Meniere’s Success Stories
Success Stories sent to Meniere’s Help
Below are emails from people who have Meniere’s success stories. A common theme in these cases is the use of supplements and dietary changes. Though these changes and adjustments it is true that in most cases Meniere’s disease symptoms can be controlled. Some have also found their root cause and corrected it.
There are two points that must be acknowledged regarding supplements.
- The supplements spoken of in these stories are of the highest quality. Unfortunately such quality supplementation usually does not come cheap.
- This is not considered a treatment or a cure, just a common sense understanding of how th body works. The extra nutrition provided to the body supports the immune system enough for it to deal with the inflammation within the ear, promotes blood flow, detoxes and aids in keeping body systems running smoothly. However in most cases continuous use of the supplements is needed, at least at some level.
The correct supplementation helps, no doubt about that but understand that you CAN eliminate Meniere’s from your life, supplements or no supplements. Meniere’s success stories can come through dietary means but also through finding the root cause in your own individual case and correcting it.
Email us at with your success story

On the main Meniere’s Help Web Site, we often talk about a healthy diet and the use of “high quality” dietary supplements helping many people stay free of the symptoms of Meniere’s, especially vertigo, brain fog, dizziness, and in most cases either ridding them completely of tinnitus or reducing it to very minimal levels and greatly increasing their energy levels. Many people live completely free of symptoms and even find their hearing returns to normal, which we are told by audiologists and ENT doctors can’t happen.
Well it does. I even experienced this “phenomenon” naturally for eight months in 1998, much to the disbelief of my ENT doctor and audiologists.
Now in 2020 I am completely free of Meniere’s disease, very healthy and my hearing has returned, and I no longer need supplements. I have been completely free of Meniere’s disease since 2012, after spending the previous 10 years 95% symptom free through supplementation.
Click here to read my Meniere’s Success Story
Supplements or no supplements, you can free yourself of Meniere’s and get your life back. But you will need to make the effort to become informed and most importantly act on that information appropriately for your own particular case.
Regarding the supplements and dietary changes:
The cells that make up our bodies are constantly being regenerated as old cells die and new ones are formed. Genetic scientists tell us that our DNA and cells that were previously unhealthy or diseased can produce new cells that are healthy when they are exposed to or surrounded by a “healthy” environment.
That might explain how changing your diet and boosting your immune system with high quality supplements can create a cellular environment that can produce healthy cells and keep the symptoms at bay. Maybe it doesn’t get to the root of the cause of the symptoms or in some cases maybe it does. But it allows the body to cope with the inflammation in the inner ear causing your symptoms. Remember the best quality supplements are not “pills” in the context of being drugs; they are simply highly concentrated food extracts with all the essential vitamins, minerals and co-factors that the body needs preserved at optimum levels.
Here are some emails from people who have succeeded in living symptom free using the exact same supplements we use. I also include some of my conversations with them to show their progress and any problems they encounter along the way.
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Click here for more on Supplements for Meniere’s disease
Meniere’s Success Stories
From Lisa in the US
Hi Mike,
I am feeling much better. I have had one small episode since starting the supplements. Not only are they helping with the menieres symptoms but overall I feel much better. I pray the symptoms stay at bay, not only for myself but for others who suffer from this terrible disease.
Thank you for the concern.
I don’t know if you will remember me, as it’s been a few years since my Mum
and I were in contact with you. I was very young when I started developing
menieres, and in 2006 – age 11, I began looking around for support.
I just wanted to let everyone know. They are amazing and have completely cured me.My last attack was in November of 2009. It’s been almost 3 years now.I remember the first time I used them, I was absolutely
hysterical afterwards as I couldn’t believe they had actually worked.
I just wanted to thank you for the support I received back in 2006. I don’t
remember who I was in contact with exactly, but I know I got a lot of lovely
emails of encouragement and so many people contacted me with their success
stories to help me out.
Those years were a really hard time for me, and in 2010 I was diagnosed with
depression that had started in 2007 and was caused by the extreme stress
menieres causes.
