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Massive increase in Meniere’s Disease in Fukushima

What caused the Massive increase in Meniere’s Disease in Fukushima?

According to a report published in April 2015 by Soma General Hospital and Tohoku University, there was up to a 600% increase in cases of Meniere’s Disease in and around Fukushima, Japan since the nuclear disaster in 2011.

Exposure to radiation causes thyroid gland and bone marrow issues, and therefore a weakened immune system. In addition to this radiation affects the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a very important part of the endocrine system and therefore the thyroid. This must be of particular significance to the pathology of Meniere’s in many sufferers around the world.


Evidence that Meniere’s symptoms can result from thyroid and endocrine dysfunctions?

Studies show that at least 34% of Meniere’s sufferers show signs of Thyroid dysfunction and with the success of dietary improvements and supplementation in reducing or eliminating Meniere’s symptoms by strengthening the immune system, the report from Japan underscores the message Meniere’s Help has been stating for over 12 years. Focusing on the importance of supporting the immune system.  Both the immune system and the endocrine system are two vital aspects to human health. Imbalances and disorders can possibly lead to Meniere’s symptoms manifesting.

Similar studies in Chernobyl, following the nuclear disaster there found some equally staggering statistics.

Read why this is a big deal and why it matters to you the sufferer here.
A summary of the report:

Soma City is 44 km north of Fukushima Daiichi… almost all patients who require hospitalization for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) care were referred to our department… We thus investigated the influence of the disaster on internal ear diseases.

  • Regarding the evacuation area, the total number of patients [in the ENT department] increased 4.64 times [364% in 1st year], 4.24 times [324% in 2nd year], and 4.54 times [354% in 3rd year] compared with the number before the disaster.
  • New patients [with vertigo, Meniere’s disease, and acute low-tone sensorineural hearing loss] in Shinchi Town… increased by 64.3%, 114.3%, and 46.4% [in years 1, 2, and 3] respectively… In the case of Minami-Soma City, except the evacuation area… increased by 84.2%, 152.6%, and 142.1%, respectively… Regarding the evacuation area… the numbers of patients with vertigo, MD, or ALHL became 7 times [600% increase in 1st year], 5 times [400% increase in 2nd year], and 7 times [600% increase in 3rd year].
  • Although the causes for MD and ALHL are still unknown [the rise] might be due to increased tension and stress… As for the cases [of vertigo] we were unable to establish the neuro-otologic pathogeneses in… 72%  [and] there may have been cases of psychogenic dizziness… administration of an anti-vertigenous drug or advice to keep calm and to have a sound mind did not help… There were some difficult cases where ENT treatment alone did not workpresumably because these cases were complicated with some mental diseases… In some serious cases, we… referred the patients to psychiatric care or prescribed psychosomatic medicine. Some patients refused our advice… or to admit that they had a mental problem.
  • The number of reported cases of heart disease and brain infarction have increased in the devastated area… Diabetes, osteoporosis, and psychiatric illnesses were feared to have worsened… There is a great concern that there will be additional health hazards, and we strongly feel the need for administrative support.

ENT doctors in Japan suggest the massive increase “might” be due to stress.  They also suggested the increase in Meniere’s in some case might be due to “mental diseases“.

It is true that stress is a trigger and true that stress is considered by some in Japan as an underlying root cause but the total lack of willingness to look at the clinically proven links of thyroid dysfunction to the onset of Meniere’s and the connections between the immune system and thyroid I find slightly puzzling.

With all that said, we have to accept that there be something lost in translation. Mental diseases, may simply referring stress and anxiety, known triggers and as mentioned above an accepted part of Meniere’s pathoetiology in Japan.

Naturally there were several studies in the psychological effects of the great east Japan earthquake in 2011. I was living in Japan at the time and the anxiety in the air nationwide following the initial quake was palpable.

