Amalgam mercury and Meniere’s disease

Can Amalgam mercury cause the symptoms of Meniere’s disease?

Amalgam mercury and Meniere's disease - image of amalgam dental fillings

If you suffer from Meniere’s disease and have amalgam fillings, you might want to consider the possibility that this could be a root cause of your symptoms. Here is why……

In 16 years of support work and 12 years of research and study we have seen Mercury toxicity to be at the very least a contributing trigger and more often than not (when present) it would appear an obvious root cause. Removal of amalgam fillings followed by a heavy metal detox seems to have resulted in the elimination of Meniere’s symptoms in numerous cases that we know of alone. More famously, Ben Zander’s case below is a great example.

Based on our research and experience Mercury toxicity through amalgam fillings is only one of several possible root causes of Meniere’s symptoms.

Bear in mind that in terms of root causes, what may be relevant in one case may have little to no relevance in another.

Amalgam however, is a very common theme among many sufferers.

Ben Zander, the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, almost had to give up his career because of the debilitating symptoms of Meniere’s ‘disease’ and almost lost his hearing. Cruel for a musician of such standing. He would have to leave concerts half way through.

They told me it was Meniere’s disease and there was nothing they could do about it,” said Zander.

[I can not count how many times we have heard this…..and it is simply NOT TRUE. There is so much you can do.]

Zander went from doctor to doctor, and no one could help. He was eventually referred to biological dentist Dr. G. Robert Evans of the Groton Wellness Dental Spa and Medical Center. Evans traced his symptoms to the amalgam fillings in his mouth. Fillings that were partly mercury. Evans removed 15 fillings immediately. (See Ben Zander’s testimony on video below)

Mr Zander completely recovered after having the amalgam/mercury removed and has not had an attack since.

Mercury is the most toxic non-radioactive substance known to man. It is 1,000 times more toxic than lead“, said Evans.

The American Dental Association said the FDA acted appropriately when it ‘found’ that dental amalgam is a safe and effective treatment option for the general public. But the ADA also supports the feds’ recommendation to continue review of existing and new scientific information as it becomes available.

However, “The World Health Organization declared there’s no safe level of exposure to mercury,” said Evans, who runs a mercury free practice.

The fact that I got over my Meniere’s disease because I had the metal out of my teeth is not proof it caused a problem but that’s what happened,” said Zander, who said he has never missed another concert after having his fillings removed. [I am not sure how much more proof is needed?]

You may have to extract amalgam fillings if there is leakage triggering the symptoms of Meniere's disease

When a dentist removes amalgam and the mercury in it, it is so toxic that it can not be thrown away because it is deemed a environmental hazard. A toxic waste hauler is called in to dispose of it.

Dr Evans says,” If you took a good size mercury filling and placed it in a ten acre lake, it would warrant a fishing advisory that you can’t fish in that lake“.

Dr Tom McGuire runs a mercury free dental surgery and writes extensively on mercury toxicity. He explains,

The majority of people I’ve consulted with do not understand just how devastating chronic mercury poisoning is to their health. Without this awareness it is difficult to fully appreciate the need for, and value of, participating in a mercury detoxification program that supports the body’s efforts to remove the accumulated mercury and heal the damage done by it.

I’ve also found that most people think that it is enough just to have their mercury amalgam (silver) fillings removed and, once they do, the problems they equate to mercury exposure from these fillings will quickly go away. When the mercury related symptoms don’t improve in a short period of time they often get frustrated and think that their amalgam fillings didn’t cause or contribute to their health issues. I believe that if they were educated about the destructive effects of chronic mercury poisoning more people would not only commit to having their fillings removed but also stimulate participation in a mercury detoxification program.

The first place to start this education is to realize just how toxic mercury is to the body, including how it does its damage and why it must be dealt with in a unique way. I believe that in order to effectively treat chronic mercury poisoning and appreciate the need for removing the accumulated mercury from your body, it’s critically important to see the big picture.

Mercury amalgam(silver) fillings are the main source of mercury exposure and nearly 200 million people in the USA alone have them. These fillings continuously release mercury as a toxic vapor and as much as 80% of the vapor enters the body. It is fat soluble and can enter every cell of the body and particularly harmful to the brain. The safest way to remove the source is to find a mercury free dentist. has the largest mercury free dentist listing in the world.”

