Overcoming Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s Disease has several possible root causes and many triggers. Find your cause and you have found the key to your cure. This can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.
Meniere’s Disease has several possible root causes and many triggers. Find your cause and you have found the key to your cure. This can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.
How is diabetes linked to Meniere’s Disease?
Can type 2 diabetes result from Meniere’s disease or Meniere’s result from Diabetes? Are the two connected at all, is it all coincidence or are the two a result of the same root cause in some people?
A sizable number of Meniere’s sufferers who contact Meniere’s Help also suffer from Diabetes. Glucose metabolism, and insulin irregularities have both been linked to Meniere’s in some way or another.
Ana from Mexico emailed Meniere’s Help this week to tell us she thinks she is ‘cured’. Can Chiropractics cure Meniere’s disease?
Meniere’s disease – Cervical Spine and TMJ. Misalignment in the cervical spine, neck and jaw have all been linked to Meniere’s disease. Many people who have had chiropractic readjustments and manipulation of the cervical spine have freed themselves of Meniere’s symptoms, notably C1 through C6.
Food allergies and gut issues have been linked to Meniere’s disease. This is one of several possible causes you can correct or eliminate in your life. Studies have shown that up to 30% of Meniere’s sufferers have food allergies and/or intolerances. Intolerance to gluten and candida overgrowth are common.