General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Chiropractics for Meniere’s disease

Chiropractics for the symptoms of Meniere’s disease

You can find several posts on this blog regarding the use of Chiropractics for Meniere’s disease and how it may help your reduce your symptoms. It may be worth visiting a reputable cervical certified Chiropractor and have them check your spine and neck, to see if your symptoms are cervical in origin. A significantly sizable enough number of sufferers have contacted Meniere’s Help over many years and reported significant improvements with their symptoms after treatment for this to be ignored or dismissed.

Chiropractic Rehabilitation in the Treatment of Dizziness

By Donald Murphy, DC, DACAN and Craig Liebenson, DC

Dizziness is a common complaint in the chiropractic office. It is a generic term that must be clearly defined and its cause properly characterized and diagnosed for appropriate treatment to be implemented.
It is a complaint that is often treatable via chiropractic manipulative and myofascial/rehabilitative procedures.

The first stage in the workup of a complaint of dizziness is to accurately identify the actual nature of the symptom. There are essentially four symptoms that can be described by a patient as being “dizziness.”

lightheadedness — The patient feels “not right in the head.”

presyncope — The patient feels “faint.”

disequilibrium — The patient feels off balance, often as if they are being “pulled to one side” and feels as if they could easily fall over.

vertigo — The patient feels as if they are spinning or the world is spinning around them. This can often occur in acute attacks, or it can be a constant, low level feeling. This can be rotatory or can occur in a sagittal plane.

Karel Lewit, MD, one of the foremost authorities in the world on locomotor system dysfunction and its effects on equilibrium, states: “It is important to stress that a cervical factor may be present in all forms of vertigo and dizziness … in no field is manipulation more effective than in the treatment of disturbances of equilibrium.”1

Because the entire locomotor as well as vestibular and visual system is involved in the regulation of equilibrium, all factors must be considered in the patient who suffers from disorders of this system. Michel Norre, noted authority in the field of vertigo and disequilibrium, states: “The dysfunction causing vertigo concerns the total balance function and not the inner ear function alone.”2 The types of dizziness that are generally most likely to fall into the chiropractic rehabilitative realm are disequilibrium and vertigo.

Disequilibrium is most often cervical in origin, as has been demonstrated by Hulse.3 It has been shown in several studies that the cervical spine plays a very strong role in the body’s regulation of equilibrium sense.4-7 In fact, Guyton7 states that the cervical spine plays the most important role in this regulation. One test that can be useful in determining whether a complaint of disequilibrium is of cervical origin is Hautant’s test.1 Have the patient sitting, preferably in a chair with back support to prevent falling, and holding their arms straight out in front of them, palms down. Have them close their eyes and observe for drifting of their arms to one side. Repeat this with the head turned to the right and to the left and often the deviation will become more marked, particularly when the head is turned to the direction of cervical joint dysfunction. This tests the ability of the cervical spine to appropriately regulate muscle tone in the extremities by properly eliciting the tonic neck reflexes.

Vertigo, as stated earlier, is by definition an abnormal sensation of movement, usually spinning. Attacks of vertigo can be elicited by various maneuvers or can be constant. When the vertigo is caused by Meniere’s disease it is accompanied by unilateral tinnitus and hearing loss. Benign positional vertigo is caused by dysfunction of the labyrinthine apparatus in the inner ear and attacks are elicited by changes of head position in space, as can be tested for utilizing the Barany maneuver. Cervicogenic vertigo also occurs in attacks and these attacks are elicited by changes of head position relative to the trunk. This can be tested for by utilizing the rotating stool test,8 wherein the patient sits on a stool that has the ability to rotate and is told to rotate their entire body from side to side while the doctor holds their head in position, thus restricting movement to the cervical spine and avoiding stimulation of the inner ear mechanism. If this elicits an attack of vertigo, it is most likely of cervical origin.

