Cannabis and Meniere’s disease
Posted Under: General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome
Can Cannabis help with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease?
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The many benefits of medical marijuana are well documented and the number of breakthrough studies seem to be growing by the day.
First hand accounts that are often filmed and posted on youtube and social media show fast relief from epilepsy and Parkinson’s symptoms and show us that autism is an area where cannabis oil seems to have incredible results.
This would suggest that neurological conditions particularly can be reversed or the symptoms of which can be reduced at least using cannabis. However, its potential use is obviously far beyond that.
Some countries and states are now allowing it to be used on prescription and it is often being debated in parliaments and governments around the world. Awareness that cannabis can be used to treat and allegedly even cure many conditions is growing fast; faster among users possibly and researchers rather than the medical community it has to be said.
The human body has Cannabinoid receptors, not only in the brain, but throughout the body that are part of the Endocannabinoid system. Cannabis is a natural herb and anything that grows in nature where the body has receptors to utilize its components must have use for human health.
The demonizing of cannabis is a long sordid story of influence from powerful corporate leaders who feared loss of profits from such a plant. Even now, mega biotech companies are working to grow genetically modified strains of the plant.
They see the writing on the wall and a time when they can no longer contain the truth about its medical benefits. You cannot patent anything from nature, but you can patent the GMO version.
Cannabinoid receptors can be found in immune cells
The Journal of Neuroendocrinology published a study in 2008 regarding cannabinoid receptors and pointed out that C2 receptors can be “found in a number of immune cells“. So the use of marijuana for Meniere’s goes way past merely relaxing the sufferer to avoid anxiety sparking an episode in the way valium and other anti-depressants might be prescribed.
The decades of demonization of the plant has produced generations that fear it. This is changing fast but take Japan, somewhere I have extensive experience with as an extreme example. Talk to the average Japanese person and they would consider marijuana in the same light as heroin. It is a drug, drugs are bad, period.
Yet before WW2 hemp and cannabis grew freely throughout the country. It was held in such high regard that even today children’s tradition attire are still decorated with hemp leaf prints. The reason for this is it symbolizes strength and good health for the child. Propaganda has done a fine job in its brainwashing over the past half century or so. Most parents do not know the symbolism or even what the leaf is.
Used for medical relief it is vaporized rather than smoked and in home remedies that have had such reported success with beating cancer and even curing epilepsy and autism oil extract is mixed with things like coconut oil.
Perhaps the fastest growing and most easily accessible form of medical cannabis is CBD oil. CBD hemp oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp, unlike medical marijuana products, which are usually made from plants with high concentrations of psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Because hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, these hemp oil products are non-psychoactive.
Famous singer songwriter Ryan Adams who suffers from Meniere’s Disease told Britain’s Culture Magazine that he smokes cannabis to help him cope with the symptoms.
Adams said, “It’s therapeutic. There are a lot of people who say, ‘Oh he’s a pothead,’ but I think, ‘Be careful, as karma is real, and begrudging people who are sick is awful.”
- cannabis has anti-anxiety properties.
- cannabis has anti-nausea effect.
- cannabis helps to stop the vertigo (spinning sensation)
These are the claims of R. Stephen Ellis, MD.
Cannabis is recommended for dizziness and Meniere’s disease
According to doctors in California routinely recommend cannabis for Meniere’s . “Meniere’s causes dizziness. Dizziness causes nausea, cannabis relieves nausea”, Robert Sullivan, MD sais, “I’ve issued many recommendations for Meniere’s, as well as tinnitus (ringing in the ears) “ It works well enough to make a significant improvement in patients’ lives.”
As of June 2017, 29 states in the US allow Medical Marijuana:
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia.
It is also allowed in Washington DC. 12 other states have pending marijuana legislation.
Note: The medical conditions that are allowed to be treated by medical marijuana in each state varies.
Some European and South American countries allow some form of medical marijuana as well as Australia, Canada and New Zealand. (As of 2017)
As of 2018, 30 countries had legalized Medical marijuana and more are following suit.
Finally, it is interesting to consider that nobody dies directly from marijuana use, while the statistics of deaths from prescription opioids has reached epidemic proportions in the US. According to the CDC, deaths nearly tripled during 1999–2014. In 2015 33,091 deaths involved an opioid.
Considering the fact that medical marijuana is often used to replace synthetic prescription opioids, given the choice, which would you use?
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By Mike Spencer
Founder of Meniere’s Help – Supporting sufferers since 2004
Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s
Help other sufferers
Have you used cannabis for relief from Meniere’s? Tell us about your experiences in the comments box below or email Mike at
References/Further reading:
Reader Comments
Please could you tell me more about Medical marijuana and taking it to relieve constant vertigo and headaches associated with Menieres Disease
Hi Janette,
I have updated this article with a list of states in the US and other countries that allow medical marijuana. Hope this helps you.
CBD capsules are really helping me so much with my vertigo. This is a horrible, debilitating illness. I have had this illness now for 10 years and water soluble BioCBD really helps me so much- it is the only thing. – Gaio