I just wanted to share that I am finally vertigo free and am so happy that I
was somehow able to shake it. I wanted to thank you for the amazing work
that you have done here, and let you know that your advice and support has
saved my life. If I still had the menieres I don’t know that I would be here
today, and your advice on stopping the attacks saved me. I owe you
Although I doubt you remember me, you are a huge part of the reason that I
am still here today, so thank you so so so much.
All my love,
Hey Mike,
Thank you for following up, again… I do appreciate it. Since my initial email to you I have taken the following action for myself:
1. I’ve stopped all Dr. Meds
2. I have great pharmaceutical grade supplements.
3. I have dramatically altered my diet, cut my sodium way back to no more than 1500 MG on a typical day.
4. I have met with Dr Derebery of the House Ear Institute in LA and have gone through extensive allergy testing.
So far I have seen improvement. My hearing has cleared up some in both ears. The “fog” I was living with has subsided and my tinnitus has decreased as well. Earlier this year my hearing was so bad that I was unable to hear the fan that is placed right next to my head at night. For years I have not been able to speak on the phone with my right ear and now I am able to. Just a few months ago I purchased hearing aids which I only occasionally need to use, and this is only if I have not been diligent with my diet.
I have discovered that drinking alcohol and beer have a definite negative effect on my hearing so I’ve cut them out as well, (for the most part). I’ve also mostly cut out all processed wheat, am attempting to cut out gluten, and have gone to a mainly whole foods diet which included plenty of organic fruits, veggies, and non GMO meats, ( among other foods as well).
This has actually produced some pretty dramatic weight loss as well. I ended up dropping 20 lbs in just about 5-6 weeks. I’ve always been a pretty active person so my weight was never really an issue so I was surprised when he weight came off so easily.
I still do have fluctuating hearing and tinnitus throughout each day. It has not fully subsided just yet, but the pressure and fullness I was feeling has decreased. My “good days” seem to outnumber my “bad days” now. I am hopeful that with my continued efforts to maintain a strict diet combined with trying to be aware of my “triggers” that I will have further life long relief.
If you have any additional suggestions beyond what I’m currently trying I would greatly appreciate it.
Finally, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for having and maintaining your web site. I have already referred it to a couple of people who I have met that are going through the same problems. You definitely opened my eyes to alternative options for dealing with these issues, other than the Dr’s telling me to “learn to live with it”, or having to take the potentially toxic medications they were prescribing me. I was very uncomfortable taking those meds but am happy to take the different supplements that I now take on a daily basis.Thanks again for your help. I can’t express my appreciation enough!
Hello Michael,I remember talking to you on the phone some years ago.I haven’t had the symptoms of menieres ever since the last attack in 2005, I now only take a third of the vitamins and I can manage the bilateral tinnitus I am left with as a consequence of the menieres which I was told would stay with me forever.Many ThanksGrazia
Since Dec. 2012 I have not had a attack. This is what I have done. I use DiVertigo behind my ears, three times a day, I take the supplements twice a day, Ginkgo Biloba once a day, Lysine once a day and Grapeseed once a day. I also have found a great ENT Dr. Hillman from Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh , Pa.I do not know if I am in remission or all the above things I do have helped me to this point and time. I will continue to do all the above. Hope this will help other people.Two other components of my battle with Meinere’s they are daily Meditation and Acupuncture once a month.
Hello Mike!I just wanted to congratulate you on the completion of your book. As a fellow Meniere’s sufferer, I sincerely appreciate people like you doing extensive research and publishing what works and what doesn’t work. More of us need to be solution minded, instead of having a victim mentality. Two years ago, I was literally a mess. I thought my career was over, I thought my life was over. Vertigo and brain fog interfered with every aspect of my life. I have lost over 50% of the hearing in my left ear, and I have chronic tinnitus, which I have trained myself to ignore. Fortunately, I was able to fight back with the help of some very good doctors and some research on the internet.
Although I still do not know the root cause of my symptoms, I am in the process of writing an article about my success in controlling my MM. At this time, I have the (vertigo and brain fog) symptoms about 98% under control. I am still dealing with the deafness and ringing in my ears, but I consider them a minor inconvenience and not an impediment to my personal or professional life. I am hesitant to put my information out there, worrying about liability and all. I am a medical professional, but not a doctor.
