Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Manganese and Meniere’s Disease

Is Manganese relevant in Meniere’s Disease?

The role of Manganese in Meniere’s Disease

Manganese and Meniere's Disease - image of raspberries. Raspberries contain manganese

Is there a role for manganese in either the treatment or as a causative factor with Meniere’s Disease?   Some nutritionists and doctors specializing in cellular nutrition may believe it can help relieve symptoms while most ENT doctors will probably know nothing about it or dismiss it. If it doesn’t show up on peer reviewed studies or papers in PubMed then most doctors may dismiss it, regardless of any other reports or evidence.

Timothy Haine MD, who writes on the internet about Meniere’s, dismisses the use of manganese as just another in his long list of “placebo effect”, claiming there are zero peer reviewed studies published on PubMed.  This is the man who refers to the bioflavonoids from lemon and vitamin C in Lipoflavonoid as a, “mysterious substance” as he consigns that too to his list of ‘Placebo’ effect probabilities.

Both vitamin C and flavonoids combined with other nutrients have been used with great success over the years for Meniere’s and to so flippantly dismiss their successful use as “placebo” shows a lack of understanding, or willful ignorance as to the importance of both reducing inflammation and improving micro-circulation through nutrition in Meniere’s disease. It also shows a complete disdain and ignorance of the importance of nutrition in general. Shocking perhaps, but unsurprising considering the almost total reliance on synthetic drugs in mainstream medicine.

The easy answer to this attitude is to ask the question, how many Meniere’s sufferers has mainstream medicine actually “cured”? Moreover, how many Meniere’s sufferers can live even partially symptom free through synthetic drugs? Ask a medical doctor how much they studied nutrition in their years of medical school and you will be lucky if they answer that it was more than one afternoon. Which drugs are used for treating what condition will be well known or easily accessible yet a significant understanding of nutritional biology, the very foundation of human health, is often sadly lacking. Many drugs block or prevent natural biological processes while the right nutrition can help the body balance these processes and correct them when there is dysfunction.

In the experiences of Meniere’s Help readers who have contacted us over 12 years, for many the right nutrition has helped them stay symptom free and lipoflavonoid is best used in conjunction with other supplements ( See more about supplementation here )

Unfortunately the testimonials of real sufferers who are the very people who experience every symptom, pain, relief and cure, are too often discarded as mere “hearsay”. The fact is that very few clinical studies will ever be done to prove the effectiveness or curative powers of anything natural because this cannot be patented and profited from by the huge pharmaceutical corporations. Research into synthetic drugs will receive multi million dollar funding simply because these drugs can be patented and profited from.

With all this said, regarding peer reviewed studies on PubMed that Haine bases his opinions on, there is indeed a south American study (translated from Spanish) indexed: ‘Efficacy of the treatment of Ménière’s disease with oligoelements’

Oligoelements are trace elements including manganese and magnesium.

The 2003 study published in the Anales of Otorrinolaringologicols Ibero-Americanos stated:

There are significant differences of better results in Ménières treated with olygoelements.”

The study did a split test of 68 Meniere’s sufferers. 34 were treated with drugs and 34 treated with oligoelements.

The reported results were: “In the descriptive statistics we find better results in the Ménières treated with olygoelements than in those that were not treated”

Manganese was used in this Meniere’s Disease study

[Oligo Elements are bioavailable forms of trace minerals that can be rapidly absorbed.  Oligo Elements unlock the various metabolic processes which generate functional or infectious diseases.   These bioavailable elements work by normalizing enzyme and hormonal functions in order to regulate homeostasis (balance) in the body.]

There is little to no literature about manganese deficiency being related to Meniere’s directly, so why might it help?

Doctor Laurent Bannock. author of The Clinical Nutrition Desk Reference recommends manganese in his supplementation regimen for Meniere’s and states that , “Deficiencies have been linked to ear problems”

Manganese is a component of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) which has been shown to be a powerful antioxidant that fights inflammation. Reducing inflammation by supporting the immune system with powerful antixodants is one of the main functions of the supplement regimen talked about on Meniere’s Help that has worked so well for well over a decade for thousands of sufferers.

