Uncategorized General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Drop Attacks in Meniere’s Disease

Understanding and Managing Drop attacks in Meniere’s Disease


Image showing person falling to represent a drop attack

One of the most distressing symptoms of Meniere’s disease is drop attacks. These sudden terrifying falls without warning can be potentially dangerous, especially for older adults. In this article, we will discuss drop attacks and provide strategies for managing them. It is important to remember that not everyone who suffers from the other symptoms of Meniere’s, such as dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss, experiences drop attacks.

Symptoms of Drop Attacks

Drop attacks are, without doubt, one of the most extreme symptoms of Meniere’s disease. These sudden falls without any prior warning are caused by a sudden loss of balance, and the person may feel as though the ground has given way beneath their feet. Others speak of a sudden feeling of being on a jet coaster and their legs are thrown in the air. It can be a surreal experience and a dangerous one.

Causes of Drop Attacks

The exact definitive cause of Meniere’s disease is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by a buildup of fluid in the inner ear. This fluid buildup can affect the balance and hearing systems, leading to symptoms such as drop attacks. In drop attacks themselves, it would seem logical that a sudden shift in either fluid or crystals within the endolymphatic sac puts sudden increased pressure on the balance nerves.

Frequency of Drop Attacks

The frequency of drop attacks in Meniere’s disease can vary from person to person. Some people may experience several attacks per day, while others may have only a few attacks per year. The severity of the attacks can also vary, with some people experiencing mild falls and others experiencing more severe falls.


While there is no cure for Meniere’s disease, there are steps that can be taken to prevent drop attacks. These include making certain lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and avoiding triggers. Medications can also be used to manage symptoms, such as diuretics, antihistamines, and corticosteroids. Physical therapy and assistive devices can also help improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.


Managing drop attacks in Meniere’s disease is critical to improving the quality of life for those who suffer from this condition. Lifestyle changes, medications, physical therapy, assistive devices, and surgery are all strategies that can be used to manage drop attacks. Making certain lifestyle changes such as reducing stress and maintaining a healthy diet can help prevent attacks. Medications can be used to manage symptoms, while physical therapy and assistive devices can improve balance and reduce the risk of falls. In severe cases, surgery may be suggested.

Drop attacks in Meniere’s disease can be distressing and potentially dangerous. However, with the right support and management strategies, people with Meniere’s disease can live a full and active life despite the challenges posed by drop attacks. If you are experiencing symptoms of Meniere’s disease, it is essential to see a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Sudden Drop Attack – JAMA – Video

“Drop attacks are sudden falls without warning that can occur without loss of consciousness or neurologic symptoms as a rare manifestation of Meniere disease. Patients typically describe a sensation of being pushed, thrown, or knocked to the ground or have a sudden illusion of environmental tilt causing the fall. This video shows a drop attack (also sometimes called an otolithic crisis, Tumarkin drop attack, or drop vestibular attack) in a 47-year-old man with Meniere disease manifest as longstanding recurrent vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, and tinnitus in his left ear. Pathophysiology is thought to be associated with sudden changes of utricle or saccule function or by sudden stimulation and mechanical deformation caused by pressure differentials within the inner ear or by a rapid change in electrolyte levels in the endolymph and perilymph.” JAMA Neurology.

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References/Further reading:

  1. “Meniere’s Disease” (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders) –
  2. “Meniere’s disease: Symptoms and causes” (Mayo Clinic) –

Help other sufferers. Have you experienced drop attacks? How did you deal with it? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Orthokine therapy for Meniere’s disease

Can this therapy heal Meniere’s disease?

Dr. Peter Wehling Founder of The Center for Molecular Orthopedics in Dusseldorf, Germany has developed a procedure where the patient’s own blood is taken, incubated and manipulated then reintroduced into the body and acts as a “natural” anti-inflammatory. Originally this was used for treating sports people to combat chronic pain, usually in joints. The treatment is called “Orthokine” therapy.

Orthokine Therapy is a form of injection therapy, which harnesses and enhances the bodies natural defense mechanisms against inflammation to reduce pain and improve function.

The Orthokine Procedure

  • Blood is taken from the patient. The procedure is carried out similarly to a blood sampling for laboratory testing and is not pain-associated
  • Blood is incubated at 37°C, which stimulates the production of IL-1Ra.
  • Using a laboratory centrifuge to separate the blood components, the protein is extracted
  • This extraction is filed in ampoules, later available in injection form
  • The protein is then injected within the painful area of the joints, using CT guidance

Typically, injections are given 1-2 times a week. Treatment for discogenic diseases requires 4 injections, while lesions of the joints of the extremities, a minimum of 6 injections are usually required. Following injections, patients are advised to avoid strenuous exercise for a period of 48 hours. Some side effects may include swelling and numbness around the injection site, which may last around 2 hours

The ear is affected by inflammation in Meniere’s disease and the procedure is said to have been developed further where it may be possible for the hearing and balance nerves damaged by Meniere’s to be healed. Dana White, the UFC President recently received this treatment in Germany is said to feel “cured”.

Orthokine therapy, if available to you, is certainly an option worth investigating.

Can Orthokine therapy work for Meniere’s disease?

Orthokine therapy may come at a cost of a five figure sum and although is becoming more available it is still quite rare (at the time of writing). If you have the kind of money Dana White has then it has to be an option worth considering but for the vast majority it may be financially and practically out of reach for the time being.

As orthokine therapy is not a recognized specific treatment for Meniere’s disease it is unlikely you will be able to get this offered on national health nor be covered by insurance. You will need to find a private clinic and talk about your options.

However, identifying the root cause of your symptoms, be it viral, spinal and neck misalignment, exposure to chemicals or drugs, autoimmune problems, dental or Jaw misalignments or whatever, is possible and it is also possible to reverse the long standing effects and results of years of vertigo attacks and constant pressure within the inner ear that have caused hearing deterioration and balance nerve damage.

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Help other sufferers. Let us know your thoughts and any experience with Orthokine therapy in the comments box below or email Mike at:

References/Further reading:

Learn from my bad Meniere's experience

New Post On How I live Meniere’s Disease Free

I have just posted part 8 in “Learn From My Meniere’s Disease Experiences” Learn how I now live without the symptoms of  Meniere’s Disease  and I no longer take diuretics, tranquilizers, or medicine’s for dizziness.

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