General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Success Stories Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Overcoming Meniere’s Disease

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Meniere’s Help

Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Is overcoming Meniere’s disease possible?

The official line on Meniere’s disease is that it is treatable but there is no known cause and no known cure. This is what the vast majority of sufferers are told and of course most believe; why wouldn’t they? Tell a patient who has been suffering for many years and believes they have tried everything, that actually there are known causes and therefore known solutions and you could be met with disbelief, disdain and even anger.

This is understandable considering what the sufferer has had to live through and the fact they have constantly been told health professionals that there absolutely is no cure. The literature and online medical websites agree, there is no known cause and no know cure, so it must be true right?

Not exactly!

How do I know? Well read on below, but for starters…..

At the time of writing, I have had a 21 year association with Meniere’s.

  • I suffered the worst Meniere’s has to offer for 7 years and thought I had tried everything, including very costly, damaging and unsuccessful surgery.
  • For 10 years I lived 95% symptom free through simple but profound dietary and lifestyle changes.
  • Since 2012 I have been completely free of Meniere’s.
  • For 13 years I have been supporting other sufferers.
  • For 7 years I have been a full time independent researcher and writer on Meniere’s. In that time I have corresponded and spoken to thousands of sufferers, doctors, scientists and other health professionals in regards to Meniere’s.
  • Most importantly I have watched thousands of sufferers regain their life, either by reducing or eliminating their symptoms or actually eliminating Meniere’s from their life completely. Many  of these people had been suffering for many years and most of these people had been told there was nothing more to be done.

So I humbly state that I think I may know a thing or two about Meniere’s by now and I state more strongly that you CAN overcome it, one way or another.

True, there is no ‘miracle cure’, ‘magical super drug’ or any one ‘silver bullet’ that can cure you of Meniere’s but I can confidently say that you absolutely can overcome it.

While nothing is written in stone with this condition and there is no one size fits all, there are some universal truths that apply to all sufferers. You need to gain a true understanding about what you are really dealing with, correlate this with your own individual circumstances, then take the appropriate action and this often needs diligence.

If there were some magical miracle cure I wouldn’t have had to spend so many years researching, communicating with so many sufferers and health professionals or write two books totaling 475 pages to help people overcome this.

In addition to the two self help books published since 2013 , I have been running Meniere’s Help for 13 years, the main website has over 20 pages and this blog over 100 articles and posts. The aim of Meniere’s Help is to help sufferers recover from this horrendous condition or to put it in terms sufferers understand most, help them get their life back.

The sheer numbers of people who have contacted Meniere’s Help alone who have overcome Meniere’s successfully stand as testimony that this can be done, not to mention my own personal case which you might find interesting to read about.

Click here to read Mike’s Meniere’s Story

In the past 4 or 5 years, the vast majority of sufferers who have contacted Meniere’s Help, beaten this condition and regained their lives have read Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance. Prior to my writing these books, it was often the sufferers themselves who were the greatest sources of helpful information, through both their successful experiences and their problems. Some of their stories are in the books. I correlate their experiences with scientific medical studies, data and statistics to back everything up and prove it is never a case of simply hearsay much less placebo effect.

It can sometimes need a quantum shift in perception and attitude towards Meniere’s in some people before this becomes obvious.

  • The first two steps in overcoming Meniere’s is to change your perception of what you are dealing with and refuse to accept the entrenched dogma of drugs to ‘treat symptoms’, surgery and the all too often spouted “learn to live with it“.
  • The next step is to manage your condition, stabilizing your symptoms so you can at least function normally again.
  • The final step is to identify and eliminate or correct your own individual root cause(s) so you never have to worry about the symptoms returning.

You need to educate yourself, take that knowledge, correlate it with your own particular case then take action, be that something you need to do yourself or take the information to an appropriate health professional to get checked and/or treated.

If you strip away the label ‘Meniere’s‘, see this idiopathic condition for what it is, simply a set of symptoms, then investigate the pathology of these symptoms you soon find both the root causes and more importantly solutions are indeed known. It may be surprising to some that these possible root causes are actually documented in scientific peer reviewed medical studies, data and statistics. Which begs the question then why are treating health professionals not aware of this?

Some are.

It just depends on which health professional you ask. On average, an ENT doctor or a so called  “Meniere’s specialist” will be very compartmentalized and concentrate only on a narrow area of expertise surrounding the ear, nose and throat.

Very few will have comprehensive knowledge of and understand the implications of gut issues, a misaligned musculoskeletal frame, immune system disorders, dental and jaw issues, toxicity or allergies. Fewer still will have any real in depth knowledge of nutrition.

Yet any one of these areas could be where the root cause for Meniere’s symptoms begin in any one individual. This is documented fact in studies cited in many articles on this blog and the evidence of testimonials from sufferers who have contacted Meniere’s Help over the past 13 years, you could say are further proof of this.

The simple fact is that everything within the body is connected and once something becomes out of balance or dysfunctional it can lead to a domino effect or knock on effect and result in dysfunctions and conditions that at first glance may seem totally unconnected.