Manganese plays an important role in a number of physiologic processes as a constituent of multiple enzymes and an activator of other enzymes.

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is the principal antioxidant enzyme in the mitochondria. Because mitochondria consume over 90% of the oxygen used by cells, they are especially vulnerable to oxidative stress. The superoxide radical is one of the reactive oxygen species produced in mitochondria. MnSOD catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radicals to hydrogen peroxide, which can be reduced to water by other antioxidant enzymes. [Mitochondria is found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. Often known as the powerhouse of the cells]

Although manganese deficiency is not common, deficiency has been linked with several serious diseases such as osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and epilepsy but not directly linked to Meniere’s. It has however been linked to some symptoms of Meniere’s and other conditions with links to Meniere’s.

Possible effects of manganese deficiency are thought to be: nerve disorders, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), vertigo, memory loss, glucose intolerance , and epilepsy.

Conversely, at very high levels of exposure manganese can be toxic, and has been linked to several conditions including Parkinson’s Disease and thyroid dysfunctions.

With that in mind, the importance of balanced nutrition rather than stand alone supplementation can not be underestimated. As vitamins, minerals, trace elements and enzymes all work in synergy it is important that the balance is right.

Comprehensive supplementation

Dr Tim Wood Ph.D explains in ‘Comprehensive Supplementation Delivers What Stand-Alones’ Can’t‘:

“Many people approach nutritional supplementation in piecemeal fashion.

For instance, some use stand-alone vitamin E products to promote cardiovascular health.  Others buy stand-alone calcium supplements to protect against osteoporosis.
Some use vitamin C and zinc to reduce cold and flu symptoms. And still others change their supplement regime every month, according to the latest magazine articles they have read.

None of these approaches –focusing on one or two essential nutrients and ignoring all the others–is satisfactory. In fact, they run counter to the most basic principles of nutrition and health.

Our bodies, and each of the cells that compose them, are complex, living systems comprising diverse structures (organs and organelles) that carry out a multitude of integrated biological functions.

At the cellular level, membranes, mitochondria, ribosomes, and the nucleus  work in concert to regulate the conveyance of materials into and out of the cell; metabolize carbohydrates and fats; synthesise proteins; and guide cellular growth, division, and differentiation.

Similarly, our bodies’ organs have distinct but integrated functions. Our digestive, circulatory, nervous, skeletal, and immune systems collaborate to allow us to acquire and break down foods, absorb and transport nutrients, detoxify metabolites, and fight infections.

All these processes, at both the cellular and whole-body levels, are intimately linked in the web of interactions we call “life.”

The well-being of the whole depends on the integrity and immutable function of all the parts; and in this sense, health is truly holistic.

As complex, integrated systems, our cells and our bodies require a full comlement of essential vitamins and minerals to survive and remain healthy.

The B vitamins–thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid and cyanocobalamin–for example, are essential to cellular metabolism (energy usage and the synthesis of proteins, DNA, and other biological compounds).

We require vitamin C for the synthesis of connective tissues.

We need vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus for normal bone development. Copper, zinc, manganese and selenium are necessary for peak enzyme structure and function.

The list goes on, but the salient point is this:  All the essential nutrients are needed all the time.

Withhold just one nutrient, or provide too much or too little of it, and a given aspect of metabolism slows.

And because our bodies are integrated systems, when one component or function slows, our overall health deteriorates.

We also need a diverse array of antioxidants; that is, molecules that neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

Vitamins C and E are the best known of the dietary antioxidants.

But for complete, long-term protection, we need broader antioxidant defenses. In other words, we require a more extensive spectrum of antioxidant compounds, some of which are water-soluble, some fat-soluble, some that neutralize one class of free radicals (e.g., hydroxyl anions), and some that neutralize another (e.g., singlet oxygen).

Furthermore, various antioxidants accumulate in and protect different parts of the body.

