Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Metabolism and Meniere’s Disease

This is the third article in a series related to the endocrine system and Meniere’s Disease.

The hormones responsible for regulating metabolism are mainly produced by the pancreas and thyroid gland. These glands are part of the endocrine system.

Both thyroid dysfunction and endocrine disorders have been linked to Meniere’s disease, so too has metabolic disorder. Metabolic disorders can stem from the endocrine system and the thyroid being out of sync.

Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Natural chemicals in your digestive system break the food down into sugars and acids, your body’s fuel. Your body either uses this fuel straight away, or it stores the energy in your body tissues, such as your liver, muscles, and body fat.

A metabolic disorder occurs when abnormal chemical reactions in your body disrupt this process. When this happens, you might have too much of some substances or too little of others that you need to stay healthy. This can happen when the thyroid, adrenal glands or other organs and glands in the endocrine system are out of sync and sending out the wrong hormonal signals. Estrogen mimickers that make their way into our bodies mainly through toxins in foods and water are prime examples of endocrine disruptors  that create abnormal chemical reactions.

There are numerous studies and medical papers suggesting that metabolic abnormalities may be a contributing causative factor in Meniere’s.

Metabolism and Meniere’s: Studies

In a study of Meniere’s patients at the Department of Otolaryngology and Communicative Disorders of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in 1976,

it was found that there were Carbohydrate abnormalities in some and a significant number of patients were found to have lipid abnormalities. It was suggested that dietary management in these cases was believed to be helpful in the medical management of the patients .

Cambridge University Press published a paper in ‘The Journal of Laryngology & Otology’ in 1979 titled ‘Metabolic Investigations in Meniere’s Disease’.

It stated that both hyper and hypoglycaemia have been said to result in inner ear dysfunction. It was pointed out that diabetes can result in both progressive sensorineural  hearing loss and Meniere’s Syndrome.

The authors referenced studies that found 42% of a series of 19 Meniere’s patients were suffering with reactive hypoglycaemia when tested. In this particular test it was suggested that insulin sensitivity, possibly a result of adrenal insufficiency could account for the hypoglycaemia.

It stated that hearing loss can be related to hypothyroidism, Finally it was noted that hearing loss and vertigo may be among the first signs of myxoedema (typical of patients with under active thyroid glands) and are “reversible with treatment.”

Tell that to the doctor ‘treating’ your Meniere’s, the next time you are told there is nothing more to be done and learn to live with it. Although we do not see dietary changes and supplementation as either a treatment nor a cure, the testimonials of multiple thousands who have greatly reduced or eliminated their symptoms this way suggests the body can balance itself out when given the correct fuel.

It is all about bringing balance to your body systems from micro DNA level to macro muscular skeletal level, through cellular nutrition to cervical spine realignments for example. When everything is in sync, disease states are starved and the immune system is functioning enough to deal with any inflammation, preventing dysfunctions, disorders and disease. Some might call this ‘preventative medicine’, I call it good old fashioned common sense.

A study presentation at a Symposium at the 75th Annual Meeting of the American Laryngological, Rhlnological and Otological Society in 1972 stated the following:

Metabolic dysfunction is one of many factors mentioned as a primary or contributing cause of Ménière’s disease.

The symptoms of Ménière’s disease often become manifest during periods of stress. The adrenal pituitary axis plays a vital role in man’s reaction to stress. For this reason, hypoadrenal function was suggested as an etiology in some patients with Ménière’s disease.

In this study two tests were used to measure adreno-cortical reserve: ACTH plasma cortisol stimulation test and insulin stimulation test.

After evaluation of 98 patients with Ménière’s disease, we concluded the following:

1. The five-hour glucose tolerance test is helpful in identifying hypoglycemia, which may be a contributing factor in Ménière’s disease.

2. Non-myxedematous hypothyroidism may play an important role in some patients with Ménière’s disease.

3. Further endocrine studies will be necessary to determine the significance of the lowered adrenocortical reserve as shown by the ACTH plasma cortisol stimulation test.

We have long preached the importance of blood flow at Meniere’s Help and know how managing this through either diet and supplementation and/or spinal manipulation (where necessary) can make a huge difference. The study below backs up the importance of blood flow:

Published in Sage Journals the study ‘Metabolic Management in Menière’s Disease’ stated the following:

Extract: Pollution in the bloodstream by abnormal amounts of metabolites (sugar, insulin, triglycerides and cholesterol) over an extended period of time will have an adverse effect upon the small blood vessels.

If the microcirculation of the inner ear becomes afflicted, it may produce endolymphatic hydrops. Control of blood pollution can usually be achieved by intelligent dietary management.

Fifty consecutive cases of Menière’s disease were studied for abnormal levels of metabolites. Thirty-eight (76 %) of these cases had either an abnormal glucose tolerance test or at least borderline insulin levels: a) abnormal insulin levels, 35 cases; b) borderline insulin values, 3 cases; c) abnormal glucose tolerance with normal insulin values, no cases; d) both normal glucose tolerance and normal insulin production, 12 cases.