Health professionals who understand this and take a more holistic approach are still relatively rare but the numbers are certainly growing. It surely must be the obvious common sense approach and how medicine should be practiced. Prevention and correcting root causes rather than the perpetual writing of prescriptions for drugs to simply try to treat resulting symptoms.

The problem with this condition is, simply because of the general perception of “Meniere’s” and its definition as “idiopathic” it means if you do find your root cause, correct or eliminate it and no longer suffer from any symptoms then you will be told you didn’t have “true Meniere’s“. 

There can never be a definitive cure because there is no definitive cause.  So then what is needed is to find your own cause, or causes (there can be more than one) in your own particular case. Do that and you have found the key to your own particular cure. The question is, do you stubbornly stick with the official line and continue to suffer or do you take things into your own hands and free yourself from this horrendous set of symptoms?

You might ask, “but where do I start once I have changed my perception?”

This is one of several reasons why I spent 7 years researching and writing books on the subject. There are too many variants and differences in each sufferer to do anything else. If there weren’t we could be shouting “we have the cure” and write it in one blog post. That is not the case though.

Meniere’s Disease has several possible root causes, many triggers and contributing factors in each individual case. Find your cause and you have in effect found the key to your solution, cure, answer or what ever words you want to use to describe eliminating these symptoms from your life.

Make no mistake, this can be done, it has been done and is being done all the time. Thousands have done this to my knowledge alone, including myself of course.

The need for Balance is not only true for the inner ear but everywhere in your body, from micro cellular level to musculoskeletal level.

When something is out of sync elsewhere inside the body, this can lead to a knock on effect, or domino effect that ultimately can result in inner ear dysfunction. This is in fact must be true for many disorders and diseases. You do not have to dig that deep to discover this is a simple biological fact.

The problem both doctors and patients face is that modern medical culture is geared almost exclusively to treating the end results, treating the symptoms; never looking for the cause.

Dr Amy Myers, New York best seller with her book ‘The Thyroid connection‘ explains this very well regarding how autoimmune disease is treated. You can read her comments in the article: Can Meniere’s disease be caused by Autoimmunity?

To paraphrase her: autoimmune disease attacks different organs. The sufferer will be sent to a doctor or specialist connected to that specific organ. Treatments will then be administered to stop the symptoms. These drugs will often have side effects in other parts of the body and then the sufferer will go through the same process again. Yet the root problem is what is causing the autoimmune response. Autoimmune disease is a dysfunction of the actual immune system, not the targeted organ. So if the sufferer wants to free themselves from the symptoms completely, the immune system in general is what should be concentrated upon.

The same goes for Meniere’s. The ear is the targeted organ, or the dysfunction of the inner ear is the end result. You need to find what the root cause of that is in your particular case. And it may be rare that it is in or around the actual ear.

From the endocrine system, metabolism and thyroid, the gut, blood flow, the back, the neck, the jaw, dental issues and importantly the immune system in general. Any one of these and more, if dysfunctional or out of balance, may lead to the symptoms of Meniere’s eventually manifesting. Balance in your lifestyle and diet is also important. Poor diet can lead to many dysfunctions and disorders, while prolonged stress can manifest poor health in many different ways, including Meniere’s.

When you have Meniere’s disease, you lose balance in inner ear equilibrium but, as stated above, this loss of balance can be a result of imbalances elsewhere within your body or even your life. Learn how to bring your body and lifestyle back into balance, regain homeostasis and you can stop the symptoms of Meniere’s.

Given the right conditions, the human body can be the best hospital possible. It needs you to create the right conditions and be the best doctor.

Can you really reduce or stop your symptoms? Moreover, can you free yourself from Meniere’s completely?

The evidence from thousands Meniere’s Help has supported over the past 13 years shows us without doubt that yes, absolutely you can.

The answer to this in your own case, can very much depend on you. As stated above, it may take a quantum shift in perception and attitude to what you are dealing with, so then the next question is……..

Do you think you are ready or prepared to do whatever it is you need to overcome Meniere’s?

What value do you really put on regaining your health and your life? Are you willing to actually do what it takes? You may be thinking to yourself, “of course I am ready, why wouldn’t I be?”

Consider the fact that a huge percentage of smokers, when told they have lung cancer continue to smoke. Why is that? We really can be our body’s own worst enemies sometimes, and I do not exclude myself when saying that.

When readers of  ‘Managing Meniere’s’ and ‘The Need for Balance’ email Meniere’s Help and say things like, “You saved my life“, this is something money cannot buy.

To me such words are priceless. Not the somewhat over the top flattery of these words but the fact that yet another sufferer has beaten this condition. I suffered horribly for 7 years, I know how you feel if you are a sufferer and I would not wish Meniere’s on my worst enemy.

I rarely publish these types of emails on Meniere’s Help for fear of giving the impression of hype and sensationalism. Trust and integrity is very important in what I do. After all, this is a condition where most fear they are stuck with Meniere’s and often get told they have to learn to live with it, there is nothing more to be done.

The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth.