Vitamin C is thought to accumulate in the lens of the eye where it affords protection from cataracts.
Two carotenoids–beta-carotene and lutein–accumulate in the skin and protect it from the sun’s damaging rays.
Lutein also accumulates in the macula of the eye, reducing oxidative stress and the risk of macular degeneration.
Vitamin E is absorbed into cell membranes, protecting them from oxidative stress.
Coenzyme Q10 protects mitochondria (the powerhouses of the cell) from free-radical damage.
And some bioflavonoids are thought to be important in protecting the integrity of blood vessels.

In short, comprehensive antioxidant protection requires that we consume not only vitamins C and E, but also a full spectrum of antioxidant molecules, all of which are essential for long-term health.

In summary, then, our bodies’ cells are complex, integrated living systems requiring all the essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals–in adequate and balanced amounts–to survive and thrive.

Provide just one of the essential nutrients in insufficient amounts, or provide less than broad-spectrum antioxidant protection, and cellular function declines and our overall health deteriorates.

These fundamental principles provide the basis for nutritional approaches to long-term health.

Importantly, they apply both to diet and supplement use. The importance of a balanced and varied diet is self-evident. We know that it is important to eat a diet that supplies a wide array of nutrient-dense foods; a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and one that supplies all the essential micro-nutrients, including the right amounts and kinds of carbohydrate, protein, and fat.

It is just as important to take a comprehensive and balanced approach to nutrient supplementation.

Research has shown that diets in industrialized countries generally fail to supply even minimal levels of many of the essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

These deficits are particularly worrisome for vitamins A, E and B6, as well as for folate, calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper.

Furthermore, we now know that advanced levels of many of the essential nutrients–including vitamin E, vitamin D, and selenium–far in excess of Recommended Daily Allowances, are required to support long-term health.

As such, supplementing our diets with just one or two of the essential nutrients is not enough.

Each of us needs to take a complete vitamin, antioxidant, and mineral supplement as the foundation for our supplementation program.

The nutritional products you choose should provide all the essential nutrients. They should comprise a complete range of cofactors (e.g., choline) and a diverse group of antioxidants (including carot-enoids and bioflavonoids) –nutrients that have not traditionally been considered essential but which are now known to be required for long-term health.

Furthermore, a comprehensive supplement must provide the nutrients in balanced amounts and at doses shown to promote lifelong health.

None of us would think of limiting our diets to just broccoli and green tea just because we have read that both of these foods can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Common sense forbids it. Apply this same common sense and the fundamental principles of nutrition in choosing your nutritional supplements. Choose a high quality, comprehensive nutritional supplement as the basis of your program. Your health depends on it.”

Although there is no direct link to Meniere’s from manganese deficiency, there have been studies showing links to ear problems and the use of manganese as part of supplement regimen is known to be beneficial. Manganese may not hold the same importance to Meniere’s as Magnesium but as an important part of balanced dietary intake it should not be underestimated.

Dietary changes and supplementation is not thought of as either a treatment or a cure. People can live completely or almost completely symptom free as a result of the strengthening of their immune system through supplementation and a healthy balanced diet free of health damaging processed and junk foods.

Identifying and eliminating the individual root cause and triggers is the only way to actually cure yourself from Meniere’s completely.  This is something we have been focusing on for the past 7 years and continue to do so.

It can be done, has been done and is being done all the time.

Food sources of manganese include: Pineapple (raw or juice), Pecans, Almonds, Peanuts, oatmeal, Raisin bran cereal, Brown rice, Whole wheat, beans, Spinach, Sweet potato, Tea (green & black), garlic, grapes, raspberries.

sources: NIH, The Clinical Nutrition Desk Reference (Dr Bannock), Linus Pauling Institute – Oregon State University, USDA.