Here is my regimen in a nutshell:A) Diet– limited (but not super low) sodium and generally gluten-free. No diet sugars, no MSG, no caffeine. I do allow myself some alcohol, but in limited quantities.
B) Supplements– Basically, the JofO regimen with a few tweaks– the addition of vitamin D and a high B-complex, plus gingko biloba and acidophilus
C) Exercise– whenever I am not feeling dizzy, of course. The more I exercise, the better I feel. I also do balance exercises.
D) Meditation and Stress-Relieving activities— like all of us, my symptoms flare up when I am stressed. I also avoid noisy places, crowded places, etc.
E) Valium– in low doses (2 mg) twice daily. I sincerely wish I could say I beat MM without medicine, but I was only able to control the symptoms about 85% of the time without Valium. The medication gives me the extra insurance that I will not have an attack at work or while driving. Of course, the dose needs to be low enough that I am not zonked out– I am sharp enough to perform my job and drive, but relaxed and also vertigo-free due to the Valium. I dissolve it on my tongue for quick results.
In any case, just wanted to say kudos for sharing your information. I watched some of your videos earlier in my struggles, when things were bleak; it’s great for an MM sufferer to have hope that they can conquer this awful disease.
Best regards,
Learn the difference between what we use and John’s recommendations that Deborah used here
Click here to read about supplements for Meniere’s
Francis from Australia found relief through dietary control, notably with the reduction of sodium intake. Less junk food also of course meant he was consuming less chemicals, preservatives and additives.
Hi Mike
Thanks for your email and in answer to your question below:
“Already found your cause and live free of Meniere’s since I last emailed you?”
I am now symptom free due to monitoring and reducing my Sodium intake on any packaged food I happen to purchase. TV dinners were the killer for me regarding high levels of Sodium. I’m sure you already know how most packaged foods have extremely high levels of Sodium.
I was advised by the ENT Specialist [who I consulted due to deafness, tinnitus and extreme vertigo with the vertigo hitting me out of the blue one morning and with projectile vomiting, the symptoms continuing over a year or so], to never buy any foods which had more than 125mg per serving of Sodium. Food choices can be a bit limiting if I follow his advice but they are much more healthy for me
New Case Study – Meniere’s Disease & Nutritional Supplements
Malcolm, a high profile business leadership adviser from the UK……
Malcolm Hewitt to me
show details Sep 19
Hi Mike,I am doing well, feeling better and stronger generally. I am taking my tablets, staying off wine and bitter, if I do drink, I drink a good lager.
I have cut right back on salt, but still indulge in coffee. I feel least good when I am walking for some reason with my head fuzzy and I find it difficult to go in a straight line!Malcolm to me
show details Mar 28
Hi Michael,I have been great four a couple of years now but have had a set back over the last few months.
I was worried about keeping on taking the supplements constantly so given that I felt ok i let things slide
and stopped taking the tablets. Needless to say within a week or so I had bad dizziness and hopeless hearing in my left
ear and I was back on the phone for more supplies and have been back on the pills for four weeks now.
I would say I am still a long way short of where i was before I stopped taking the pills. So, any more ideas would be greatly appreciated.Best regards,
Malcolm Hewitt
Best regards,
Business leadership adviser and speaker
Mike Spencer to Malcolm
show details Apr 4
Hi Malcom,Good to hear from you. Sorry to hear you have had a setback……at least you know that the supplements can help you so you have that safety net……unlike many people who feel they have no hope with Menieres.
In addition the the supplements of course we always believe that taking great care with your diet, alcohol, lifestyle etc. keeping relatively fit and active and absolutely no smoking………if you would like some help with this just let me know.
How is your business??………are you managing ok with it?
Take Care and mail me anytime you like
Malcolm to me
show details Apr 23
Thanks Mike. The vertigo has go much better over the last few days.
Also being fitted with a hearing aid too 50% hearing loss now in my left ear.