These flattering messages are slightly embarrassing for me and not really true; it was the sufferer who refused to accept they would just have to ‘learn to live with it”, they got proactive, took the appropriate action in their individual case and got themselves healed . They just needed the right information and pointers in the right direction.

You can read some messages from readers I actually do publish here and here.

If you are suffering from Meniere’s, I know you feel like you would do anything to get your life back; to feel normal again, right? There came a time when I would have drunk kitchen bleach if I thought it would have helped; I was that desperate. I also know how you feel if you are somewhat skeptical or your BS detector is flashing. I was once in the same mindset as you and I have seen a lot of nonsense so called ‘cures‘ come and go on the internet over the years.  Healthy skepticism is a good thing in my eyes, but at the same time a closed mind will never free you of Meniere’s or any other ‘dis’ ‘ease’ either.

Simply put, you need to know the how and why, then the what you can do about it. This is what the Need for Balance is there for. Ultimately to give you the information you need to free yourself of Meniere’s.

It may sound like a strange question, but are you really, honestly, ready to do whatever is needed in your case, to live symptom free or even overcome Meniere’s completely, despite all the negativity and naysayers surrounding this condition?

Many sufferers are convinced overcoming Meniere’s disease is simply not possible. This is what they have been told, what they have read. So the very first hurdle to overcome is this understandable, yet wrongly held belief.

How about you?

Albert Einstein allegedly once said, “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one that walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.

If you simply accept the commonly held belief that there is no known cause or cure and that there is no getting over Meniere’s then that is exactly where you will remain, stuck in a cycle of vertigo attacks, brain fog, tinnitus and everything else that comes with this condition. You will be stuck with too many other sufferers going round in circles dependent on drugs that at best give negligible levels of relief and possible side effects, or worse, you will end up gambling with intrusive or destructive surgery as I once foolishly did. You will be entrenched in hopelessness.  In short, you will be stuck with Meniere’s ‘disease’.

If you are ready to stop accepting the little to no hope dogma of treat the symptoms with drugs, “nothing more to be done” and “learn to live with it“. If you are ready to educate yourself and take the appropriate action needed in your own case. If you are ready to take your life back, you are in the right place to start.

If your treating health professionals have told you there is nothing more to be done, then it is down to YOU to get proactive. As stated above overcoming Meniere’s completely can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.

Are you ready to start getting your life back? Contrary to popular misguided belief, overcoming Meniere’s disease is very achievable. 

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Related articles:

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Do you have a success story to tell? Have you reduced, managed or completely freed yourself of Meniere’s symptoms?  Email Mike at: or tell us all about it in the comments box below

Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Super Foods for Meniere’s Disease

Can nutrient packed super foods help reduce the symptoms of Meniere’s?

If you have spent much time on our main website Menieres-Help.Com you will know that a big part of managing your symptoms and living a normal life with Meniere’s is about diet.

What you eat, do not eat can have a huge effect, both positively an negatively.  Supporting your immune system with the right quality dietary supplements and eating the right foods can often mean a reduction or even elimination of your symptoms.

This is not a cure, nor is it a treatment but rather you supplying enough of the right nutrients to your immune system, making it strong enough and balanced so as to deal with the inflammation within your ear (and elsewhere) and promoting healthy blood flow to the ear.

Dietary supplements work best in synergy with a healthy balanced (organic where possible) whole food diet.

A specific regimen of quality supplements in the vast majority of cases has worked in allowing sufferers to live free of symptoms. This has been successful for over a decade.

That said, not all of us can manage to eat and live as our body requires to stay healthy.  We need that extra help cleansing our bodies of toxins, keeping our cellular environment healthy, producing good blood flow and strengthening our immune system enough to fight the unusual amount of inflammation that may be occurring to create Meniere’s  symptoms.

In addition to this our endocrine system needs to be kept balanced so as not cause any dysfunctions that may also ultimately lead to the manifestation of Meniere’s symptoms.

What is a ‘Super Food’ and how might it help you?

Super foods are exceptionally nutrient-rich foods considered to be even more beneficial for health than normal healthy foods.


Chlorella has worked for many people by detoxing and helping the body’s natural immune system suppress the symptoms of Meniere’s. It tackles the inflammation within the ear, promoting blood flow and preventing degenerative disease states developing within the cells by alkalizing them.

As stated above, dietary considerations including supplementation can allow many people to live a life free of most if not all the symptoms of MD. Sufferers live a normal healthy life with lots of energy. The worst they may experience is a slight tinnitus. If the tinnitus increases for any reason, increasing the amount of flavonoids you eat in food or supplement with can help reduce it again.

We have received plenty of emails from sufferers who have used Chlorella in conjunction with other supplements successfully to keep the symptoms at bay.

I myself used Chlorella while in Japan around 2001 with some notable success. It worked wonders for a while but wasn’t quiet enough on its own at that time when my condition was at its very worst.  What it did do was introduced me to the concept of nutrition and supplementation being able to help what I had previously been led to believe was a hopeless situation. Prior to that time I was completely ignorant and dismissive of the idea partly due to my treating doctors dismissing it as mere hearsay with no clinical proof.