The number of studies and papers on this subject are numerous but how do you get metabolic disorders? As discussed in the articles on Thyroid dysfunctions and endocrine disorders at length, there are many toxic chemicals and pollutants found in the environment, water supplies and in foods that can accumulate in the body over a long period of time that can cause these problems.

For a healthy metabolism consider the following:

  • Use chili peppers in cooking, eat berries, eat more protein and less carbohydrates.
  • Keep active, build muscle
  • Drink teas and cold water
  • Keep your thyroid healthy
  • Restful sleep is important
  • Consider a body cleanse
  • Get enough Vitamin D
  • Take omega-3 fatty acid supplements
  • Take anthocyanin supplements

 Is Metabolism relevant in Meniere’s disease?

Judging from the evidence above, it would seem so. This article should be read in addition to articles on this blog Meniere’s disease and Thyroid dysfunction and Endocrine disorders and Meniere’s disease

Metabolism, the thyroid and endocrine systems are related to each other, and all three can be relevant in at least some Meniere’s sufferers.

If you find this site useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004
Researcher and Author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s Sufferers. Tell us all about your experiences with Meniere’s and Metabolism. Use the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

Autoimmunity as a candidate for the etiopathogenesis of Meniere’s disease: detection of autoimmune reactions and diagnostic biomarker candidate

Menière’s Disease and Disorders of the Carbohydrate Metabolism Involving the Inner Ear

Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Endocrine Disorders and Meniere’s Disease

The connection between endocrine disorders and Meniere’s Disease has been discussed and studied since late 1950’s and early 60’s. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and as I pointed out in my recent lengthy article, Thyroid Dysfunction Connections to Meniere’s Disease , according to studies over one 3rd of Meniere’s sufferers have thyroid issues.

Add to this fact that there has been a 600% increase in Meniere’s cases in Fukushima following the disaster at the nuclear power plant in 2011, adrenal and metabolic issues have been linked to Meniere’s and we see a pattern through the endocrine-thyroid-immune system with many cases of Meniere’s.

In addition to this, we have long preached the importance of dietary considerations, nutrition and keeping the immune system strong and healthy in order to stay symptom free, regardless of the particular root cause(s) of the inflammation within the ear (there are several possibilities and every case is different).

By joining the dots, we can see that it is vital to keep everything in balance. For example, adrenal stressors such as stress, allergies, poor nutrition, toxins, lack of sleep, gut irritating foods, some prescription drugs and caffeine have been linked to Meniere’s either as triggers or root causes.

The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system. Stressed adrenal glands can result in endocrine imbalances, thyroid dysfunction and can possibly ultimately result in the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease. As with all possible root causes of Meniere’s, it can lead to a domino effect and underscores the difficulty for the medical community in pinpointing a definitive cause. That is because there is no one definitive root cause. There are many, but as I point out in the book Managing Meniere’s Disease, that doesn’t mean you can not find yours and eliminate it from your life though.

In a 1977 German study published on Pub Med it concluded “This would result in reduced generation of the receptor potentials as well as in decreased activities of the first order afferent neurons as it was supposed earlier by other authors. This mechanism may be combined with a decompensation of active ion transport processes due to microcirculation disturbances. Finally it will be pointed out that true ruptures of the endolymphatic walls cannot be the usual mode of reversible lesions in Menières disease but a diffuse leakage of the perilymph-endolymph barrier.”

Blood flow is also an issue with Meniere’s Disease. Prescription drugs or supplements have been used to treat Meniere’s symptoms by promoting good blood flow. “Microcirculation disturbances” are an issue with Meniere’s.

A study was published in 2011 from The Department of Otolaryngology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan titled “The relevance of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical axis-related hormones to the cochlear symptoms in Ménière’s disease”.

The study was done to investigate the association of the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenocortical) axis-related hormones with the progression of cochlear symptoms in patients with Ménière’s disease.

Their reported conclusion was: “Our results suggest that the cortisol levels influence the endolymphatic homeostasis resulting in a deterioration of hearing at high frequency with upstaging of Ménière’s disease.

In layman’s terms, the balance of fluids within the endolymphatic system was affected by hormones produced by the adrenal gland and endocrine system.

Why would the endocrine system not function as it should and what can you do about this?

Something that disrupts the endocrine system can affect the adrenal gland, thyroid and metabolism causing all kinds of related health issues that doctors have difficulty finding the root cause of. All of the above have been linked Meniere’s Disease.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that throw the endocrine system out of balance and as this system is the main hormone regulator, as stated above this can cause all kinds of knock on effects, dysfunctions and disorders, including ultimately the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease.

Chemicals like BPA and phthalates are surprisingly used all around us in daily life and can infiltrate our body in many unsuspected ways. Most people are completely unaware of the toxins and health damaging chemicals that saturate our environment and directly enter our bodies everyday.