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

by Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com

Researcher & Author of ‘Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Have you used Manganese supplementation with Meniere’s or have you been tested and found to be deficient? Tell us all about it in the comments boxes below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease Success Stories

Meniere’s Disease and Anxiety

Meniere’s disease, anxiety and panic attacks

With many sufferers, Meniere’s and anxiety go hand in hand. The sheer stress of constant symptoms and the worry that vertigo attacks can strike unexpectedly is enough to bring anyone down to lows they had never experienced before pre-Meniere’s. But if you already suffered from clinical anxiety and you now have Meniere’s it can be a different story. It becomes a chicken and egg scenario and can be too much to take.

If you suffer from both Meniere’s disease and anxiety then you will want to read Sarah’s story below. The links to Meniere’s and stress are perhaps underscored in her story and it is always nice to hear success stories like this to give sufferers hope.

Also see below Sarah’s story the connection between anxiety disorders and gut health, which can be a very important though often overlooked factor.

Sarah’s success story with Meniere’s disease and anxiety

Why My Story Will Shock You…And How After What Seemed To Be An Endless 3 Year Battle, I Eventually Rid Myself Of Anxiety And Panic Attacks Within Days. Soon afterwards my Meniere’s was a thing of the past too.

I am now healthy again and have my life back.

If you’re thinking about using outdated anxiety techniques like deep breathing, supplements, drugs, or any other product to get rid of anxiety, I’m extremely relieved that you’ve found my story because not only will my story shock you, it’ll almost certainly save your health, your money as well as a lot of time and heartache.

I suffered from anxiety disorder and I had the added horror of suffering from Meniere’s disease. The Meniere’s I did mostly control with supplements and diet but it wasn’t until I rid myself of my problems with anxiety that I fully recovered from that too. The anxiety and Meniere’s became a vicious circle and it was impossible to know which was causing which. I thought I would go over the edge crazy with it all. Perhaps I did at times.

Below I will tell you exactly why over a 3 year period I tried  but was forced to give up with Paxil, Seredyn and a range of other products and programs……and how I finally managed to get rid of my anxiety and panic attacks completely with a unique program called ‘Panic Away’. It was so simple in the end it is hard to believe it be honest.

My Name is Sarah Martin and like so many other people who suffer from panic attacks and general anxiety, I spent so much time and money desperately trying to find a cure.

Until 3 years ago I’d never had any emotional problems at all. I had always felt I was a pretty easy going balanced person who didn’t really fret over anything. Suddenly a few years ago my husband’s business started to have problems and our income dropped dramatically. I wouldn’t have minded but we had recently bought a house and the loan was just a little more than we could really afford.

My own job started to become increasingly stressful and my whole lifestyle was altered. I was sleeping a lot less and my diet became quite poor, which was very unlike me.

I Started To Feel A Shocking Sense Of Anxiety

My self confidence and confidence in my home situation both began to slip away, and things that had never bothered me before would eat away at me and I started to struggle continuously with anxious thoughts. I couldn’t believe these minor things could have such an effect on me. But even so, I still didn’t really feel I had problems. I still felt generally healthy and always liked to keep fit.

Then It Really Hit Me

My first panic attack really shocked and scared me. I had just gone to bed. I was very tired but couldn’t sleep. I suddenly felt shaky, nauseous and dizzy. I started to physically panic. My heart was beating out of my chest and I couldn’t breathe properly, my throat felt swollen and thought I was going to die. I know it sounds crazy but I really thought I was going to pass out and die. I shook my husband trying to scream but my voice had no power and I started sobbing. He woke up and hugged me and calmed me down. I couldn’t believe what had just happened to me and thought I was really starting to lose my mind.

I started having anxiety attacks like this at the strangest of times and would panic over the slightest little thing. I couldn’t find the sugar or remember someone’s telephone number. I just couldn’t understand what was wrong with me. But  I knew I had to get some help and soon. The final straw was not being able to face the idea of looking after my sister’s little daughter, who I absolutely adore.

Soon the first symptoms of Meniere’s appeared, tinnitus and and blocked ear. That is another long story altogether though. I honestly feel this was brought on by the anxiety.

I found it hard to go and see my doctor and felt embarrassed to talk to him about what was happening to me. He said I had “general anxiety disorder” and was suffering from “panic attacks”. Well I think I could have told him the latter.