Mercury is toxic in extremely small amounts, it can accumulate in the body over time, and contribute to or compound all manner of illnesses and the vast majority of sufferers will have no idea they are carrying the root cause of this in their mouths 24/7.  For example mercury can:

  • Attach to proteins and enzymes and interfere with their normal function
  • Create autoimmune diseases and impair the blood and cardiovascular system
  • Interfere with, or overload, the natural detoxification pathways of the liver, kidneys, skin, and bowel.
  • Impair the function of the nervous, endocrine, immune, enzymatic, gastrointestinal, reproductive, and urinary systems.
  • Increase allergic reactions.
  • Cause harmful intestinal bacteria, including Candida, to become immune to antibiotics.
  • Dramatically deplete the body of its most important antioxidants.

The emboldened words above highlight the amount of possible contributing factors to Meniere’s Disease that mercury affects. Autoimmunity has been linked to MD, impaired micro circulation has been linked to MD and improving blood flow has been shown to improve symptoms, MD has been linked to problems with the central nervous system, endocrine disorders have been linked to MD, supporting the immune system through diet/supplementation has been shown to reduce or suppress symptoms of MD, allergies have been linked to MD, Candida albicans/fungal infections have been linked to MD, high dietary intake of antioxidants has been shown to help reduce or eliminate symptoms of MD. (*MD- Meniere’s Disease)

A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives: ‘Thyroid hormones in relation to lead, mercury, and cadmium exposure in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2007-2008.’ It was stated that,” Heavy metals, such as lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd), are known toxicants” and concluded with “Our analysis suggests an inverse association between Hg[mercury] exposure and thyroid hormones.

Another study published in Environment International in 2012: ‘Mercury and thyroid autoantibodies in U.S. women’ stated, “Mercury exposure has been associated with cellular autoimmunity and mercury accumulates in the thyroid gland.” and concluded with, “Results suggest an association between mercury and thyroglobulin autoantibody positivity.”

Other studies also connect mercury toxicity to thyroid issues. Thyroid dysfunctions have been linked to Meniere’s disease in over one 3rd of sufferers.

There is still a reluctance by some in the medical community to accept the obvious link of amalgam to Meniere’s, despite the known toxicity of mercury. The fact that mercury is one of the most toxic elements on earth, the case of Ben Zanders and the countless Meniere’s sufferers who have contacted us over the past 12 years is evidence enough that you should not dismiss the possibility that it might be the root cause or a contributing factor in Meniere’s for many people.

You make your mind up, but I know I had my solitary amalgam filling removed and replaced with ‘ozone treatment’ in Japan several years ago. See ways to detox heavy metals including Mercury further down the page.

Amalgam mercury and Meniere’s disease videos:

Watch Ben Zander’s testimony.

Biological Dentist’s testimony to FDA on Mercury toxicity from amalgam fillings.

More FDA hearings on the history and deception of the use of mercury in dental fillings

Detoxing Mercury

If you remove amalgam fillings you may still need to detox and flush the Mercury from your body.

There are many ways of detoxing heavy metals such as Mercury:

To help your body excrete and eliminate mercury and other heavy metals try these natural detox methods below or use the heavy metal detoxification supplement at the bottom of the list:

#1. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is a mixture of magnesium and sulfate. Magnesium helps to regulate over 300 enzymes in the body. Sulfate helps flush toxins from the body and is necessary for the health of your skin, joints and nervous system.

Sulfate molecules are negatively charged and are able to both attract and extract heavy metals from the body. We know that the magnesium and sulfate in Epsom Salt penetrates the skin, so soaking in an Epsom Salt bath is a very gentle and useful detoxification practice.


Mix 2 cups of Epsom Salts in a tub of warm water. Soak for 20 minutes several times a week. You may add in 1 drop of each of the following essential oils to enhance the bath. Rosemary, juniper berry and cilantro are good choices for detoxification and tangerine and geranium are purifiers.

TIP: To help the oils disperse, mix the oil into 1 tablespoon of coconut milk or the milk of your choice before adding it to the bath water.

#2.  Cilantro & Chlorella

1. Cilantro is rich in many vitamins and minerals (potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and K). Studies also document proven antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Amazingly, Cilantro has been found to successfully remove Mercury, Aluminum and Lead from the body!