One of the reasons for this is the proliferation of plastics used today. Everything from food containers and drink bottles, to cosmetic and skin care product containers. Plastic is one of the main sources of endocrine disruptors. But it doesn’t stop there. Substances and materials used in paper receipts, tin cans, electronics and even money are common everyday items that contain endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Efforts by the European Union have been made to ban endocrine disruptors in all products but with the power of Billion dollar corporations whose only concern is profit the going is very slow.  With the introduction of recent global “trade deals” such as TTP it may become increasingly difficult to control the use of such harmful toxins in our lives.

Endocrine disruptors are commonly found in personal items, medicines, and cleaning products.  Things we use to protect ourselves from harm can actually be harming us in different unintended ways. Sunscreen is a classic example.

The reproductive organs are part of the endocrine system. A recent study found a chemical in sunblock has been linked to infertility in men, and another noted that phthalates in toys cause many of the same issues.

Dr Edward Group of the Global Healing Center in Texas explains how endocrine distruptors are such a huge health problem:

“Constant exposure to endocrine disruptors is like putting a drop of water in the gas tank of a car. One drop may not have a major impact, but drip by drip, the car soon breaks down.

Endocrine disruptors do the same thing to the human body. Unlike the car, before the body breaks down its main systems go haywire and present symptoms such as infertility, weight gain, cardiac disease, dementia, and so much more. That’s because hormones from endocrine organs, such as the thyroid, pituitary gland, testes, ovaries, pancreas, adrenal glands, and even the gastrointestinal tract, control every function in the body.”

Endocrine disruptors to avoid:

  • Organophosphate Pesticides

The overuse of pesticides in modern forced food production is discussed elsewhere on this website. It doesn’t take a genius to put 2 and 2 together to realize that the explosion of degenerative diseases over the past half century or so coincides with the introduction and proliferation of forced farming techniques that have robbed the soils of their mineral content and consequently resulted in the over use of chemical fertilizers and more and more pesticides.

Pesticide residue on vegetables and fruits are one of the most common ways we consume dangerous chemicals. Organophosphate pesticides have been shown to cause infertility in men, slow brain development in children, and have even been shown to affect thyroid function.

The only way to avoid these toxins is to eat organic. If that is impossible then regular detoxing and/or using quality, clean, safe dietary supplementation would seem very wise.

  • 17a-Ethynylestradiol

Estrogen mimickers abound in consumer products these days, causing all kinds of problems but 17a-Ethynylestradiol is a synthetic form of estrogen and the only one that remains active when taken orally. Currently, this synthetic hormone can be found in all forms of oral birth control.

Perhaps its most dangerous side effect is increasing the chances of breast cancer. Even the US government ( not known for over protecting its consumer public much in recent times) has had to acknowledge the dangers of this chemical.

  • PBDEs

PBDEs are fire retardants used in mattresses and other furniture and household goods. Normally exposure is associated with dust but according to a study published in the USA in 2009 one of the major sources of exposure to PBDEs was red meat and poultry!  The study analyzed data from 2004 as part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)

The study found serum levels of 5 different PBDEs were associated with eating poultry. People who ate more poultry  had higher levels of the PBDEs. Poultry fat was the greatest contributor to the body’s burden of PBDEs.

Red meat intake was associated with two of the measured PBDE levels. Seafood and dairy were not associated with any changes in the PBDE levels in serum.

Vegetarians had 23-27 percent less PBDEs circulating in their serum as compared to meat-eaters.

The highest levels of PBDEs were found in males, the youngest age group examined (12-19 yrs old), the poor and the underweight (subjects with lowest BMI).

This study indicates that food is a more important route than previously thought. A number of scientific studies have suggested that PBDE levels in food supplies are rising.

The toxic garbage that ends up on our plate in the form of meat is the subject of a whole book but why is this all significant to the Meniere’s sufferer?

PBDEs, or polybrominated diethyl ethers, disrupt thyroid function by blocking the uptake of iodine, eventually taking its place in the thyroid.  Because of this action, they also mimic and disrupt thyroid hormones.

As already stated above, over a 3rd of Meniere’s sufferers have thyroid issues and this may contribute to the root cause. Read about the importance of iodine and thyroid dysfunction connections to Meniere’s Disease here.

  • Phthalates

Phthalates are chemicals used as plastic additives for durability and flexibility. The negative health effects of these chemicals have been constantly reported in various studies all across the world. They can easily leach into water so people drinking water from pet-bottles are the most susceptible to chronic exposure. Again the proliferation of pet-bottle use for water over the past 30 years can be correlated to the rise in so many serious diseases and health conditions.

These chemicals have been linked to infertility in men, obesity, diabetes, and thyroid conditions. Returning to the old ways of storing foods and liquids in glass whenever possible would seem wise, or choose phthalate-free varieties if possible.

  • BPA

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a well known health hazard yet they still manage to permeate their way into our food and environment.  Its use has continued in plastic bottles, dental sealants, cell phone protectors, water pipes and it even coats store receipts.