Vetebrobasilar insufficiency can cause vertigo, though with this disorder the vertigo almost never occurs by itself, rather being generally accompanied by other symptoms of brainstem ischemia, such as numbness in the ipsilateral face and/or contralateral body; nausea; vomiting; loss of consciousness; visual problems; difficulty walking; incoordination of the extremities; tinnitus; speech problems and nystagmus. The symptoms can be provoked by rotation of the cervical spine, although this is not always the case, and there may be a history of TIA. Vertigo caused by other brainstem diseases such as CP angle tumor can cause a constant, low intensity vertiginous sensation that increases in intensity as the tumor grows.

So it can be seen that before a referral or management strategy can be formulated, there must be accurate diagnosis of the cause of the disequilibrium or vertigo. There are various treatment/rehabilitative approaches that can be taken to restore normal function and eliminate the complaint.

When vertigo or disequilibrium is caused by dysfunction in the cervical spine or labyrinythine apparatus, it is most often treatable in the chiropractic setting. Optimum function of the cervical spine is essential to the recovery from these disorders regardless of the cause. Lewit10 showed that patients with Meneire’s syndrome can be effectively treated with manipulation, demonstrating that 79 percent of 21 cases showed an “excellent” outcome. Fitz-Ritson8 showed that patients with posttramatic vertigo of cervical origin treated with chiropractic manipulative, myofascial and rehabilitative procedures experienced a 90.2 percent success rate. Treatment must not only be directed towards the correction of joint dysfunction via manipulation, but must also be directed toward muscular dysfunction, such as myofascial trigger points and muscle tightness.11 In addition, faulty movement patterns that involve the cervical spine, including cervical flexion, sit-to-stand, breathing and swallowing12 must be detected and corrected. This is especially important because often these patients will have imbalance in activity between the deep neck flexors and the upper cervical extensors. Examining for this imbalance and correcting it through rehabilitative procedures will help the patient improve locomotor system function as a whole and prevent treatment resistance and recurrence of the problem.

Meniere’s disease and upper cervical chiropractic care: Video

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Help other sufferers. Do you have experience with chiropractics and Meniere’s disease? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

Further reading/references: Chiropractic Rehabilitation in the Treatment of Dizziness

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome

Meniere’s Disease caused by Dental Work

Can the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease be caused by Dental Work?

It is relatively common for people to contact Meniere’s Disease Help who had dental work done prior to the onset of their symptoms, have dental problems, or who have amalgam fillings. All of these have been linked to Meniere’s.

Meniere’s disease caused by root canal work is also a possibility. Root canals toxicity is a controversial topic. Dentistry in general calls the possible negative effect on health throughout the body from root canals a myth.

However biological dentists do not agree. Root canal removal is a common treatment carried out by biological dentists.

In addition to that Meniere’s Help often receives emails from Meniere’s sufferers who claim the onset of their symptoms followed root canal work.

A paper at ScienceDirect.Com discusses the possible links with dental issues and Meniere’s disease here is a summary:

Meniere’s disease may be caused by common intraosseous dental pathology

– Diagnosis using the comparative compression sign

“Meniere’s disease has been ascribed to a disturbance of the vestibular apparatus or its connections within the Central Nervous System.

Several hypotheses have been advanced regarding its aetiopathogenesis, but treatments based on these hypotheses have often not produced the desired results.

Two cases are described where common intraosseous pathology within the lower half of the functional face, i.e. within the mandible and maxillae, was shown to be the cause of Meniere’s disease.

Together, these cases contributed to the chance discovery of the comparative compression sign which, when able to be elicited, may be considered pathognomonic for a dental origin of the condition.

It is suggested that, in addition to other hypothesized causes involving the vestibular apparatus and the CNS, Meniere’s disease and vertigo may also be caused by common, readily-identifiable intraosseous dental pathology.

These unexpected findings open up a new field for future research.”

a23 Rechov Atzmon, Ramat Hasharon 47287, Israel

Root canal toxicity and the symptoms of Meniere’s disease

Studies have shown that there is a link between gum disease and serious chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and cancer, and emerging evidence has shown that root canals pose the same health risks.

It would seem root canal capping can trap toxic bacteria in the gum. The bacteria would normally not be a problem but the root canal can trap it. That’s when it becomes toxic and cannot escape. It has to go somewhere and this leads to problems.