The easiest way to incorporate cilantro into your healing protocol is to consume about ¼ cup of fresh cilantro leaves daily. You can do this in a smoothie or by mincing the leaves and adding them to your meals. Do be careful not to consume much more than ¼ cup of cilantro daily, because the chelating effects can be quite real.

Cilantro PULLS heavy metals out of your tissues, but you also need to bind it and excrete it. This is where chlorella comes in!

2. Chlorella absorbs heavy metals and facilitates their release from the body when you urinate. In a German study, high doses of chlorella were found very effective in eliminating heavy metals from the brain, intestinal wall, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and bone.

#3.  Garlic, Probiotics & Silica

1. Garlic has been scientifically proven to treat heavy metal poisoning by binding with the heavy metals so they they can be excreted rather than deposited in bone and tissues.

The allicin in raw garlic not only has significant antioxidant properties, but is also antifungal, antiparasitic and antibacterial. This is important for helping support immune health while your body is working to detox.


Add crushed/minced garlic to your food daily. Tasty ideas range from garlic broth to a lively pesto.

2. Probiotics are protective powerhouses. An article from probiotic expert resource, BodyEcology, noted that “a 2012 study from the Lawson Health Research Institute explored the value of probiotics in those who have an accumulation of heavy metals.

“According to researchers, the friendly gut bacteria Lactobacillus have the ability to detoxify heavy metals. Other studies report that probiotics may be valuable tools for cleansing the body of the heavy metals lead and cadmium.”


Add a daily lactobacillus supplement or consume plenty of fermented foods. Lactobacillus bacteria are prevalent in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and fermented vegetables. Not only will you be working to cleanse your body from heavy metals, but you’ll also be supporting great digestive health and a lower inflammatory response.

3. Silica–rich foods and herbs are great choices for a heavy metal detox. In a 2009 study, silica was shown to be protective in subjects with high aluminum exposure.

Aluminum is excreted via urine when you supplement with silica. Proper hydration and adequate vitamin B1 and potassium are necessary when using silica though.


Try supplementing with a horsetail tea or tincture or focus on silica-rich foods for several weeks. Horsetail should not be used long term (an herbalist can guide you if you’re interested in focusing on herbs for detoxing).

According to the 1993 book Silica: The Forgotten Nutrient by Klaus Kaufmann, the richest food sources of silica are (foods are measured in 100g; Silica content is measured in mg):

Oats: 595

Millet: 500
Barley: 233
Potatoes: 200
Whole wheat grain: 158
Jerusalem artichoke: 36
Red beets: 21
Corn: 19
Asparagus: 18
Rye: 17

Horsetail is a weed that is used as a diuretic and astringent in herbal remedies. The silica content of horsetail is unmatched and is likely the reason why people who use it give accounts of shiny, healthy hair, nails and skin. Beyond beauty, the silica in horsetail may also be a good choice for removing aluminum from the body.

The above stand alone herbal supplements may be able to help detox you of Mercury. Alternatively you can use a specific heavy metal detoxication supplement such as Folium pX or its equivelant. 

Folium pX Immune System Support, Full Body Cleanse, Heavy Metal Detox, Mercury, Lead, Arsenic, Barradium, Gadolinium, Cadmium Poisoning, Super Antioxidant Supplement, Pine Bark, Grape-Seed Extract

Antioxidants are vital for everybody regardless but for the Meniere’s sufferer perhaps even more essential. Both pine bark (used in pycnogenol) and grape seed extract help blood flow and are both used to help ease the symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

*October 27th 2020 update*

From Consumers for Dental Choice have Sued the FDA and Won

FDA Admits Amalgam Dangers

“After years of pressure from Consumers for Dental Choice and its allies, the FDA finally admits the unvarnished truth about amalgam, noting that “Dental amalgam is a mixture of mercury and a powdered alloy made up of silver, tin and copper” that “releases small amounts of mercury vapor over time.”

  • The FDA warns mercury fillings may adversely affect people in certain high-risk groups and should be avoided
  • The FDA also advised against use of the misleading term “silver fillings,” and urges patients to discuss all dental filling options with their dentist

For help in removing your amalgam fillings and alternatives in the US:

Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions (DAMS). Email them at: or call 651-644-4572 for an information packet. For people outside the USA: International Association of Mercury Safe Dentists

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Related articles:

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Meniere’s Help -Supporting Sufferers Since 2004
Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s Sufferers. What are your experiences with amalgam fillings and Meniere’s. Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

Gluten and Meniere’s Disease

Can gluten cause the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease?