This toxin easily leaches from containers and can absorb through the skin on contact; studies have found people who handle receipts have this chemical in their urine just a few hours later.  According to government research, 93% of Americans have detectable levels of BPA in their bodies.

Exposure to BPA is a concern because of possible health effects on the brain, behavior and prostate gland of fetuses, infants and children.

First synthesized in 1891, bisphenol A came into use as a synthetic estrogen in the 1930s. Later, chemists discovered that, combined with phosgene (used during World War I as a toxic gas) and other compounds, BPA yielded the clear, polycarbonate plastic of shatter-resistant headlights, eyeglass lenses, DVDs and baby bottles.

BPA is another estrogen mimicer. When it enters the body the endocrine system thinks it is estrogen and this throws hormonal balance out of sync.

Geneticist Patricia Hunt wrote in ‘Scientific America’ in 2008 of her studies into BPA, that with one dose of exposure in lab mice, “We’re actually affecting three generations simultaneously.”  She explained, “With hormones (and estrogen mimicers like BPA), she says, high doses can sometimes “shut down” the body’s response, and low doses are enough to exert effects.”

It would seem wise to choose BPA-free storage containers and use glass whenever possible.

  • Perchlorate

Primarily used in rocket fuel, explosives, fireworks and fertilizers, yet water contains the highest concentrations. According to the Water Research Foundation perchlorate contamination was found in ground water, surface water and drinking water in at least 26 US states as well as Canada. Although at very low levels it can be found naturally occurring, for a number of mainly industrial reasons high levels of contamination have been found everywhere from India to the UK.

Similarly to PBDEs, perchlorate replaces iodine in the thyroid and leads to decreased thyroid activity. Symptoms of decreased thyroid activity include weight gain, poor energy, depression and of course most importantly for readers of this website, decrease thyroid activity is linked to Meniere’s Disease.

The best solution to prevent damage from this endocrine disruptor is to ensure you are getting enough quality iodine on a daily basis and to use a high-quality water filter may also help filter out perchlorate and other contaminants.

  • Arsenic

This highly toxic element naturally occurs in trace amounts deep within the earth’s crust, but can enter water supplies through mining, industrial practices and agriculture.

The World Health Organization (WHO) clearly states that it is hazardous to human health. Scientific American published an article in 2011 with headlines, ‘Many U.S. Drinking Water Wells Contaminated with Arsenic, Other Elements‘ stating it is a national problem, scattered in every region.

Exposure to arsenic can result in insulin resistance, immune system suppression, slowed cognitive development, cardiovascular damage, and weight gain/loss. The best way to protect against arsenic is to install a water filter, one that specifically contains the ability to remove arsenic.

  • Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)

It’s estimated that 99% of Americans have PFC accumulation in their bodies. PFCs are commonly used to make non-stick pans. During cooking, some of these chemicals escape into your food and have the power to accumulate in your body. Once it’s there, it can be very difficult to remove.

PFCs disrupt hormone function and have been tied to infertility, ineffective sperm, heart disease, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, and low birth-weight in babies. In a study for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2010 it was confirmed PFCs, especially PFOA and PFHxS, negatively affect thyroid hormone levels.

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry at the CDC, PFCs can among many other things,  alter thyroid functions and the immune system. They state that completely preventing exposure to PFCs is unlikely, however, if you live near known sources of PFC contamination, you can take steps to reduce your risk of exposure to PFCs. Minnesota, Michigan, and Alabama have issued advisories cautioning consumers to either stop or limit eating fish from waters contaminated with PFOS or other PFCs.

Avoiding non-stick cookware, checking packaging and clothing labels may help you to avoid PFCs, and a deep and thorough cleansing may be helpful for removing built up levels of PFCs in the body.

  • Mercury

Mercury toxicity is a well known possible root cause of Meniere’s Disease, usually from leakages in amalgam fillings.

Mercury also attacks the pancreas in the endocrine system, thereby affecting insulin production. It can also result in headaches. Many people with Meniere’s symptoms also suffer from Migraines. High mercury counts have been found in fish in recent years and the type of new CFL light bulbs contain dangerous levels of mercury. In fact, if one of these light bulbs break, it’s recommended you evacuate the area to prevent exposure.

A whole host of health problems can occur from mercury exposure depending on the source, if it is organic mercury, inorganic mercury or elemental and vaporized mercury. Mercury exposure at high levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, the immune system and cause hearing loss.

Mercury is known to be the most poisonous, non-radioactive, naturally occurring substance on our planet and The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that there is no safe level of mercury. Mercury toxicity from amalgam can take a long time to accumulate. It’s a scientific fact that toxic mercury vapor can continually be released from amalgam fillings. 80% of it enters the body and accumulates in it.

Many people have stopped all Meniere’s symptoms after removing amalgam fillings and detoxing. Exposure to mercury in general is known to cause nausea/vomiting, dizziness, ringing in ears, sinusitis, lack of concentration/brain fog, allergies and water retention (edema). All of these are known Meniere’s symptoms or triggers.