According to ‘Japan Chlorella Treatment Association‘ they have received more than 1800 reports describing successful experiences with Chlorella and Eleuthero  (Siberian Ginseng) in gaining relief from MD.

NOTE: *** See bottom of page for details on Eleuthero, which also may be considered somewhat of a super food***

Chlorella is in fact the most widely used supplement in Japan full stop.  According to leading authority on nutrition, Dr Joseph Mercola, over 10 million Japanese supplement with it regularly.

Chlorella also detoxes the body of heavy metals. Its molecular structure, allows it to bond to metals, chemicals and some pesticides.

When Chlorella is taken into your body, its natural action will bind it to lingering heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides found in your digestive tract, which is your body’s pathway to your bloodstream where these harmful toxins are delivered and deposited into your cells.

This super food does not bind to the minerals your body naturally needs to function optimally like calcium, magnesium, or zinc.

Even NASA has studied using Chlorella as the one of first whole foods in space on the international space station!

Studies in Japan have shown Chlorella may help reduce body fat percentage, may be useful in fighting obesity and weight related diabetes. It may also help reduce both cholesterol and hypertension. Chlorella cleanses the bowel and other elimination channels, protects your liver and promotes clean blood.  Clean blood helps cleanse the body tissues of metabolic waste.

One reason it is such a powerful detoxifier is because it is rich in chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll packed Chlorella has a lot of useful properties that are important to Meniere’s sufferers:

  1.  Helps you process more oxygen
  2.  Helps purify your blood and clean away toxins
  3.  Promotes optimal blood pressure
  4.  Support elimination of molds in your body
  5.  Boosts your immune system
  6.  Enhances your ability to focus and concentrate
  7.  Increases your energy levels
  8.  Balances your body’s pH
  9.  Normalizes your blood sugar and blood pressure

A three-year double-blind metal detoxification study with over 350 people participating was undertaken at a Russian metal foundry, where more than 20 natural compounds were used in trials to remove heavy metals from people who had been exposed at very high levels to four metals — antimony, lead, cadmium and arsenic.

‘Broken Cell Wall’ Chlorella combined with Cilantro eliminated ALL heavy metals, including mercury! With no reported side-effects!

One of the major possible causes of Meniere’s in some people is mercury laden amalgam fillings. Chlorella is said to be able to detox your body of heavy metals literally in weeks, which is incredibly powerful.

If your only root cause were leaky amalgam fillings (see link above), you had those fillings removed then followed this up with detoxing the mercury from your body using chlorella and cilantro in this case you could actually say that supplementation was indeed part of your ‘cure’.

How might chlorella help Meniere’s sufferers?

  1. As stated above, by feeding your immune system adequate nutrients to keep it strong enough to deal with inflammation constantly
  2. Promoting good blood flow in and around the ear and the body in general
  3. Alkalizing the cells in your body to give them balanced pH levels therefore helping prevent degenerative disease states to develop
  4. Boosting energy and mental clarity, preventing the extreme exhaustion and brain fog sufferers experience
  5. Detoxing your body of potential harmful toxins, including heavy metals such as mercury


Spirulina and Chlorella are often compared to each other as they are both nutrient packed antioxidant filled algae.  They are also both good sources of essential amino acids/protein.

As with Chlorella, NASA has also proposed using this algae as space food.

Spirulina is incredibly well balanced with B vitamins, minerals, omega oils, micro nutrients and even ‘healthy’ carbohydrates. Some claim it may be the single most nutrient-dense food on earth.

And just like chlorella, it is claimed to be a heavy metal detoxifier.

How might Spirulina specifically help with Meniere’s sufferers?

  1.  Packed with powerful anti oxidants and natural anti inflammatory properties. It also increases levels of antioxidant enzymes in the blood. Very important (see The Inflammatory Process)
  2.  Balances cholesterol levels and reduces high blood pressure, promoting good blood flow. Promoting good blood flow is a common treatment for Meniere’s.
  3.  Spirulina supplements have been shown to be very effective against allergic rhinitis. Sinus problems are a known trigger for Meniere’s sufferers. The number of email requests we get always spikes in the allergy seasons.


The powerhouse Moringa Tree contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins which are needed to grow, repair and maintain cells. Healthy cells, healthy body, that simple.

Sometimes described as the “miracle tree,” its leaves are packed with an incredible amount of nutrition: protein, calcium, beta carotene, vitamin C, potassium… pretty much everything. It has been used as food and medicinally for at least 4,000 years.

Ayurvedic medicine associates moringa with the cure or prevention of about 300 diseases. Moringa seeds are said to work better for water purification than many of the conventional synthetic materials in use today.

Why is moringa a ‘powerhouse’ and referred to as a super food?      

  1. It has 9 times more protein than yogurt
  2. It has 10 times more vitamin A (beta carotene -pro vitamin A) than carrots
  3. It has 15 times more potassium than bananas
  4. It has 17 times more calcium than milk
  5. It has 12 times more vitamin C than oranges
  6. It has 25 times more iron than spinach

Moringa leaves are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta-carotene, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid, has been shown to slow cells’ absorption of sugar, preventing diabetes.