Updated September 2020

Could Gluten be a cause Meniere’s symptoms? Tests in the past have shown links to Meniere’s and problems with the digestive system . The health of the gut is essential for overall health, Gut issues such as IBS have been linked to neurological diseases, autoimmune diseases and Meniere’s disease. 

In this article it suggests a connection between gluten and Meniere’s symptoms.


Gluten and Balance

Gluten and Meniere's Disease

Meniere’s disease is a condition that manifests symptomatically as severe dizziness, ear pressure, ringing, and often times is associated with concomitant migraine headache. The symptoms can be debilitating and often lead to nausea, vomiting, and inability to stand or walk due to imbalance. Recent research has identified a connection between grain (specifically wheat) and Meniere’s disease. The study was published in the journal, Laryngoscope. The abstract is below:

Wheat is one of the most common food allergens found in patients with Meniere’s disease (MD). Gluten from wheat has been identified to have a etiopathogenetic role in celiac disease, IgE hypersensitivity to wheat disease, and recently to gluten sensitivity. The aim of this study was to verify the incidence of gliadin prick test response in patients affected by MD.

There were 58 adult patients with definite MD, 25 healthy volunteers, and 25 patients with grass pollen rhinoconjunctivitis tested with skin prick test to gliadin.

A total of 33 MD patients (56.9%) proved to be sensitive to gliadin, eight of whom were positive to prick test after 20 minutes, 13 after 6 hours, 11 after 12 hours, and one after 24 hours.

Gluten and Meniere’s disease – studies

Gluten sensitivity in Meniere’s disease. A cited clinical study paper on NIH


Wheat is one of the most common food allergens found in patients with Meniere’s disease (MD). Gluten from wheat has been identified to have a etiopathogenetic role in celiac disease, IgE hypersensitivity to wheat disease, and recently to gluten sensitivity.

A total of 33 MD patients (56.9%) proved to be sensitive to gliadin, eight of whom were positive to prick test after 20 minutes.

Also on the NIH:

Meniere’s disease and gluten sensitivity: recovery after a gluten-free diet


We report the case of a 63-year-old female with definite unilateral Meniere’s disease, osteoarthritis of the distal finger joints with mucous cysts and Heberden’s nodes, and constipation with recurrent abdominal pain whose symptoms remitted after 6months of a restrictive gluten-free diet.

The question is, is it the gluten itself; the modification of gluten or the chemicals used in modern farming processes that find their way into the wheat or grains?

We do know that we have received messages from sufferers who have symptom free after changing their diet and in some cases that meant going gluten free.

Gluten in the form we know today is a neurotoxin and of course the central nervous system has been linked to Meniere’s. Over the past 50 years, hybridization wheat grains has taken place to supposedly increase crop yield ( the results of that are highly debatable)  and lengthen ‘shelf life’.

A protein called gliadin was added to grain. It is thought that higher concentrations of this protein has made wheat less digestible, which causes an allergy or reaction. Increased antibodies to gliadin, may have a negative impact on the neural system.

food allergies and intolerances, including gluten may be an issue when trying to overcome the symptoms of Meniere's disease

Almost 50% say gluten is an issue with Meniere’s

In September 2020, the question was asked in a Meniere’s social media group, “Has anyone linked their triggers to dairy or gluten instead of the sodium?”

Of the 37 respondents, 17 suggested gluten may be an issue:


  1. Yes all three and stress
  2. And processed foods with MSG
  3. Yes! Dairy is a HUGE trigger for me. Moderate gluten is okay but I get super fatigued and just off with lots of it. Sodium is no issue unless in ridiculous high amounts. As long as I salt to taste and cook mostly from scratch I stay in the moderate sodium range (2500mg give or take) and that works well for me
  4. I went gluten and dairy free around March this year and noticed a massive improvement, more so than just watching my salt. But like everything with this disease it’s not the final answer as I’m currently in a three week spiral having changed nothing about my routine.
  5. Gluten yes! Add sugar, salt, caffeine to that and its disaster. And dehydration
  6. I removed gluten and dairy and I have done better! They are definitely triggers for me
  7. Yes 100%
  8. Yeah I got diagnosed with celiac disease
  9. Yes.
  10. Carbs/starches/natural sugars/regular sugar. Anything that breaks down as sugar. Although, I can’t tolerate much dairy, but that’s been for the last 23 years since I had my first pregnancy.
  11. Gluten and diary set me off. I’m on a high sodium diet and it doesn’t bother me
  12. Gluten, diary, sodium all r triggers
  13. Same, I don’t eat any of those, haven’t for years
  14. I tried to stay gluten and dairy free as much as possible only because I believe Menerie’s is a autoimmune disorder and with any autoimmune you need to stay away from that stuff
  15. Sure. You can also get allergy tested through a blood test and do allergy drops which help with food related symptoms like mucus, fluid retention, and dizziness which has helped my daughter. She also eats a low sodium and low sugar diet to help reduce dizziness.
  16. Gluten is my number 1 trigger, and what I am figuring out is that it takes a LONG time to get back to normal after I’ve had an interaction, so sodium becomes a constant trigger until everything really settles down again. Once I get everything balanced out again I can eat and drink as I please, just no gluten
  17. Yea gluten really bugs me. I have tried my best to eat a gluten free diet and it helps but not enough to cure md.

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Related articles:

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Do you have experience of Meniere’s and gluten? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

Gluten Sensitivity and Vertigo/Meniere’s Disease

Gluten sensitivity in Meniere’s disease

Beating Meniere’s Disease

Beating Meniere’s Disease – Paul

Do you really have to live with Meniere’s Disease? – New Testimonial

Beating Meniere's Disease - girl looking distressed while holding ear.

It is true that you can suppress your Meniere’s symptoms with dietary changes, quality supplements and lifestyle changes. However, you can eliminate your root cause and live completely free of Meniere’s, period!

Either way beating Meniere’s disease is very possible. Never let anyone tell you, “There is nothing more to be done, learn to live with it.”  This kind of outdated dogma is still being pushed on sufferers unfortunately. While the focus is on treating, rather than looking for root causes or strengthening the immune system things will not change anytime soon.

Paul’s comments

Paul left this comment on an old video on youtube :

Shared publicly – Dec 26, 2013 “Meniere’s Disease. How some people are beating it“(The video is actually old (from 2006 – the comment is from December 2013) and somewhat out of date in that although it is still relevant, we have come a very long way since it was recorded.

In the years since we have proven that not only can you suppress the symptoms with dietary considerations, you can through a process of elimination find and eliminate your own particular root cause, or causes. (there may be more than one to take into consideration) We are all different so what is true for one may not be relevant for another. )

P Ott commented on a video on YouTube.

“Thank you so much. I was spinning for weeks and I am now normal again. I went to your website and after finding the supplements you suggested I took them for two days before almost all my symptoms went away. Thank you. Just a note I had a very hard time reading through the site because I couldn’t read for more than 5 mins or so due to dizziness. Maybe just put a tab that says THE CURE with the list of supplements.
By the way I have been to many doctors and ENT specialist and they have no clue that this works. Without people like you I would still be suffering. You totally rock. I think what you are doing very very important and you helped me get my life back.”
Thank you Paul

This was my response:

“Thank you for the kind words Paul. Great news that you recovered so quickly. It varies from person to person so you were lucky in that it happened so fast. This video is rather old.

Thank you for the advice about the site. We don’t like to use the word “cure” for a few reasons. It sounds sensationalist and scares people away and if the truth be told we don’t see this a a cure, for two reasons: Meniere’s is not a “disease” to cure; it is an idiopathic set of symptoms and more importantly the supplements we use support our body’s own immune system enough for it to deal with the inflammation in the ear by itself.

Our website is in the process of being brought up to date and will be uploaded soon because although we still stand by the fact the supplements we use keep you symptom free, many people can’t afford them or access them in some countries.

We have been supporting sufferers for over 10 years and have studied and researched underlying causes for over 5 years and can now say categorically that nobody has to live with this condition. We can all find our cause.

Anybody reading this that wants help, please contact us at or contact us through the blog ( or website (”

To learn more about the supplements Paul is referring to CLICK HERE

More on Beating the symptoms of Meniere’s Disease

click the links below to learn more about beating the symptoms of Meniere’s disease

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease

Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Menieres

Related articles:

Flying with Meniere’s Disease

Does flying affect your Meniere’s symptoms?