It is also connected to these diseases related to the endocrine system: Hormonal dysfunction, Immune system disorders, Metabolic encephalopathy, Thyroid disease.

Dr Tom McGuire, a “Mercury free’ dentist has campaigned for years for the banning of the practice of using amalgam fillings and written several acclaimed books on the subject, including how to detoxify naturally.

  • Dioxin

Dioxin is recognized by the US government as an endocrine disruptor, yet the environment continues to be polluted. Research connects dioxin, a by product of many industrial processes, with heart disease, diabetes, reduced fertility, poor sperm activity and low sperm counts.

Meats and other food products which contain animal products provide the majority of exposure to Americans. It accumulates in fat and can remain for years, slowly poisoning us and slowly resulting in disease states.

  • Alcohol

Even if you never drink, alcohol can still be a relevant endocrine disruptor for you to consider. Alcohol has the power to negatively affect glands associated with the secretion and regulation of hormones, like the pituitary gland, possibly leading to complications with the body’s ability to maintain normal hormonal balance.

The pituitary gland, for example, synthesizes and secretes essential healing and repair hormones, such as human growth hormone (HGH). This gland has been shown to experience noticeable impairment from alcohol exposure.

Insulin, an important hormone that regulates blood sugar, can be severely impacted from prolonged alcohol consumption. Alcohol can also potentially impede the body’s ability to regulate and absorb calcium.

Even if you do not drink, topically applied alcohol can enter your bloodstream. The proliferation of alcohol (ethanol) hand cleansers means that more and more people are exposed to this endocrine disruptor.  Consider the rubbing alcohol in your medicine cabinet as another example.

Other common sources include body lotions, cosmetic oils (even baby oils), aftershave, air fresheners, eye makeup, shampoos, insect repellants, hair dyes, dishwasher and laundry detergents, paint, perfumes, deodorants, and cooking oils.

In the case of hand sanitizers, one study that focused on hospital employees found that over 30% exhaled low levels of ethanol just one minute after using hand sanitizer.  In one case, a one-month old baby suffering from lethargy was found to be intoxicated from an alcohol-soaked gauze used to treat the umbilical cord.

We already know that alcohol is a massive trigger for Meniere’s attacks so it would be prudent to avoid it completely, at least until you have recovered from Meniere’s.

The best way to minimize exposure is to avoid alcoholic beverages and check the ingredient lists of other products for alcohol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, ethyl hydrate, ethyl hydroxide, and methylcarbinol. There are plenty of other non-alcoholic options available.

What can you do with so many toxins attacking your endocrine system?

While difficult, it is possible to take steps to avoid endocrine disruptors. If you eat meat or fish, choose organic, free-range, or wild sources. Buy fresh, organic produce as much as possible, and choose glass for food storage. Supplementing with the correct iodine to protect the thyroid can have dramatic results.  Regular cleansing to help the liver remove toxin accumulation would also seem prudent given the information above.

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004

Researcher and Author of Managing Menieres Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. What are your experiences with Meniere’s and endocrine/thyroid issues? What made it worse and what helped? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading: Endocrine aspects of Meniere’s disease

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Massive increase in Meniere’s Disease in Fukushima

What caused the Massive increase in Meniere’s Disease in Fukushima?

According to a report published in April 2015 by Soma General Hospital and Tohoku University, there was up to a 600% increase in cases of Meniere’s Disease in and around Fukushima, Japan since the nuclear disaster in 2011.

Exposure to radiation causes thyroid gland and bone marrow issues, and therefore a weakened immune system. In addition to this radiation affects the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a very important part of the endocrine system and therefore the thyroid. This must be of particular significance to the pathology of Meniere’s in many sufferers around the world.


Evidence that Meniere’s symptoms can result from thyroid and endocrine dysfunctions?

Studies show that at least 34% of Meniere’s sufferers show signs of Thyroid dysfunction and with the success of dietary improvements and supplementation in reducing or eliminating Meniere’s symptoms by strengthening the immune system, the report from Japan underscores the message Meniere’s Help has been stating for over 12 years. Focusing on the importance of supporting the immune system.  Both the immune system and the endocrine system are two vital aspects to human health. Imbalances and disorders can possibly lead to Meniere’s symptoms manifesting.

Similar studies in Chernobyl, following the nuclear disaster there found some equally staggering statistics.

Read why this is a big deal and why it matters to you the sufferer here.
A summary of the report:

Soma City is 44 km north of Fukushima Daiichi… almost all patients who require hospitalization for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) care were referred to our department… We thus investigated the influence of the disaster on internal ear diseases.