Possible effects can be:

  • Infection after root canal: After the root canal procedure, the infection can progress inside or outside the location that the root canal was performed
  • Accumulation of unwanted materials: Cholesterol crystals can accumulate and irritate the tissues where the root canal was done, as well as scar tissue or cystic lesions
  • Immune system response: The procedure can cause an overactive immune response in your body, causing negative health impacts
  • Toxic materials used in filling: Many dentists use materials such as amalgam to fill the tooth after a root canal is performed, which can be detrimental to your health due to mercury and other metals in the filling material

It is claimed that the health of your mouth can be directly linked to the health of your overall body.

Studies have shown that there is a link between gum disease and serious chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, respiratory disease, and cancer, and emerging evidence has shown that root canals pose the same health risks.

Dr. Gerald Smith, International Center for Nutritional Research:

15 years of vertigo caused by a root canal treated tooth

“Duncan A. suffered sever vertigo for fifteen years. He had to sleep with two pillows to counteract the spinning sensation. He was also unable to fly.

Medical examination at Johns Hopkins University, Hershey Medical Center and numerous neurologists failed to diagnose Duncan’s underlying cause.

Duncan came in for an extended examination. A major red flag went up when Duncan mentioned he had a lower left second molar that was treated with root canal therapy.

When the tooth was tested by means of an energetic technique it showed the presence of infection with cytomegalovirus. Also this same virus was present in his left inner ear, which was the same side Duncan experienced his vertigo.

Treatment involved specific nutrients and home treatment with his own Rife machine. Two months into treatment his left ear popped open and his vertigo vanished. Duncan has been free of all his vertigo symptoms for the past several years.”

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease 

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Did your Meniere’s symptoms start following dental work? Tell  us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

Vertigo of dental origin

Meniere’s disease may be caused by common intraosseous dental pathology–Diagnosis using the comparative compression sign

Learn from my bad Meniere's experience

Drop Attacks

Drop Attacks And Meniere’s Disease

I have just posted the last part of the learn from my bad Meniere’s Disease experiences. In it I talk about the importance of not getting slack with your lifestyle and diet just because you are symptom free through dietary changes and supplements.  Also discussed are drop attacks and the possibility of Amalgam dental fillings being a trigger for Meniere’s

Drop attacks can be a terrifying and dangerous development for the Meniere’s disease sufferer to experience. Thank fully not every sufferers does. You can read “Mike’s Meniere’s Story” here

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance  Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Do you have Meniere’s or drop  attacks ?

Tell us all about it in the comments box below  or email Mike at

Further reading:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome

Meniere’s Disease Triggers

What Triggers the Symptoms of Meniere’s disease?

The video below discusses Meniere’s disease triggers. For a more in depth, comprehensive list read the article on what triggers Meniere’s click here.

The video below is from 2007.   Please be aware that an awful lot has changed since then, our understanding has evolved a great deal. (it is now 2020).

We didn’t know anywhere near as much as we do now about how to deal with this condition at that time.

We knew how to suppress the symptoms through nutrition, diet, lifestyle and avoiding triggers.

Now we know an awful lot more about root causes and triggers.

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

You can see the full transcript below this video.

Meniere’s Disease Triggers video

Hi I’m Mike, You may have seen my other two videos that are out there on the internet, on You-tube and a few other places on the internet. And in those videos basically I just explain that, I’ve lived with Meniere’s for about 13 odd years now. and uh, I managed to rid myself of the symptoms, and I’ve been symptom free for the last 7 years I think it is now, through taking very high quality nutritional supplements.

I hadn’t intended on making another video but 1 or 2 things have come up. Basically on the website, which you can see probably down here. There is a page called “triggers” and obviously that is about all the triggers that affect us people with Meniere’s. 

The thing about triggers, is, I think, certainly I didn’t take them very seriously or not seriously enough when I was very sick with Meniere’s. And it seems that quite a few people who we advise about these triggers don’t really take it seriously enough either.

