Meniere’s Disease – Amalgam and Mercury. Mercury leaking from amalgam dental fillings is just one of several possible root causes of Meniere’s Disease symptoms. When people have removed amalgam from their mouths often they find themselves free of Meniere’s altogether. This is one of the most common themes among sufferers who have contacted Meniere’s Help over the past 12 years.
Meniere’s disease sufferers have thyroid issues. Up to 38% of Meniere’s disease sufferers have thyroid issues. The endocrine system and metabolism have also linked been linked to Meniere’s. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system and metabolism is is regulated by thyroid. Have you been checked for thyroid dysfunction?
Meniere’s Disease – Allergies and Mold. Allergies from pollen and other airborne allergens are known triggers for Meniere’s disease and even a possible root cause in some people. Could this be a problem for you? Watch this short video.
Can Blue Light Glasses Help Stop Vertigo? Do you suffer from light sensitivity? Do computer screen, florescent light and even the TV trigger vertigo attacks? Wearing these glasses may help prevent attacks.
Are there any possible links of fungal infections, particularly candida albicans to Meniere’s Disease? It would seem so.