Can Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Relieve Meniere’s Symptoms?
Can Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Relieve Meniere’s Symptoms?
Can Lymphatic Drainage Therapy Relieve Meniere’s Symptoms?
Fasting with Meniere’s Disease. How does fasting affect your condition when you suffer with Meniere’s Disease? Is it a good idea? Can it help or can it make things worse?
SPC- Flakes to stop Vertigo.
On May 7th 2017 an article was published by The Express newspaper online with the headline,”Ménière’s disease sufferer: Getting my life back”
Meniere’s disease or Chiari malformation? In a four year study of 364 Chiari patients found that 74% patients had “Meniere’s like syndrome “: dizziness, disequilibrium pressure in ears, tinnitus, decreased hearing, true vertigo, nystagmus.
Meniere’s disease – Cervical Spine and TMJ. Misalignment in the cervical spine, neck and jaw have all been linked to Meniere’s disease. Many people who have had chiropractic readjustments and manipulation of the cervical spine have freed themselves of Meniere’s symptoms, notably C1 through C6.