I Tried Paxil But Had To Stop

The doctor told me if I took Paxil I would probably be okay within 3 weeks. I was very apprehensive about taking an anti-depressant and felt ashamed about it. I was right to feel apprehensive. It didn’t agree with me at all. I began to feel like a zombie. I had always loved exercise and had a “healthy appetite”, I loved cooking and loved eating even more. On Paxil, I felt so weak I could hardly be bothered to get out of bed, let alone get up for my morning jog, forget that. I had no appetite at all and to top this I would break out in sweats and would shake all the time. I had other side effects that I am too embarrassed to even mention and my love life suffered greatly.

I was a totally different person, and my husband was so worried he begged me to come off the Paxil and try something else. I was scared and insisted we wait at least three months. After two months I realized I had to give up on this and try something else. It was not easy coming off it though, so be warned.

Then I Tried Zoloft And Suffered Added Side Effects

I only lasted a month on Zoloft.  I suffered more embarrassing female problems and still felt drained all the time, would break out in sweats and had the added problem of feeling more dizzy than before with Meniere’s and my joints would ache all the time, sometimes swelling up. Sometimes I had this really strange feeling, as though electric shocks were shooting through my body. I know it sounds odd, but it is the only way I can explain it.  With the help of my husband I quickly got off the these drugs. It wasn’t easy though. Again I felt scared. After quitting I felt like I had a horrible Flu and my body ached. And my Meniere’s was getting worse and worse.

I Tried Seredyn And Failed

After my experiences with Paxil and Zoloft I wanted to get away from the idea of drugs. I found information on the internet about a supplement called Seredyn. It is supposed to be natural so seemed like a much better alternative. I had a few side effects but nothing like as bad as the drugs. I still felt tired all the time and sometimes had headaches and an upset stomach. I could live with these but ultimately it didn’t really help me. I still found myself having attacks and felt pretty anxious all the time. It didn’t help being anxious about about a vertigo attack striking any moment. Ironically while my condition was getting worse, my original worries, financial worries, were getting better! My husband’s business picked up again and my own workload decreased to a sensible level again. You’d think the anxiety and panic attacks would go away with this but it didn’t. I just couldn’t understand it.

I started getting all kinds of health problems and the horrors of Meniere’s disease could fill a book. In fact I am thinking of writing one.

Finally I Tried Therapy But It Just Didn’t Help

Finally I tried a “therapist”, who was suggested to me by a friend. Her “talk therapy” sessions and deep breathing were of absolutely no help at all. She was a very nice lady but unfortunately she couldn’t help me. This was all starting to get me seriously depressed.

Eventually, I Found Something That Worked

Having spent so much time, money and energy desperately trying to succeed with pills, supplements and therapy that ultimately had very little effect except make me feel worse in other ways was a big regret and made me very pessimistic and negative. This negativity only made my Meniere’s worse I am sure. However the next thing I tried was called Panic Away and to my surprise it actually worked.

I had read a little about it before while searching on the internet, but because of my recent experiences, despite all the apparent credibility in the media, I thought it sounded a little dubious. After reading some extremely complimentary reviews though, and learning that the cost was minimal compared to everything else I had tried, I decided to give it a go.

Here’s Why I Recommend It

The reason why I recommend Panic Away is because I followed their instructions for a matter of days and the results were almost unbelievable. The happy go lucky Sarah everyone knew before is back 🙂

Although it did take a little longer for me to feel better than it says on the web site. I did manage to completely rid myself of anxiety and feel better in a few days, which if you suffer like I did, I am sure you’ll agree is pretty astonishing. I am now at a stage where my confidence has fully returned and I can go about my day happily and go to bed without the fear of another panic attack and I no longer have Meniere’s symptoms. I wake up happy and feeling positive and I am back in the gym and running again in the mornings, something I wouldn’t have thought possible just short time ago. And best of all I get to spend quality time with my niece again.

