.  Never a truer word was spoken when the phrase “We are what we eat” was coined.

Balance your endocrine system, support your thyroid and immune system, all of which is done through nutrition and in most cases the body will take care of itself in idiopathic conditions such as Meniere’s.

In other cases, musculoskeletal adjustments may be needed or toxic sources may need to be removed. Stephen’s extortionately priced drug treatment doesn’t begin to cover the whole picture and is certainly no definitive cure.

Following the 2015 Daily Mail article mentioned above, Professor Bill Gibson, Secretary of the Meniere’s Research Fund Inc. at Sydney University issued a statement addressing his relationship with Stephen Spring and his thoughts on his “treatment”.  Below are some extracts:

“Stephen Spring was vice president of the Meniere’s Research Fund Inc. He has no medical qualifications and works in his own law related company. He has spent years researching the literature and he has hypothesized a plausible theory for the causation of Meniere’s disease.

His theory remains unvalidated and there is a concern that it could even be a placebo event. Ideally we would have liked to have had his theory assessed at the University of Sydney.

But there was a major problem as Stephen applied for a patent of his concept and is charging fees to undertake the treatment. He has developed a course of medication which he calls ‘Menivac’ which he believes controls the disease and will not disclose the nature of ‘Menivac’. The funds of the Meniere’s Research Fund are held and controlled by The University of Sydney and they will not give approval for a clinical trial of Menivac for the following reasons:

Stephen’s treatment has stated that the exact nature of the ‘Menivac’ cannot be disclosed to the recipients. The University cannot provide insurance against untoward events without disclosing the exact nature of the drug(s) and treatment being used to each recipient.

The University would not expend trust funds on a theory developed and remains untested by a person who does not hold any scientific qualification in the relevant field.

The University would expect that the Fund would receive some payment from Stephen Spring in return for expending the trust funds to validate his theory if the validation was likely to financially benefit Stephen Spring.

Unless a properly conducted trial of Menivac and the concept is undertaken, the treatment will remain in the realms of other untested treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathy, etc.

IN CONCLUSION Stephen Spring has developed a therapy for Meniere’s disease which he has made available to Meniere’s sufferers for a fee. The treatment has not been validated and there are obstacles which prevent a proper trial occurring.”

The full statement can be viewed at Meniere’s Disease UK.

I have read that Stephen’s treatment can take up to 2 years. Indeed, at the time of writing, Michelle’s (from the Daily Mail article mentioned above) own fundraising website states she is looking at “two years of treatment” and “tens of thousands of pounds“, for something that has not been validated, not been through clinical trials and is patented by a private individual with no medical or scientific background who will profit from that patent.

I genuinely hope this treatment is successful for Michelle, of course, and anyone else choosing to go this route. At present, with the fees so extortionate there are unlikely to be many testimonials, simply because the vast majority of sufferers would never be able to afford it.

If you have spent much time on Menieres Help you will know that sufferers can get results in months, weeks and even days through appropriate nutrient application to support the immune system naturally, no synthetic drugs with undisclosed ingredients such as “menivac” needed and at a tiny fraction of the cost of this treatment.  Moreover, you will also know that you can find your own root cause, correct or eliminate it and in the process you will have found the key to your own individual solution. There are no profit generating patents on these facts.

Update: Shortly after this article was posted, I came across Stephen Spring again. I had posted a very well received and much shared article in a Meniere’s Facebook group regarding the connections to Meniere’s and the Thyroid. Among the many comments, up popped Stephen with irrelevant comments about this article suggesting I had been ‘unfair and inaccurate’.

Another lengthy debate ensued and when it was very clear that he was doing a great job of distracting the group’s readers from the Thyroid article I suggested we take it to a private conversation and invited him once again to comment on this post.

Following a private conversation Stephen did comment below. Scroll down to the comments box below to read his opinions and see my reply.

Bottom line, T-Cells are relevant in the domino effect that can create the symptoms of Meniere’s in at least some people. The Thyroid and endocrine system are more relevant in that they are responsible for regulation of T-Cells. Cut endocrine disruptors and estrogen mimicers from your life, balance your endocrine system and Thyroid through the correct nutrition and lifestyle and if this is all relevant in your individual case you will stop the first domino falling. There is your cure.

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Related articles:

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004
Researcher and author or Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Tell us what you think in the comments box below or email Mike at

Further reading:

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