Apart from that I am as fit as flea!All the best,
Doing well thanks Michael. Had all my mercury fillings removed. Still taking
what I would call a maintenance dose of the supplements and feeling great.Malcolm
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Two more people with Successful Meniere’s Disease stories
Jude to me
show details Aug 31
Thank you, I have been very well for a year and a half now with thankfully no recurrence.Sincerely,
Hi mike,
I am doing a lot better obviously I have good days and bad days but they are mostly good. I am also taking betahistine tablets three times a day.
Great to hear from you
I am following a low salt no caffeine low alcohol and no smoking life style. I am also back to running four times a week.
Another Person Free of Meniere’s Disease Symptoms
Hi Michael,
Now into my fourth month of taking the supplements. Feeling great. Lots of energy, no dizzy spells and a clear head. Still have the tinnitus and poor hearing in my right ear but these are very definitely at livable levels. Am also finding that I don’t need to be quite so careful with the salt intake. Of course, I am careful most of the time but if I have a meal out for example I don’t notice it. I can also enjoy a glass of wine now!
Here’s a funny thing: I normally eat mostly a vegetarian diet as my partner is vegetarian but lately I’ve been really craving meat and fish.
Many thanks
All emails are used with permission
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Meniere’s Disease and Supplements – New Success Story
Hi Mike
I’m doing very well Mike, thank you for asking.:)
Taking everyday as a gift, the supplements and your encouragements are extremely helpful.:)
Hope all is well with you.
All emails are used with permission
Email us at
Click here to read about supplements for Meniere’s
New Real-Time Case Study. Meniere’s Disease & Nutritional Supplements
Jonas from Belgium has agreed to participate in a case study using nutritional supplements to try and bring his Meniere’s Disease symptoms under control.
I asked him because he lives in Belgium and can not get hold of the exact same supplements we all use in the US, UK and Australia etc There are many people who can not get access to the same supplements for one reason or another, be it they are in different country or they can’t afford it perhaps, so we are want to help find alternatives for those people.
Jonas Govaerts to me
show details 4:40 PM (1 hour ago)
Hi Mike,Thanks for your reply!
I showed your site to a friend who studies alternative medicine, and he provided me with these products: MarinEPA (gold + vitamine D, supercritical Omega-3 supplements) from Minami Nutrition, a bottle of Ginkgo Biloba from Phyto Reform, and Multivitamins from OrtoPhyt.
If there’s anything missing, or if I should add anything, please let me know.
I’ve only been diagnosed six months ago, and for now, the symptoms are relatively mild: I suffer from tinnitus and low-frequency hearing loss, but not vertigo. However, since I’m a professional musician and filmmaker, I find this illness very distressing.
I’m really glad I found your site, since very little people in the medical world seem up to date about Menière’s.
Which reminds me: I’m also taking Betahistine (I think it’s called BetaSerc in the States) but am already lowering my dose,
since it doesn’t seem to do much for me. I hope this medicine doesn’t interfere with the products you recommend?All the Best from Belgium,
Jonas GovaertsMike Spencer to Jonas
show details 4:48 PM (1 hour ago)
HI Jonas,We use a Ginkgo which is important, a broad spectrum optimized multivitamin/mineral,
GRAPE SEED EXTRACT (is the main ingredient that helps inflammation….allegedly).The Omega oils are a good addition because the Dr who originally put the program together added that a few years ago.
As you know the supplements will be available in Belgium soon but I am always looking for alternatives (cheaper) for people.
Would you mind if I followed your progress and put it as a case study on the blog to help others in your position?I know its a lot to ask but it would help others
Take Care and mail me anytime
Jonas Govaerts to me
show details 5:24 PM (43 minutes ago)
Hi Mike,I don’t mind at all, I’ll keep you updated about my progress and you can ask me anything you want.
I’m also a member of the Facebook group Youngsters With Menière’s, they’ve been a great help.
There’s so much misinformation on the net about the disease it’s always good to come in contact with people who know what their talking about and/or have lived through what I’m experiencing.Just to be clear: do I still need to get the grape seed extract, or is that included in the Multivitamins?