In my opinion, this was safer, easier and  far far more effective than the other products I tried. I guess everyone is different but it worked wonders for me. The best part for me is that it is so simple, quick and effective and they even give you other really helpful advice, for example on what to eat and what not to eat with this condition. The exercises are so simple and easy and you don’t even have to order any special pills or drugs from a website or anything like that.

Anyway, I hope you have found this information useful, whatever your situation because if I had known about Panic Away 3 years ago I could have rid myself of the horrible anxiety I was feeling and the panic attacks long ago and without wasting so much of my time and money on these other things I tried.

When Mike Spencer from Meniere’s Help asked me if he could use my story to help others I was very eager to get writing and help.

I read through a lot of the Meniere’s Help website and read Mike’s amazing book, The Need for Balance and I have to say that helped me recover from Meniere’s. It also made me understand the very real links between stress, anxiety and Meniere’s. I wouldn’t want anyone to suffer with Meniere’s or Anxiety disorder like I did. I thought my life was over. But I want you to know you really can get over it. Look at me, here I am now back to the old happy go lucky me. I hope my short story helps others the way other people’s stories helped me find my way.

I wish you every success and happiness.


Click here to learn more about Panic Away

The important connections of gut health and anxiety

The origins of depression and anxiety can often be traced to gut health, or rather the lack of it.  Considering gut health has also been linked to Meniere’s disease in at least some people, understanding this and knowing how to keep your gut healthy must be an important factor in keeping both anxiety and Meniere’s out of your life.

As far back as the 1900’s scientists and health professionals emphasized the relationship between gastrointestinal health and mental health. At some point in the following three decades this opinion was flipped upside down and it was thought that mental health influenced gut health.

However, interest and knowledge of the importance of gut health is now at an all time high. The understanding of gut bacteria has increased greatly in recent times. Studies and exploration into gut health has revealed that gut bacteria imbalances are related to mood and behavior issues.

Diet, environment and the state of the immune system are all influential in gut health and therefore mental health and indirectly the health of the ear.

Dr Group of the global healing center explains how the gut is connected to the brain:

“The gut is connected to the brain via the vagus nerve, the enteric nervous system, and the gut-brain axis. The vagus nerve extends from the brain stem down into the neck, thorax, and abdomen. The nerve exits the brain stem through rootlets in the medulla that are caudal to the rootlets for the ninth cranial nerve. The vagus nerve supplies motor parasympathetic fibers to all organs except adrenal glands, all the way from the neck down to the second segment of the transverse colon. It helps regulate heart rate, speech, sweating, and various gastrointestinal functions.

The enteric nervous system connects with the central nervous system. It contains 200-600 million neurons. Local and centrally projecting sensory neurons in the gut wall monitor mechanical conditions in the gut wall. Local circuit neurons, on the other hand, integrate this information. This enables motor neurons to influence the activity of the smooth muscles in the gut wall and glandular secretions such as digestive enzymes, mucus, stomach acid, and bile.

The enteric nervous system has been referred to as a “second brain” because of its ability to operate autonomously and communicate with the central nervous system through the parasympathetic (i.e., via the vagus nerve) and sympathetic nervous systems.

Finally, the gut-brain axis consists of bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system, linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. There is strong evidence from animal studies that gut microorganisms can activate the vagus nerve and play a critical role in mediating effects on the brain and behavior.”

Research has shown the gut microbiota influences brain chemistry and behavior. For example, people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the associated cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation, commonly suffer from depression and anxiety as well.

How to help or Restore Your Gut Flora

A healthy diet is one way to encourage a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Base your diet on fruits and vegetables. Add fermented foods, such as kefir and yogurt, to your diet for a good, natural source of probiotics.

If you don’t consume probiotic foods, consider taking a high-strain probiotic supplement.

Ashwagandha for anxiety

The stress hormone cortisol constricts blood vessels and affects blood flow. Impaired blood flow has been connected to the symptoms of Meniere’s disease. The human body is wired so that ‘fight or flight’ stress both shuts down the immune system and send the blood to the legs and arms.