  • Regarding the evacuation area, the total number of patients [in the ENT department] increased 4.64 times [364% in 1st year], 4.24 times [324% in 2nd year], and 4.54 times [354% in 3rd year] compared with the number before the disaster.
  • New patients [with vertigo, Meniere’s disease, and acute low-tone sensorineural hearing loss] in Shinchi Town… increased by 64.3%, 114.3%, and 46.4% [in years 1, 2, and 3] respectively… In the case of Minami-Soma City, except the evacuation area… increased by 84.2%, 152.6%, and 142.1%, respectively… Regarding the evacuation area… the numbers of patients with vertigo, MD, or ALHL became 7 times [600% increase in 1st year], 5 times [400% increase in 2nd year], and 7 times [600% increase in 3rd year].
  • Although the causes for MD and ALHL are still unknown [the rise] might be due to increased tension and stress… As for the cases [of vertigo] we were unable to establish the neuro-otologic pathogeneses in… 72%  [and] there may have been cases of psychogenic dizziness… administration of an anti-vertigenous drug or advice to keep calm and to have a sound mind did not help… There were some difficult cases where ENT treatment alone did not workpresumably because these cases were complicated with some mental diseases… In some serious cases, we… referred the patients to psychiatric care or prescribed psychosomatic medicine. Some patients refused our advice… or to admit that they had a mental problem.
  • The number of reported cases of heart disease and brain infarction have increased in the devastated area… Diabetes, osteoporosis, and psychiatric illnesses were feared to have worsened… There is a great concern that there will be additional health hazards, and we strongly feel the need for administrative support.

ENT doctors in Japan suggest the massive increase “might” be due to stress.  They also suggested the increase in Meniere’s in some case might be due to “mental diseases“.

It is true that stress is a trigger and true that stress is considered by some in Japan as an underlying root cause but the total lack of willingness to look at the clinically proven links of thyroid dysfunction to the onset of Meniere’s and the connections between the immune system and thyroid I find slightly puzzling.

With all that said, we have to accept that there be something lost in translation. Mental diseases, may simply referring stress and anxiety, known triggers and as mentioned above an accepted part of Meniere’s pathoetiology in Japan.

Naturally there were several studies in the psychological effects of the great east Japan earthquake in 2011. I was living in Japan at the time and the anxiety in the air nationwide following the initial quake was palpable.

Constant horrific images playing out on every TV screen, several aftershocks everyday for weeks and the threat of nuclear catastrophe evidently took its toll.

In north eastern Japan where the quake took place, medical studies called the psychological effect on the population there a “mental health crisis”.

So was it stress alone that cause such a huge increase in new Meniere’s cases or a combination of stress and thyroid dysfunction as a result of radiation contamination? As nearly all the studies focused on the psychological aspect, I guess we will never know.

As a side note, the microwave radiation from cell phones has been shown to affect the central nervous system and endocrine system as well as creating oxidative stress; all relative to Meniere’s disease. So excessive use of cell phones and carrying them in pockets next to the body may be unwise.

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com

Researcher & Author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s Sufferers. What are you experiences with Meniere’s and Thyroid. Leave your comments below or email Mike at:

Further reading:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Stopping Meniere’s Symptoms During Allergy Season

Allergy season both in spring and autumn/fall always means we get a surge in people contacting us for help at this time of year.

Allergy and the symptoms of Meniere’s disease

The sinuses are an important part of the immune system, filtering and draining away unwanted  allergens and anything potentially harmful being inhaled. Drugs and chemical sprays, stop the runny noses but dry out the sinus therefore stopping it from functioning as it should. The result being, you feel relief but harmful allergens are allowed past your first line of defense and can potentially accumulate elsewhere, in the lymphatic system for example, causing health problems at a later date.

The endolymphatic sac, the area within the ear that produces all the problems in a Meniere’s sufferer is part of the lymphatic system. The Lymphatic system is like a drainage system for the body.

Prevalence of allergy in Meniere’s disease

The results of a 2000 study states: “Of 734 respondents with Meniere’s disease, 59.2% reported possible airborne allergy, 40.3% had or suspected food allergies, and 37% had had confirmatory skin or in vitro tests for allergy”

How to prevent increases in Meniere’s symptoms during allergy season?

Wearing a dust mask is an obvious answer but even then it might not be enough or not practical for you.

Below you will find some of the best natural solutions to stay symptom free during this very testing time:

1. Steaming

The tried and tested old fashioned way to relieve sinuses while still keeping them moist and functioning as they  should. Use hot water in a bowl. Cover your head with a towel and bend over the hot water inhaling the steam or if easier to keep the steam constant, use a steam inhaler.  Do at least once a day during the allergy season. We have had many emails from Meniere’s sufferers telling us that this helps a great deal.

2. Look at your diet

Studies show that essential fatty acids coming from organic flax seed or hemp seed oil can help reduce seasonal allergies. Try avoiding mucous and congestion-causing foods such as dairy products, milk, processed wheat and sugar.

A healthy diet will boost your overall immunity to allergies. In fact, a scientific study done on the island of Crete found that nasal allergies were almost non-existent in this region. The reason for this is the islanders’ food intake was composed mainly of cold-pressed olive oil, nuts, fish, fruits and vegetables. This anti-oxidant packed diet was exceptionally high in grapes, tomatoes, oranges, nuts and apples, all foods known to support normal upper respiratory tract health.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, 29.8 million people were diagnosed with sinusitis in 2010. For a Meniere’s sufferer sinus allergies mean a whole lot more trouble. Try this natural remedy for sinusitis.

3. Try non-toxic, organic bedding

Dr. James R. Haltom from the Mississippi Allergy and Asthma Clinic has stated that the best thing you can do for allergies is to purchase a high-quality, allergy-free cover for the mattress, box springs and pillows.  Washing your bedding once a week in very hot water can prevent build-up and help kill off dust mites.

4. Use non-toxic, natural cleaning products

Chemicals and fumes from most cleaning products from the stores have been shown to trigger allergic reactions, especially in the spring when the body’s allergic response is already heightened. Instead, opt for organic cleaning products. They are a safe alternative to cleansers that contain many chemicals that can be toxic to your health.

Studies have shown that 40% of household cleansers sold in stores have been found to be ineffective against germs.

Some ideas:

1. Simmering cloves and cinnamon as an air freshener
2. Baking soda mixed with apple cider is perfect for toilets and tubs
3. Vinegar is safe and effective on counters, floors & windows
4. Baking soda added to your rinse cycle is an effective softener
5. Lavender, thyme and tea tree oils are antiseptic and naturally antibacterial

5. Clean your living space.

If you are a constant sufferer of allergies and they increase your Meniere’s symptoms (as we know they most often do) to eliminate allergy-causing pollen and mites from the air inside your house it might be very wise to invest in a quality air purification system that has UV & negative ion filters. Carpet harbors pet dander, dust and pollen from the outdoors, which can exacerbate allergy symptoms. Surprisingly, studies show that there are actually more allergy causing dusts and allergens indoors than out. Studies also show that we spend a lot more time indoors than out.

If possible, replace carpet with non-toxic wool, non-toxic hardwood or cork flooring. Also, get rid of the clutter which collects allergens!

Use plants around the house that purify your air naturally. NASA studies recommend that you use one good-sized houseplant in a 6 to 8-inch diameter container for every 100 square feet of your home. (See video below for 8 plants to have in your house that purify the air)

Air purification house plants: video

6. Use a quality organic oregano oil

Although technically not a cure or treatment for allergies, many people do report that the oil of oregano helps them feel better when they’re dealing with the typical symptoms of allergies. Taking this supplement will also reduce the amounts of histamines found in the blood (this is the chemical that causes swelling and allergic reaction, hence anti-histamine drugs used).

7. Check your living space for mold and pollen.

Mold is a huge cause of seasonal allergies and is a known trigger for Meniere’s attacks if not an actual cause in some people. As the rains come down and the heat increases, mold begins to form in the unseen corners of our homes and offices. While there are many ways to get rid of mold, purchasing a high-quality dehumidifier will help prevent mold from forming and will help lessen allergy symptoms.

8. Brush off and/or thoroughly wash clothes after being outside.

After being outside, you are bringing pollen and other allergens into your house all over your clothes. Removing and washing them as soon as you get home will help prevent outdoor pollen from establishing itself in your furniture and bedding. Also, taking a shower as soon as get home will keep pollen from your hair out of your pillow at night

9. Cleanse your Sinuses, lungs and respiratory tract

According to the American College of Allergies, 50% of all illness, is caused or aggravated by indoor air pollution.

Most people actually spend over 90% of their time indoors. Indoor air may have toxic chemical concentrations of up to 100 times higher than outdoor air in addition to mold. All compounding the effects of allergens in pollen season. For the Meniere’s sufferer, the probability of an attack being triggered increases significantly.

Allergen levels in super-insulated homes are 200% higher than in ordinary homes. Over 1,000 types of mold and mildew have been identified in homes located in the United States. According to the EPA, SIX out of TEN homes and buildings are “sick” and hazardous to your health due to airborne pollutants.

A lung cleanse is a natural procedure designed to detoxify, cleanse and refresh the delicate respiratory linings of the bronchial passages and lungs by purging them of built up environmental toxins, harmful organisms and accumulated irritants.

10. Try using a Himalayan Crystal Salt Inhaler

The use of salt as a therapy for respiratory ailments, is nothing new. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recommended salt inhalation. He inhaled steam from boiling saltwater. Unlike processed table salt, which can be the root of so many health problems, pure sea salts are rich in minerals. Pure sea salt was once so prized for its health benefits that it was used as a form of money. The term “Salt of the earth” meaning “pure and good” was first used in the  Christian bible.

Himalayan crystal salt contains 84 ional minerals and trace elements needed for optimum health.

The salt crystals rest in a chamber inside the inhaler. Breathing through the inhaler draws air across mineral-rich granules of Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. The effects can help to resolve sinus problems, sore throat, or cough. The sinuses are kept moist while allergens are extracted naturally.

Unlike steroid inhalers and pharmaceutical drugs, there are no negative effects from using a Himalayan Salt Inhaler.