We often get emails asking if flying is going to be a problem with Meniere’s Disease.

In theory the added air pressure could increase the swelling inside he ear and increase the prospect of heightened pressure on the hearing and balance nerves. Therefore increasing the possibility of an attack.

In practice though it seems very few people actually do have adverse affects simply from flying. Buzz Aldrin suffered from Meniere’s Disease yet he flew to the moon!

Menieres,org reports: “Most Meniere’s sufferers report no difficulty at all with flying, indeed some report feeling better for the experience”.

I can say from my own personal  experience that, although I always suffered with low barometric pressure during storms when I had Meniere’s disease (I no longer have Meniere’s), I flew many times, long haul, and never experienced an increase in any symptoms. Indeed, I even spent a week scuba diving and the severe pressure on the ears never caused me any problem at all.

While on a flight, you may experience pain in your ear as altitude changes quickly but that is a normal phenomenon and has nothing to do with Meniere’s. Pinching your nostrils closed and your mouth closed a short, sharp blow of air can clear the pressure in your ear immediately. This is a divers’ trick called “equalizing”.

Good rule of thumb would be to make sure all other aspects of your life that may increase possibilities of triggering an attack are eliminated or reduced prior to flying.

Be strict about your diet in the days leading up to the flight, stay away from alcohol, keep stress to a minimum and make sure you get enough sleep.

On board, request low salt meals, do not drink alcohol and keep yourself hydrated with water.

And enjoy the flight.

Skydiving with Meniere’s Disease

September 13th 2014, 75 year old Rowland Jenkins braved a skydive to raise money for The Meniere’s Society in the UK :

Is flying a problem when you suffer from the symptoms of Meniere's disease?

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Sinuses and Meniere’s Disease

Sinus issues and Meniere’s Disease

Problems with sinuses have been linked to triggers or possibly even a cause of  Meniere’s Disease.

Sinuses and Meniere's disease - face of woman depicting the position of the sinuses

Denise, a friend of Meniere’s Help recently published a very good post on her blog regarding sinuses and how to safely clear them. Steaming is preferable to  saline sprays.

Denise says that if she used any sort of saline spray she would get ringing in the ears badly and dizziness . She reminds us that saline sprays have a great potential to drift straight to the ears!  This is something we totally do not want because it contributes to the vicious cycle of Meniere’s symptoms!  She says she is no longer fooled when they say that saline solution is safe because there is no ‘so called’ medication ingredients.  I found this very eye-opening but not surprising: 

Denise has some very good advice in her post. When we have congestion in the sinuses we may think there is something inside. However, sometimes it is just the swelling that occurs due to infection, irritants, or histamine reactions.

Read a much more in depth article on sinuses and allergies here: Stopping Meniere’s disease symptoms during allergy season.

blocked sinuses can be an obstacle when trying to overcome the symptoms of Meniere's disease

The safer alternative to nasal sprays when you have Meniere’s Disease

Allergies from pollen in the air and sinus problems seem to be a factor with many people. Hay fever and other airborne allergens, causing inflammation around the nasal passage and sinuses and clogging up the ears with pollen would seem an obvious candidate and many people do seem to have problems with this.

The sinuses and tonsils are the first line of defense for your immune system. The tonsils pick up bacteria and prevent it from going further into your body. The immune system memorizes the bacteria and now has a ready made army of cells to send to eliminate that bacteria the moment it appears again.

In the case of sinuses, these are filters to stop unwanted dusts and allergens into the body. When your sinuses are blocked or running, they are doing their job. To do  their  job, they must be kept moist.

Most sinus medicines prevent them doing their job in order to make you more comfortable. However if the sinuses are not filtering out the allergens, they can proceed and do damage deeper in the body.

Wearing a mask during allergy seasons and steaming the sinuses clear regularly can help. Steaming is preferable to masks. Masks can hold bacteria that should be exhaled. Wearing masks for too long can result in bacterial infections.

You can steam the old fashioned way, bent over  a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head to stop the steam escaping. Or you can use a personal steamer inhaler. 

Click here to read Managing Meniere’s Disease
Click here to read The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other sufferers. What is your experience with sinuses and Meniere’s disease? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

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References/Further reading: