Meniere’s Disease and Vitamin Supplements

This post was written by Mike on October 21, 2011
Posted Under: Meniere's Disease and Nutrition,Uncategorized

How Vitamin Supplements helped Joanne

Meniere's Disease and Vitamin SupplementsHolistic approach to Overcoming Menieres Disease

This lady combined supplementation and diet changes for a yeast overgrowth with Chiropractics to free herself of Meniere’s symptoms

“Hi Michael,

Sorry for the delay in replying to you.

I am doing much better these days. I was taking the supplements for over 4 months without any improvement and not being able to pinpoint any factors which was my trigger. Someone told me about a doctor in Belfast who no longer worked for the NHS as he took a more alternative therapy view on health, a more holistic approach. I attended his clinic about 3 months ago and after a consultation and some investigations he diagnosed my problem as candida overgrowth. For this he put me on supplements to deal with the bacteria overgrowth and a strict diet (no yeast, no dairy, no sugar). He also had me attend a chiropractor as he felt my neck had a lot of tension in it which could be triggering some of my dizziness/vertigo. Since I have been on this diet & supplements and finished course of chiropractor treatment i am feeling much better, more energy, no vertigo in 2 months, sleeping better….just feeling like my old self again! The only thing that still bothers me at times is the tinnitus but i can live with that!

Thanks once again for the help and support i received from you


Used with permission.

supplementation may help reduce the symptoms of Meniere's but is not the only answer

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Do you have a similar experience to Joanne? Let us know in the comments box below or email Mike at:

Related articles:

Candida Albicans and Meniere’s Disease

Chiropractics for Meniere’s disease


References/Further reading:

Reader Comments

I was misdiagnosed with Meniere’s disease. I have been to a neuro surgeon, numerious physio’s (they used the incorrect techniques), dentists (helped a little with a mouth splint) and more ENT’s. 12 Years later, finally and ENT at a public hospital sent me for tests that showed a result for BPPV. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 2 weeks ago and 2 very simple treatments and I am feeling better. If I help one other person escape the hell of vertigo I will be happy. BPPV a must read. It may help you.

Written By Sharon on August 9th, 2012 @ 10:51 pm

Hi Sharon,

Thanks for this. Meniere’s ‘disease’ is not a disease as such. It a set of symptoms that the doctors can’t find the cause for. Once they find a cause it is by definition (idiomatic) no longer Meniere’s. BPPV is one of many possibilities. I am presuming you tried the Epley Maneuver?

Written By admin on August 27th, 2012 @ 10:16 am

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