According to the ‘Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention’:

“The leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree have been reported to demonstrate antioxidant activity due to its high amount of polyphenols.

Moringa oleifera extracts of both mature and tender leaves exhibit strong antioxidant activity against free radicals, prevent oxidative damage to major biomolecules, and give significant protection against oxidative damage.”

In a study of women taking 1.5 teaspoons of moringa leaf powder daily for three months, blood levels of antioxidants increased significantly.

Anyone who has read about the supplement regimen we write about on Menieres-Help.Com will know how important antioxidants are in fighting oxidative stress and therefore inflammation.

Moringa can lower blood sugar levels. One study found women who took seven grams of moringa leaf powder daily for three months reduced their fasting blood sugar levels by 13.5 percent.

Separate research revealed that adding 50 grams of moringa leaves to a meal reduced the rise in blood sugar by 21 percent among diabetic patients.

It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.  The isothiocyanates, flavonoids*, and phenolic acids in moringa leaves, pods, and seeds all have anti-inflammatory properties.

*Flavonoids are an important ingredient in all nutritionists recommendations for Meniere’s.

According to the Epoch Times:

The tree’s strong anti-inflammatory action is traditionally used to treat stomach ulcers. Moringa oil (sometimes called Ben oil) has been shown to protect the liver from chronic inflammation. The oil is unique in that, unlike most vegetable oils, moringa resists rancidity”

Moringa balances cholesterol levels. One study found its effects were comparable to those of the cholesterol-lowering drug simvastatin.

As noted in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology:

“Moringa oleifera is used in Thai traditional medicine as cardiotonic. Recent studies demonstrated its hypocholesterolemic effect.… In hypercholesterol-fed rabbits, at 12 weeks of treatment, it significantly (P<0.05) lowered the cholesterol levels and reduced the atherosclerotic plaque formation to about 50 and 86%, respectively. These effects were at degrees comparable to those of simvastatin.… The results indicate that this plant possesses antioxidant, hypolipidaemic, and antiatherosclerotic activities, and has therapeutic potential for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.”

The leaves and seeds of moringa may protect against some of the effects of arsenic toxicity, which is  important given that studies show that there is contamination in common staple foods, such as rice. Contamination of ground water by arsenic has also become a cause of global public health concern.

One study revealed that using moringa seed powder when arsenic is present could significantly protect from oxidative stress and reduce tissue arsenic concentration.

There is speculation that moringa’s ability to attach itself to harmful materials may also happen in the body, making moringa a potential detoxification ‘super food’

How might Moringa help Meniere’s sufferers?

  1.  It is packed with anti-oxidants, strengthening the immune system
  2.  Has anti-inflammatory properties to fight the inflammation inside the ear.
  3.  Powerful detoxifier (e.g. leaked mercury from amalgam fillings)
  4.  Helps keep the blood healthy and promotes good blood flow (common treatment aims with Meniere’s)
  5.  Contains flavonoids and high levels of vitamin C (both used to reduce Meniere’s symptoms)
  6. Has high amounts of potassium. (Potassium levels are depleted by some drugs used for Meniere’s. This can cause dizziness in itself.)


Beets (Beetroot) sales according to the UK newspaper The Daily Mail in 2014 were up 20% over the past four years. It seems people are catching on to the fact that this purple root vegetable, that my father ate all the time and I hated as a kid, is indeed a super food.

Beetroot is a good source of iron and folate (naturally occurring folic acid), nitrates, betaine, magnesium, manganese and other antioxidants (notably betacyanin).

As far back as 1940 a study showed people with Meniere’s disease experienced decreased symptoms after receiving 10 to 20 intravenous infusions of magnesium.

According the UK National Health website a 2013 study showed beetroot lowers blood pressure and a 2012 study showed it may increase blood flow to the brain.

Beets are especially rich in a micronutrient called betaine or trimethylglycine (TMG).  Betaines are helpful for the elimination of toxins and the reduction of the amino acid homocysteine, linked to improved heart health.  Betaine has been documented by the University of Maryland to help in the decrease of high homocysteine levels. High amounts of homocysteine can damage red blood vessels, causing strokes, blood clots atherosclerosis and heart disease.

One of the major benefits of beet juice is that it contains the antioxidant pigments called betalains mentioned above.  These are components that help to boost the immune system, but also act as anti-inflammatories, antifungals and detoxification aids.

The betalains in raw beet juice are one of the best blood purifiers.  Beet juice can greatly assist in the process of detoxification from harmful pollutants, heavy metals and chemicals in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.

In my research for the book The Need for Balance I discovered the levels of toxins entering our bodies from all sources is, quite frankly, shocking! Is it any wonder cancer rates are up 1000’s % in some cases over the past 50 or 60 years? You don’t have to be a genius to figure out why.

It is sad and worrying to realize we live in a very toxic environment, we fill our bodies with toxic ‘food like’ substances from the processed food, snacks and candy shelves in the supermarket. Even food we believe is healthy fresh produce is often laden with toxic pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, defoliants and chemical industrial run off. And don’t get me started on junk food! The secret is in the name ‘junk’.