Take Care,
JonasJonas Govaerts to me
show details 5:35 PM (33 minutes ago)Hi Mike,
Just to give you the whole picture: I’m also trying accupuncture, and have recently received a steroid injection in my left eardrum.
I’ve experienced less pressure and tinnitus since then, but the hearing loss seems the same.
They’re doing a new audiogram next week, I’ll let you know if anything has changed.I know of only two supplement stores in Antwerp, where I live, so please let me know if the new shop opens!
All Best,
JonasMike Spencer to Jonas
show details 6:02 PM (7 minutes ago)Thanks so much for your help Jonas. I am sure a lot of people will appreciate it 🙂
You will most probably have to get the grape seed extract separately, but check the labels for the ingredients….you never know.
And thanks for the advice about the Facebook group ‘Youngsters with Menière’s,’Hope the first update is a positive one
Take Care and mail me anytime
Jonas Govaerts to me
show details 6:06 PM (3 minutes ago)Okay, I’ll try to track it down!
Like I said, I’m ‘only’ suffering from hearing loss and tinnitus at the moment, but I understand the vertigo is a far worse symptom.
Hope I never have to experience it, but you never know with this unpredictable disease…All Best,
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Click here to read about supplements for Meniere’s
Meniere’s Disease and Supplements (Case Study)
Mark contacted me in the late last year regarding the supplements we all use to stay meniere’s free, (well symptom free) and after chatting back and forth in emails he very kindly agreed to be a real-time case study for us on this blog. There has been a delay getting it on here from my part….sorry. So big thanks to Mark. I hope this will help a lot of readers who are either considering trying the supplements or have already started.
Mark to me
show details Nov 8
Hi Mike,Thanks for the reply.
I am due to start the supplements shortly (when they arrive)….will let you know how I go.
All the best
Currently on diuretics to reduce the “fullness” in my ears…which has worked quite well (tinnitus reduced also)…although has left me quite dizzy and unsteady. (Head pressure very high).
Would you encourage me to stop taking the diuretics when I start using the nutrients…conscious of mixing them with drugs ?.
Try to get to see my GP for advice…
Some background for you
I’m live in the Australia (Sydney). Believe my Menieres has been triggered in some way by a Sinus related Virus I had back in April. I have a history of sinus related issues although for the 1st 14 months over here was really good. In April, caught a “virus” which had me sneezing constantly for over 4 weeks. I normally don’t take anything for any sinus issues and let it run it’s course. But this one just wouldn’t go away. I finally after about 6 weeks went to the doctor who put me on nasal sprays and an anti-biotic. The sneezing stopped but I was left with this complete bunged up feeling in my head. It lasted for a number of weeks. I then woke up one morning with a blocked/ringing left ear. I had these before when I had sinus issues so expected it go away after a few days. After 3 weeks, it was still there (and worse)…went to the doctor who sent me to an ENT…and after loads of tests and head scratching…and fluctuating/deteriorating symptoms…..finally had an ear specialist confirm I have Menieres Disease.
Currently my hearing is still “good” although fluctuates when I get the ear pressure build-up. Mainly my left ear is impacted although I have tinnitus also and some low pain in my right ear….which perhaps suggests I’m bilateral.
Conscious to start “cleansing” my body with these nutrients as soon as possible to give it the chance to prevent further damage and harm. And of course get some sort of life back. Currently doing all the required things…low salt diet, plenty of exercise (when possible), no caffeine, no alcohol (aaagh)…but i’ve got to admit….I feel dreadful most of the time…
Appreciate yours and the teams offer of support.
Thanks again,
Mark – to me
show details Nov 16
Hi Mike,Thanks for the reply back….yes I have the doses.
Currently working my way into the supplement treatment (in the 1st week)….will let you know after a couple of weeks on the nutrients
One question for you…and this seems to come up a lot.