One of the reasons for that is I think, you know, changing something in your diet, or your lifestyle, or whatever, it’s not going to give you results overnight and it takes time basically.

People kind of might change their diet for a week or so and don’t see any change and think well that’s not working; what’s the point. I like my chocolate I’ll just eat it. You know things like that (that’s not to say chocolate is a definite trigger for you).

So basically this is just to draw attention to a few triggers and just to explain, yeah, it does take time.

It’s up to you to try and find your own particular triggers, because basically we are all different and some people are affected by some triggers and others are not basically.

So I’ll just give you a quick breakdown of what’s on that page on that site and you can go and visit that site. Click on the link to ‘Triggers‘ and that will give you a lot more information than what is on this video.

Okay, so basically, the first thing: Diet…

There are quite a few things that may, not definitely, but may affect you. So you know every doctor or virtually every doctor will tell you that salt is the main problem for us, because the sodium in the salt  retains fluid in the body.

So cutting your salt intake down to a sensible level is the first thing every person with Meniere’s should do.

But not only that, there are things like if you have too much caffeine, if you have a diet full of saturated fats, if you drink alcohol, all of these things can have an affect on us.

If you can either cut those things out of your diet or limit them to sensible levels, I mean obviously it’s common sense with a lot of it, you know for just staying healthy generally.

But you know, more so for us, people with Meniere’s. If you can keep to a healthy diet, full of fresh vegetables and fruits and cut out unhealthy fats, salty foods like processed foods, junk food, in the long run it’s going to help you. In most cases.

Certain things affect some people and certain things don’t affect people. Personally alcohol was a huge trigger for me but I’ve had emails from people, where they say it’s never bothered them, ever.

You know it’s up to you to find out if it does affect you. By the way I think most people are affected by alcohol.

Okay there are other things like lifestyle and environment.

So in your lifestyle, obviously if you are overworked, you’re stressed, if you’re not getting enough sleep, you know all these things contribute to the problems we have.

So you need to get decent sleep.

For your work and your stress, you know obviously there are certain things you can do about that and other times it’s not always possible to cut that out.

But if you cut the other things out, in your life like your diet and your environment, you’re giving yourself a better chance.
In your environment, you could be talking about mold or allergens in the air, chemicals in the work place, or in the household; these can all, possibly have an affect on you. 

If you’ve had dental work or if you have amalgam fillings. There seems to be a lot of people, for me not personally, but there are a lot of people that have been affected by this. They have found that that is their main trigger, and they’ve done something about it.

Another thing is the weather, because heavy weather, you know low barometric pressure, if there is low air pressure, that is increasing the pressure in your ear.

So again there is nothing you can do about that but if you cut out all the other triggers, you know like the salt, the things in your diet and if you cut out the things in your lifestyle, then perhaps the heavy weather is not going to affect you as much.

Go to, the website down here and look at triggers. Have a good look and try and figure out what affects you and do something about it basically.

And if you want help with that you can contact us and someone will get back to you and help you out there with advice.

Okay one other thing….in the other two videos I’m talking about high quality supplements helping us get rid of our Meniere’s basically. Or the Meniere’s Disease symptoms I should say; it’s not a cure. But you know, we live symptom free. 

A fair amount of people I think, they see that video and they just rush out to the local store and buy, maybe not the cheapest, but they certainly don’t worry about the quality of what they are buying.

A lot of supplements are not very good quality and what it says on the bottle might not be what is in there. You know in that case they are buying these cheaper low quality brands and basically they are not getting any results.

Then they probably think, well that’s a load of nonsense and they are missing out. So just one thing about that, look on the site, look what we use.

Of course I think you should use what we use, because we know it works.

But you know if you don’t use what we use because it is expensive, and it is expensive by the way.

If you don’t use that make sure you find the equivalent, you know I mean as close as you can and certainly the best quality you can get hold of.

Because otherwise you’re kind of wasting your money, and kind of wasting your time I guess. So yep, that’s the two things that came up recently…so go to and best of luck…

For more detailed up to date information read Meniere’s Disease Trigger

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Related articles:

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Help other sufferers.

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Further reading:

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