There has never been a more pressing need for clean, naturally balanced, nutrient rich organic food. What we get instead is morons in position of power being fed bad pseudo science and fabricated scaremongering (and a whole lot of money) to agree to GMO’s and highly toxic pesticides, but I digress.

Beets, and especially the juice from beets, also helps to detoxify the body via an increase in glutathione production.  Glutathione is a master molecule that binds with toxins and pollutants that enter the bloodstream and eliminates them through the bowels.

Beets also boost the immune system because they contain significant amounts of vitamin C.  In addition, they are particularly known for their high amounts of folic acid and are therefore recommended for pregnant women for proper spinal cord development of the baby.   Folic acid also helps to manufacture red blood cells.

The nutrient content in beets is impressive:

  • Betaine
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • B Vitamins
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Choline
  • Folic Acid
  • Sulfur
  • Silica
  • Boron
  • Phosphorus
  • Fiber
  • Nitrates
  • Other Betalains
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin

How might Beets (especially juiced) help Menieres Sufferers?

  1. Helps with inflammation
  2. Increases blood flow
  3. Increases supply of oxygen to the brain and body
  4. Strengthens the immune system
  5. Purifies the blood and liver
  6.  Reducing high homocysteine levels
  7. Increases glutathione

All in all beetroot detoxes, fights inflammation and helps blood flow. All of these being of various levels of importance to the sufferer, depending on your root cause.

Green tea

What make Japanese Green tea a super food?

Japanese evidence suggests that more than three cups a day may ward off the recurrence of breast cancer. Studies have shown that people who drink five cups a day are 16 per cent less likely to develop heart disease.

The results of a Swiss study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggest that an extract from green tea may help with weight loss by speeding up fat oxidation. Researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

After studies, it has been suggested that green tea protects against Alzheimer’s.

Green tea prevents cancer on a number of fronts: by protecting against damage to DNA, where the trigger for cancer is, and by shutting down a key molecule in the body that plays a significant role in the development of cancer. Swedish research has shown it inhibits the formation of new tumors.

Green tea also repairs damage to livers caused by alcohol, protects against diseases such as Parkinson’s and rheumatoid arthritis, and restricts the build-up of cholesterol in the blood. Female tea drinkers have stronger bones than non-tea drinkers, and this reduces the risk of osteoporosis.


Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancer and protect externally against DNA damage induced by ultraviolet light. It also contains bioflavonoids, which protect us against infection and as stated above is also used for dietary treatment of Meniere’s.

Green tea keeps its special health-giving properties as apposed to English tea because of the way it is processed. The caffeine content in green tea is less than coffee. Large amounts of caffeine can trigger attacks for Meniere’s sufferers simply because it is a stimulant that may be too much for already over sensitive nerves leading to or connected to the hearing and balance nerves.

Having spent 15 years living in Japan, I sometimes would have a day where I only drank green tea instead of English tea or coffee. I recognized two things when I drank it. Firstly I would pee a lot more and secondly I would feel very “clean” inside, and very light. My urine would also be very clear.

The catechin polyphenols are said to cleanse the liver and green tea is a natural diuretic. Diuretic drugs are given to Meniere’s sufferers as part of treatment in mainstream medicine. If you are peeing more than usual then dehydration is a consideration. Dehydration has been linked to triggering attacks so drink plenty of water too.

Given the choice though, using a natural diuretic full of beneficial nutrients is a much more attractive option for me than synthetic drugs any day of the week.

Beneficial Nutrient content in green tea:

  1. Potassium
  2. Protein (small amount)
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Calcium
  5. Riboflavin (B2)
  6. Niacin (B3)
  7. Vitamin B6
  8. Folic Acid (Folate)
  9. Magnesium
  10. Manganese
  11. Panthothenic Acid

How might green tea (green tea extract) help Meniere’s sufferers?

  1.  Contains bioflavonoids
  2.  Contains antioxidants
  3.  Is a natural diuretic
  4.  Detoxes and cleanses


Wheatgrass is a nutrient packed superfood with detoxification properties . Like Chlorella, it is packed with Chlorophyll; in fact it is 70% Chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is the molecule that gives plants their green color, and which helps them to photosynthesize (convert sunlight into chemical energy).

In humans, chlorophyll is a powerful blood cleaner and builder. It delivers a continuous energy transfusion into our bloodstream, increasing and replenishing our red blood cell count while increasing our hemoglobin levels so that our red blood cells can deliver us increased amounts of oxygen. Since destructive bacteria cannot exist in the presence of oxygen, eating more chlorophyll-rich foods like wheatgrass can help guard us from a host of serious diseases.

Wheatgrass contains a large number of digestive enzymes (substances that help reduce toxic and indigestible materials in food), and is known to treat several digestive conditions.