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Related articles:

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Menieres-Help.Com – Supporting sufferers since 2004
Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease
and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere

Help Other Meniere’s Sufferers.

What are your experiences with Meniere’s and the allergy season. Leave your comments in the box below or email Mike at

Further reading: Prevalence of allergy in Meniere’s disease

Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Foods That Destroy Your Immune System

Is your food destroying your immune system?

Having a strong, fully functioning immune system is vital to deal with the inflammation that causes your Meniere’s symptoms.
Supporting your immune system with a balanced healthy diet of whole foods (preferably organic) low in salt, sugar and bad fats and high in anti oxidants and other vital nutrients is essential for anybody. But for a Meniere’s sufferer or someone with any other degenerative disease, it is even more important.

In a body that is experiencing imbalances and dysfunctions within the ear the immune system is struggling badly to cope with inflammation and needs help. We see the results of this in symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo etc.

Giving all the nutrients it needs to combat inflammation and allow the ear and lymphatic system to function as it should and preventing or fixing any malfunctions developing is just plain common sense.

Nutrition is always the main factor when considering the strength or weakness of your immune system. Eating whole, organic foods that are free of additives and synthetic chemicals provide the best nutrients to your cells without any toxins. This food nourishes your body and supports immune function. Unfortunately not all foods do that.

Some of the worst foods that destroy your immune system:

  1. Red Meat?

    A recent study from the University of California suggests red meat can trigger a dangerous reaction that can weaken the immune system.  The problem comes from a natural sugar in red meat that our bodies can’t digest. The sugar is believed to cause a host of other health problems including a higher risk of cancer.

    This has to be balanced with studies that show red meat, in particular beef can have a very beneficial effect and enable the body to deal with certain autoimmune conditions.  What helps with one person might be a problem for another and of course the quality in terms of safety in the raising of livestock you are getting your meat from.

  2. Fried Foods

    Fried foods can trigger inflammation, reducing the effectiveness of your immunity.  One study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that just cutting back on fried foods — or cutting them out of your diet altogether — could “help restore the body’s natural defenses regardless of age or health status.”  In addition to this, fried foods accumulate ‘acrylamide’, a dangerous carcinogen.

  3. Processed Foods

    One of the biggest problems with our culture today is our passive acceptance of overly processed foods. All in all they must be the most dangerous foods to immune health. More and more people are understanding this and switching to fresh organic diets.

    Many food companies use the terms ‘natural’ to describe their product, even though their foods may have large amounts of refined carbohydrates, added sugar, and other hidden often toxic flavorings and additives

    Even organic processed foods, like cereal and breads, can contain immune-suppressing sugar. Processed foods are basically anything that comes in a package, contains more than one ingredient, and has been cooked and modified.

    Eating processed foods can lead to chronic irritation in the body. A recent study published in Nutrition Journal [Fast food fever: reviewing the impacts of the Western diet on immunity. ] even suggests that the toxins of a modern diet completely outweigh the possible nutritional gains.  Processed food is not only full of triggers for a Meniere’s sufferer, it is generally weakening the immune system all round, leading to a higher rate of other illnesses and diseases, and all round poor health.

  4. Sugary Snacks

    Refined sugar,  can actually suppress the immune system. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that the sugar actually targets the cells that attack bacteria.  This negative effect on the body can last for hours after you eat something sugary.

  5. Soda All sodas contain phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid can deplete calcium and magnesium in the body. If you’re drinking soda — it really doesn’t matter what it’s sweetened with — you’re likely damaging your immune system. Even diet soda is a bad option, possibly worse because it usually contains aspartame.

    Because soda has no beneficial nutrients, drinkers are less likely to get enough vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium—all necessary for an optimum immune system.

If you want a healthy immune system, starting by eliminating these foods from your diet would seem very wise.  Eat foods that boost your immunity instead. These include vitamin C rich foods like green vegetables and citrus. Exercise is also prudent. Even simple moderate exercise like walking can help build your immune system. Stress has a negative effect on your immune system so finding ways to reduce stress is very important.

Supplementing with a quality, balanced, anti oxidant filled multi vitamin/mineral supplement can help support your immune system, while Oregano oil is also a powerful harmful organism cleanser and may have some benefit for immune health.

If you are not convinced yet about the importance of what you eat and your health, watch this short but excellent video:

A Message from your body; Video

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Bottom line for someone with Meniere’s disease is this: Over 12 years we have had many people contact us and report positive improvements in their condition after making the correct dietary changes. In addition, supplementing with the regimen we have used for over a decade makes even more difference, allowing people to live free of symptoms.

Not everyone is the same and we may all have different root causes and contributing triggers. But cutting immune damaging ‘foods’ out of your life and eating more immune strengthening foods is a very good place to start when dealing with Meniere’s or any other disease.

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Meniere’s Help
Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help Other Meniere’s Sufferers

What are your experiences with dietary issues or changes and Meniere’s.? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

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