I mentioned below that I thought my Menieres was caused by Sinus related problems…still do…..but before it came on I had root canal work done for the first time…and I am still suffering from sporadic pain/discomfort in the specific tooth area (it’s on the same side as my bad ear). The dentist won’t fit a crown because she wants to check some TMJ issues (i mentioned my tinnitus) but she has recently had to clean up some infected gum related issues around the tooth area.
Is there a possible connection between the root canal work and the on-set of possible Menieres symptoms?. Aware you may not be the best person to ask…but if there’s someone I can contact…would be good to run this by them.
I also have a number of Amalgam fillings in my back molars which I’m considering getting removed.
Trying not to be too much of a hypo with all of this but I feel I must give myself the best chance for recovery.
Mike to Mark
show details Nov 18
Hi Mark,Without trying to sound like a doctor, which of course I am not, so you shouldn’t listen to me but I would personally consider the fact that this root canal work and amalgam fillings could be at least one of the root causes of your meniere’s. There is no way to prove this, but in our experience, many people have meniere’s symptoms after root canal work, and amalgam has long been suspected of being a culprit. You can get them removed, but be aware that removing them is also going to cause trauma in that area so symptoms may get worse before they get better. Here are two websites related to this:
Take Care and mail me anytime
Mark – to me
show details Dec 2
Hi Mike,Thanks again for your advice below.
Quick Update
– Teeth
I’m actually having a wisdom tooth out tomorrow…the specialist I saw confirmed the top one on my “dodgy” left side needs to be removed…so thats a start. He was very non committal about Amalgam fillings (it’s called sitting on the fence !) but I’m trying to get to see another dentist to have them checked…before moving forward on that front.
– Supplements.
: Now 2 weeks into using them. Head fog much better…ear pressure still up and down but not as severe as previously.
: In general feeling a lot more focused….which is what I need for work purposes
: Main issue I have is that I’m feeling very weak compared to before. I’ve lost a heck of a lot of weight as my system has been cleansed. I’ve tried to up my calorie (low salt) intake to try and compensate but this just leads to more bathroom stops 😉
Aware it’s early days…would be good to know if this is normal ?
Thanks again for your support,
Mark – to me
show details Dec 22
Hi Mike,Hope you are well ?
Quick Update: (around 6 weeks into the program)
– Seeing some really good signs !
: Head fog – Almost gone
: Tinnitus – Reduced
: Ear pressure – Reduced and currently free for 10 days (!!)
: Dizziness – None for 3 weeks
: Energy levels – Increased
: Lethargy – Almost goneOnly negative (it’s a small one !!!) is that I’m around 2/3 of a stone lighter than when I started. Was always a tall skinny bu$$er so it shows a bit….but I’ve increased my calorie intake along with my exercise regimes (just walking and some small weights at the moment due to a knee flare up)…so will see where this takes me.
Appreciate the support again
And all the best to you and your family for the festive period.
Mark – to me
show details Dec 24
Hi Mike,By all means post my story….they have really helped
I will hopefully be providing you with a full “blog” in a few months time…personally want to wait until then to make sure i’m fully in control of the MD symptoms with the use of this method
Thanks again for all your support
Mark to me
show details Feb 2
Hi Mike,Update for you.
Continue to improve..
I did though have a “spin” last week…it lasted literally two seconds but it was enough to through me slightly and undermine my confidence a little. Thing is…I felt fine after it although I had some increased pain in my ear and some head pressure for a few days or so after…nothing serious. It was very hot (35 C in Sydney) and I was under a bit of pressure at work on the day and experienced it while straining to read some s/sheet data on the computer. Had felt a bit off that morning…had put it down to the recent (48hrs before) injection for the Dust mite desensitization program I am on. (Discovered after tests that i’m acutely allergic to them). I am aware this will/may provoke things for the next short period while I get on top of it.
Current status
: Brain fog – Sporadic…minimal when i have it…periods of clarity !!