A  2002 study published in the ‘Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology’, showed that wheatgrass juice could help treat ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease similar to Crohn’s.
The UCLA Brain Research Institute found that wheatgrass can help improve indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux.
Wheatgrass is a good source of potassium, a very good source of dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.
Although it is a good source of these nutrients, broccoli and spinach on balance probably contains as much if not more. The real power of wheat grass that makes people claim it is a superfood is the huge percentage of Chlorophyll in its make up.
How might it help Meniere’s Sufferers?
  1. Contains Chlorophyll
  2. Detoxes
  3. Has multi-vitamin levels of nutrients.
  4. Good source of potassium
  5. Promotes gut health possibly aiding metabolism


Ashwagandha is what is termed as an ‘adaptogen’. Adaptogens have the ability to help the body cope with both external and internal stresses from toxins.

In India, ashwagandha is known as the “strength of the stallion” since it has traditionally been used to strengthen the immune system after illness. Sometimes referred to as ‘Indian ginseng’ it is reported to have the ability to enhance stamina and have extraordinary stress relieving properties.

The leaves, the root and the berry are all used.

In over 200 studies it was found to:

  1. Improve thyroid function
  2. Treat adrenal fatigue
  3. Reduce anxiety and depression
  4. Combat effects of stress
  5. Increase stamina and endurance
  6. Prevent and treat cancer
  7. Reduce brain cell degeneration
  8. Stabilize blood sugar
  9. Lower cholesterol
  10. Boost immune system

A pretty impressive list of benefits, some of which directly help with Meniere’s symptoms.

Ashwagandha’s biggest claim to fame as a superfood is probably its ability to balance hormones and therefore improving the health of the thyroid.

Adaptogenic herbs work with your body to bring you back into balance whether your levels are high or low, therefore it can help both over active and under active thyroids.

There are currently millions of people who struggle with thyroid problems (many of whom don’t even know it).  Ashwagandha is a very important food to consider for this problem.

Ashwagandha has also been proven effective in supporting adrenal function helping you overcome adrenal fatigue and chronic stress. Another (food) herb packed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Your adrenal glands are endocrine glands that are responsible for releasing hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) in response to stress on your body.

If  your adrenals are overtaxed due to an overabundance of emotional, physical and mental stress, it can lead to a condition known as adrenal fatigue. The adrenal gland is part of the endocrine system and disorders in either are linked to Meniere’s in some people.

Medical studies have shown that ashwagandha improves cortisol levels, improves insulin sensitivity and naturally balances hormones. A case study reported a case of a 57-year-old woman with non-classical adrenal hyperplasia. She was treated with ashwagandha for six months, and after her treatment she saw improvements in four adrenal hormone markers, including corticoosterone and 11-deoxycortisol, which decreased by 69 percent and 55 percent respectively — a major improvement!

*This hormonal improvement was also accompanied by a noticeable reduction in hair loss.*

Recent research has proven ashwagandha is more than a stress reliever, it also protects the brain from degeneration and improves symptoms of alzheimer’s, depression, and anxiety.

Recent research on Ashwagandha conducted at the ‘National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology’ in Japan found that the leaves of Ashwagandha can selectively inhibit cancer cells.

A study published in Phytotherapy Research explains:

Several studies have revealed that natural antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene, may help in scavenging free radicals generated during the initiation and progression of this [Alzheimer’s] disease.  But we found Ashwagandha afforded lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects more potent than commercial antioxidants.

Researchers at the National Brain Research Center found that mice with Alzheimer’s were unable to retain what they learned, but after 20 days of supplementing with ashwagandha, this improved significantly.

Both thyroid problems and adrenal/endocrine problems have been linked to Meniere’s.

How might ashwagandha help Meniere’s sufferers?

  1.  Improve thyroid and endocrine function
  2.  Helps reduce anxiety, stress and depression
  3.  Increases energy levels
  4.  Boosts the immune system
  5. Contains anti-oxidants
  6. Contains anti-inflammatory properties


Finally, Turmeric has been accepted as one of the most beneficial spices on earth and certainly deserves its label as a ‘super food’. It contains powerful anti-oxidants and the benefits to health are too long numerous to mention in this article.

It wouldn’t be unfair to say cellular inflammation is at epidemic levels in today’s world of convenience foods and toxic overload coming from every direction.  It is the fundamental cause of degenerative disease in our society. Turmeric has been shown to reduce inflammation & oxidative stress as well as any food or herbal medicine ever studied.

Turmeric root is incredibly rich in curcuminoid polyphenol anti-oxidants that give it a classic yellow-orange color. The principal crucuminoid is curcumin which is responsible for much of the health benefits attributed to turmeric. The other 2 curcuminoids are desmethoxycurcumin and bis-desmethoxycurcumin.

It is the 4th highest anti-oxidant rich herb with an extraordinarily impressive ORAC score of 159,277. These anti-oxidants such as curcumin are very powerful modulators of oxidative stress.

Blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistant cell membranes are critical factors that promote inflammatory conditions in the body. Curcumin has been shown to stabilize blood sugar and reverse cellular insulin resistance by increasing the number of insulin receptors and improving the receptor binding capacity to insulin.

Turmeric also boosts levels of natural cellular anti-oxidants such as glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. These molecules are critical for the body to limit oxidative stress continuously throughout the day. The greater the surplus of cellular anti-oxidants the less stress and damage occurs inside the body.