Normally the body is in a constant state of cell regeneration but in times of extreme stress, anxiety and fear the energy is  sent to the limbs in order for the escape danger. The energy is taken from regeneration mode to fight or flight mode. This is a mechanism hard wired into us over millions of years of evolution.

In today’s world we have constant drip  feeding of stress and anxiety and often this drip  feeding turns into a gushing river.  This constant state of fear and anxiety is making for a very sick population.

Studies have shown that ashwagandha extract is able to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in people with chronic stress. The herb also eases self-reported anxiety, depression, and stress.

Clinical studies have shown ashwagandha to be very helpful to calm anxiety.

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

Related articles:

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Meniere’s Help – Supporting sufferers since 2004

Researcher and writer of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s Sufferers: What are your experiences with Meniere’s and anxiety, depression or stress. Tell us all about it using the comments boxes below or email Mike at

References/Further reading:

General Information on Meniere's Disease / Syndrome Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes

Can Blue Light Glasses Help Stop Vertigo?

Can blue light glasses help stop vertigo during screen time? With my timeline on Facebook plastered in stories about Hillary Clinton wearing special “blue light” sunglasses to stop seizures, it made me wonder if there were anything like this to help light sensitivity and vertigo?

Do you suffer from light sensitivity?

Do computer screens, florescent lights and even the TV trigger vertigo attacks?

This was something that I suffered terribly from when I was really sick with Meniere’s. I am sure many of you find computer screens and TV etc can spark attacks, so I did a quick search on google to see what I could find.
After sifting through page after page of the Clinton story I came up with a study on NIH related to epilepsy:
I looked on Amazon to see if they sell any and indeed they do.  Prices range from nearly $90 down to around $10. So these glasses must widely available and easily accessible.
I posted immediately in a Meniere’s groups and the first comment to appear confirmed that these glasses did indeed help stop vertigo attacks:
I use blue light goggles, and they help . I consulted Consumer Reports and they rated the cheap 8$ ones as filtering out the most blue light ( 70% I think ). They are not attractive but I don’t go into a store with fluorescent lighting without them or use any screen without them . . I would recommend them. In an acute attack reading on my tablet triggers an immediate vertigo. Mine were 8$.”
Other comments made on the subject in Meniere’s Disease supports groups online were as follows (2020):
  • “Most of the time they work for me but I did have one experience where they added to the problem but I was off balance a bit more that week. They were fine after that day”
  • “Have blue for office and computer screen and yellow for my progressives. No issues at all.”
  • “Big difference for me personally!”
  • “Made a HUGE difference for my migraines.”
  • “I love mine! Been using them for years now. I also have the blue light filter set on all my tech that has it, and I have a chrome extension that allows me to adjust the light/dark of websites.”
  • “Therespecs… they’re a miracle worker for me. When I go into stores or offices I no longer get dizzy when I wear these.”
  • “Mine have helped”
  • “I use a blue light filter on my phone and it really helps me”
  • “They help take that pressure off my eyes and forehead so decrease the chances of a migraine.”
  • “I used to be an optical consultant for a UK wide opticians.
    Blue light filters were and remain controversial, with many denouncing the benefits due to lack of science.
    My personal experience is that they make unnatural lighting significantly more comfortable daily and reduce eye strain.”
  • “They’ve been great for me. I suggest getting looser fitting frames that you use only @ home for comfort.”

So, Can Blue Light Glasses Help Stop Vertigo?

To my knowledge there are no cited studies relating to vertigo or Meniere’s disease. However, there are studies indicating that blue glasses help computer vision syndrome (CVS), a condition resulting from focusing the eyes on a computer screen. Two of the listed symptoms of CVS are dizziness/vertigo and Migraine.
In addition to possibly preventing vertigo, blue light glasses are also beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia.
By Mike Spencer
Supporting sufferers since 2004
Help other Meniere’s sufferers. Do you use blue light blocking glasses or goggles? Do they help? Let us know in the comments section below or email Mike at

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References/Further reading:

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