: Tinnitus – Low level
: Ear pressure – Minimal….none at times
: Dizziness – None for 8 weeks
: Vertigo – a two second experience last week (1st for months)
: Energy levels – Increased
: Lethargy – Almost gone.Some questions for you if I may
– I do get what I class as pain or niggle in my left ear more than right. Do you class this as pressure or not (just trying to sync with some of your comments on your site)? I have no Hydrops build up to speak of where my ear feels blocked
– I do get a lot of “bounce” from my ears when I have indigestion…the air rattling and vibrating off the ears. Did you experience this. A weird question but I find this very unsettling
– Been interested in some of the studies into large doses of Vit C and the impact it has on various illnesses. Have you done any investigations into this for MD ? Interested in what your thoughts are if so.
Thanks again for all your help
ps- After much deliberating and research…I do feel you are correct about root canal work and it’s impact on our well being…and am having my affected tooth pulled next week.
Mark to me
show details Mar 31
Hi Mike,Hope you are well ?.
Quick update to confirm that the ear continues to improve.
The hearing part is excellent…still tinnitus and ear pressure…hoping these will continue to abate over time.
I am still finding it hard to take confidence from my ear improvement. I do have some depression/anxiety issues as a result of the “ordeal” I’ve been through…and am finding it hard to get into 2nd gear so to speak. Fatigue and some sleeping issues still exist.
Wondering if you have any tips to help me get going again ?. Know you went through this also per your blog on the web site
Thanks again for all your help,
Mark to me
show details Jun 29
Hi Mike,Hope you are well ?
Quick update to confirm that I’m still free of the main Menieres symptoms…and have been for the last 6 months….which is just great news
Get the odd period of pressure and pain in the ear…but nothing more. Tinnitus still annoying but the least of my worries 😉
Have reduced some of the vitamins to a “maintenance” level…the Gingko and calcium… adverse impact
Take care,
On Fri, Oct 14 at 1:07 PM, Mark wrote:
Hi MikeSorry for not getting back to you yesterday.
More than happy with you adding my story to the web…the supplements help greatly….people need to know this.
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Another Meniere’s Disease Success Story
Hi Mike
I haven’t written to you in a while and I just wanted to give you a quick update. I haven’t had a Menieres attack in about a year and a half! Yay! I am so pleased. Thanks for your help. I am passing your email onto someone else who has just been diagnosed with it. I have told them about the supplements and I can help them on that end.
Thanks again!
New Testimonial for Meniere’s Disease Supplements
We just received this from Lizzie: Another one to the list of people living free of Meniere’s disease symptoms 🙂
Hi Michael,
Now into my fourth month of taking the supplements. Feeling great. Lots of energy, no dizzy spells and a clear head. Still have the tinnitus and poor hearing in my right ear but these are very definitely at livable levels. Am also finding that I don’t need to be quite so careful with the salt intake. Of course, I am careful most of the time but if I have a meal out for example I don’t notice it. I can also enjoy a glass of wine now!
Here’s a funny thing: I normally eat mostly a vegetarian diet as my partner is vegetarian but lately I’ve been really craving meat and fish. Maybe my body needs the extra protein as part of the healing process?
Many thanks
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Hi Michael,
Thank you for asking. Yes I am doing fine. Still taking the supplements and still working all week. No attacks since last September.
Take care
Thank you for your email.
I have moved to Canada, and am still busy coping with the new environment.
I am feeling great now as I am still taking supplements. Thank you for your concern.
Hi Mike,
coming up on 2 months taking the supplements. I do feel a difference as far as the energy level you mentioned. Before I felt like I was always dragging or just feeling weighted down, in a fog so to speak. I’m not feeling that anywhere as much as I was. I have been taking the supplements as recommended. I do feel like it has made a big difference and I intend to stay on the regimen. Thanks for your help and interest. Paul
Hello Mike!
I feel great!
I have been symptom free now for 6 weeks, and at the same time worked a lot
of overtime. So at the moment my life is wonderful.Best reg
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Click here to read about supplements for Meniere’s
Hi Michael
Just an update so thanks for your email below. I wanted to leave it this long before contacting you to give a couple of months for the products time to get working so I could give a more accurate review.
Great news as I’m sure you knew there would have been!
It took the supplements about 3-4 weeks before the full benefits they offer were realised. Although I did start to feel better about 2 weeks into using the system regularly. I stopped taking the serc (betahistine di-hyrdochloride when I started taking the system to get a true picture)
I feel great, haven’t had a menieres attack since begining of february. I Haven’t had any symptoms of dizzinness or vertigo since taking the supplements. The ringing sensation I always had in my ears has almost gone, most days it is not there at all. The fullness of the inner ear that I usually experienced has reduced also and again some days it isn’t there at all. All round I feel great, my lifestyle has improved, I have more energy feeling less tired than I did, my immune system has got a real boost, I no longer seem to suffer from the continous colds/snuffly feeling that I had before. Also my skin seems to have improved a bit as well. I usually have dry sensitive skin, and now it seems to be better. not as itchy etc.
I am really glad that my Fiance put me on to the website, I would reccommend the supplement regimen to anyone with menieres and have told as many people as I can about it already. I was always a little skeptical about the benefits of supplements and so called health products but the system really works for me!
I was getting really fustrated and feeling really low about the menieres and could not see a light at the end of the tunnel. the ENT speciallist I am under did not give me any hope of how to reduce my symptoms etc and just said that Menieres is something that I needed to get used to and just live with. Thats a load of rubbish because the supplements have shown that. Ok, they are not cheap, but the improvement of my lifestyle far outweighs the cost of them each month. I would reccomend them to anyone with menieires and cannot wait to see my specialist next and tell him that I havent taken the serc and instead take a natural supplement system that helps.
I cannot thank you enough for your advice and help. Please keep up the good work at the website and if I can be of any assistance at all in passing on the excellent benefits of the supplements to other Menieres sufferers then please do not hesitate to contact me.
My life really has improved in the last few months and Menieres disease is now in the background locked away, hopefully for good. People should not have to suffer from the disease as it can be managed and not just by pumping your body full of chemicals such as serc (that hardly work at all anyway).
Cheers Mike and best regards
Andrew Mather
Email us at
Duane has been doing very well the last six weeks. He hasn’t missed any work and has resumed his daily work outs etc.. we really think the vitamins are the reason. We are very thankful. He has been in better moods lately and happier which of course makes me happy too. Duane has noticed that his hearing fluctuates (occasionally) but has improved greatly. Thank you for keeping in touch and sending the good information like the article below. We will keep you posted. Duane’s not a good typer : ) … I’m his secretary.
Chris & Duane
Hi Mike,
I am doing very well on the system. I have not had vertigo or dizziness
since September (?), nor the exhaustion, brain fog, etc. The only
symptom I still feel is the roaring in my ear, feeling of fullness, and
fluctuating hearing. But even that symptom is almost non-existent. I
have loads of energy, way more than I’ve ever had. Gone are the
afternoon naps that I couldn’t live without.
Thank you for sending out your story again. I really appreciated it.
I’ve been symptom free for so long that I needed to be reminded that I
still have this condition and I do need to ‘take great care’, as you put it.Talk to you soon,
Hi Mike,
I’m definitely feeling better than I did the last few weeks. At the moment I feel that things are going well. I’ll let you know if I need further guidance as the days/weeks go by.
Thanks for checking up on me.
Hi Michael,
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to reply to your last email, and thank you for your support and concern. Actually, the supplements worked wonders. I would probably say that within 2 weeks of starting the regiment, I was feeling like myself again. My unending vertigo was gone completely; I was able to walk a straight line again! I still feel a little pressure in my head everyday, but it’s so faint that most of the time I don’t even notice it’s happening. I really do thank you so much, and because of you, I have found my health and life again.
I definitely have changed my diet to all low or no salt. In conjunction with the vitamins, everything seems to be working out nicely. Thank you for your concern and suggestions.
You can definitely use this email to encourage others. I thought I was at a dead end before the vitamins, and then voila! I’m living my life the exact same way I was before I was even displaying symptoms.
The one thing I definitely want to make clear to other people with Meniere’s is this: I read all of the reviews on multiple websites about these vitamins and some were considerable deterrents, and some were raving reviews. I decided for myself that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, and surgery would never be an option for me. That’s how I’ve decided to live my life. I do wish that other
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