It stabilizes blood pressure and improves cardiovascular function.  This extra super ‘superfood’ improves blood flow and reduces brain inflammation, thus making you cognitively sharper while protecting against Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and every other neurodegenerative disorder. It has been shown to speed up wound healing from cuts & burns while reducing inflammatory skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema.
Unfortunately, because of the huge influence on mainstream media by the ‘big pharma’ corporations anything natural that can not be patented, profited from and monopolized gets either pretty much ignored or slandered, creating an over reliance on synthetic drugs that we are pushed to use to ‘treat’ medical conditions .
Cures and natural medicine is not profitable and therefore undesirable to those that pull the strings of the media, medical schools’ funding and politicians.
In the case of turmeric though even Fox news had to concede that, “modern science is beginning to recognize its worth.” That is nice to recognize something that has been known for its medicinal power for over 4000 years in Asia.
 According to ‘ethnobotonist’, author and “Medicine Hunter” Chris Kilham,
“Turmeric is one of the greatest, beneficial medicinal plants in the entire world, It’s also one of the most researched medicinal plants in history.”
There are nearly 5,000 studies and articles on curcumin or turmeric listed in the National Institutes of Health PubMed database, which is considered one of the top directories for medical research (as of 2015).
There has been research and testing of the effects of turmeric on everything from achy joints to blood sugar management and finding various promising results. Among its many benefits, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic, wound-healing and anti-malarial properties.
In sharp contrast to many pharmaceuticals only positive side effects have been recorded.
Kilham points out,
 “Let’s say you take ibuprofen for pain, There is a cascade — a downward cascade of negative consequences. That cascade may include kidney failure, or increased risk for heart attack and stroke if you take too much. For other drugs, the risks and side effects differ. These things “aren’t what you asked for,  When you take turmeric for pain, however, you get this upward cascade of benefits you didn’t necessarily ask for, such as anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidants.”
Turmeric contains:
  1. Folates
  2. Niacin
  3. Pyridoxine
  4. Riboflavin
  5. Vitamin A
  6. Vitamin C
  7. Vitamin E
  8. Vitamin K

As with ginkgo which is used for helping Meniere’s symptoms, if you are on blood thinners such as warfarin or aspirin you should consult a physician before supplementing with turmeric or eating large amounts. Turmeric has blood thinning properties already, which is one of many reasons why it so good for the heart and blood flow.

How might turmeric help Meniere’s sufferers?

  1. Anti inflammatory properties
  2. High levels of Anti oxidants
  3. Strengthens the immune system
  4. Can help reduce stress and depression
  5. Promotes good blood flow
  6. Reduces nerve inflammation and headaches

So there you have it. 7 of the most powerful super foods for you to consider adding to your diet that may help reduce your symptoms enough for you to enjoy a ‘normal’ life.

*** Footnote*** In the report mentioned above from Japan Chlorella Treatment Association that stated 1800 sufferers showed positive improvements , Chlorella was used in conjunction with Eleuthero.

Eleuthero contains powerful phytochemicals like sterols, coumarins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides. Each of these compounds have unique healing potential, and when combined, they increase oxygen availability at the cellular level, encouraging blood flow, immune response, and antioxidant effects that protect your DNA.

The benefits of Eleuthero include:

  1. Improves immune system response (relevant to Meniere’s)
  2. Antioxidant protection (relevant to Meniere’s/ fight inflammation)
  3. Reduces irritation
  4. Better memory and recall (relevant to Meniere’s/reduce brain fog)
  5. Increases libido
  6. Improves mental clarity (relevant to Meniere’s/reduce brain fog)
  7. Better focus (relevant to Meniere’s/reduce brain fog)
  8. Alertness (relevant to Meniere’s/reduce brain fog)
  9. Strengthens bones
  10. Reduces outbreaks in individuals infected with Herpes  (relevant to Meniere’s in some people)
  11. Encourages more restful sleep (relevant to Meniere’s/good sleeping patterns needed


If I have learned one thing from my experience with Meniere’s, it is not to underestimate the importance of what you eat and don’t eat. Regardless of your root cause, supplying your body with the right nutrients can allow your immune system to take care of the inflammation that, unchecked, ultimately results in your symptoms

When you consider that people have had success with chlorella alone and we know how much the anioxidant packed supplement regimen we and multiple thousands have used for over a decade has helped so much, just adding a few of these superfoods to your diet, supplementing with them or juicing them can only be a good thing. Not to mention the many other health benefits mentioned above as a bonus.

So in conclusion, incorporating superfoods into your diet can only be a good thing. Alternatively, try organic juicing powders that contains all 8 of the above mentioned super foods plus more for easy quick source of powerful nutrition every morning.

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By Mike Spencer

Founder of Meniere’s Help – Supporting sufferers since 2004

Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help Other Meniere’s Sufferers
Tell us all about your experience with any superfoods you have used.  Help other sufferers understand the power of good balanced nutrition in allowing your body to stop the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease . Use the comments box below or email Mike at

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