Constant horrific images playing out on every TV screen, several aftershocks everyday for weeks and the threat of nuclear catastrophe evidently took its toll.

In north eastern Japan where the quake took place, medical studies called the psychological effect on the population there a “mental health crisis”.

So was it stress alone that cause such a huge increase in new Meniere’s cases or a combination of stress and thyroid dysfunction as a result of radiation contamination? As nearly all the studies focused on the psychological aspect, I guess we will never know.

As a side note, the microwave radiation from cell phones has been shown to affect the central nervous system and endocrine system as well as creating oxidative stress; all relative to Meniere’s disease. So excessive use of cell phones and carrying them in pockets next to the body may be unwise.

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Related articles:

By Mike Spencer

Founder of Menieres-Help.Com

Researcher & Author of Managing Meniere’s Disease and The Need for Balance – Dealing with the Causes of Meniere’s

Help other Meniere’s Sufferers. What are you experiences with Meniere’s and Thyroid. Leave your comments below or email Mike at:

Further reading:

Meniere's Disease Triggers & Causes Meniere's Disease and Nutrition

Meniere’s Disease and Thyroid Dysfunction

How Thyroid Dysfunction may affect Meniere’s disease and what to do about it

Thyroid dysfunction, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism and Thyroid autoimmunity have all been linked to Meniere’s Disease.

If you understand the importance of the immune system it makes complete sense for this to be the case in many people. It makes perfect sense when you consider the success so many people have had in ridding themselves of their symptoms over the past decade or so using quality dietary supplementation and/or change of diet.

When you starve disease states of toxins and antigens (the bad stuff) and feed the immune system all the nutrients it needs, and the body needs in general (the good stuff) then balance returns to hormonal systems and the immune response is strong enough to deal with inflammation, toxins and antigens.

Yet despite the numerous clinical studies and papers written giving evidence to this fact the link to Meniere’s disease remains relatively ignored.

Do you have Meniere’s disease and thyroid dysfunction?

Have you been tested?

It seems some within the medical community are unable to join the dots or seem unwilling to look at any possibility beyond their specific field of medicine. “Take the drugs, and learn to live with it, there is nothing more to be done” seems the mantra of far too many treating ENT doctors or general physicians. If you are a Meniere’s sufferer I am sure there is a very good chance you either have been or will  be faced with this demoralizing attitude at some point.

Learn to live with it? I have never known anyone who could possibly just learn to live with Meniere’s disease. I have known thousands who decided to learn without it, took action themselves and now live symptom free.

In our modern society, culture and in this case to be more specific the medical community, ‘compartmentalization’ often means one department has no clue what another department is doing. We have our specific role in our jobs and do not know what is happening in the office behind us, let alone in the organization we belong to as whole. This creates an inability to see the bigger picture, join the dots and an inability to come to any other conclusion except what we are ‘told’ to think by perceived authority.

Stick a white coat on somebody to make them look like a scientist or doctor and the general public will literally do anything they are told. This blind faith in perceived authority has actually been tested by psychologists with some shocking results on how far people will go against their own better judgement.

In all professions, some are great at what they do, while others are not. The medical profession is no different. We are all human after all.

During my research for the book The Need for Balance I had a conversation with a doctor in Japan who worked in immunology.  I asked her what she believed to be the most important aspect of the immune system. After pausing and looking a little uncomfortable she answered, “probably hemoglobin or bone marrow”. No surprise there, both are of course vital to the immune system.

When I asked her how important the Thyroid gland was and how was it connected to the immune system, she looked a bit surprised and told me the Thyroid is not connected to the immune system, it regulates hormones.

I suggested that surely the thyroid is connected, as everything is connected inside the body and a problem in one area can have a knock on effect and cause dysfunction elsewhere. People with thyroid dysfunctions have weakened immune systems.

So if the immune system were weak then the Thyroid could be affected and result in hormonal imbalances and that would in turn result in illness. The Thyroid regulates the Thymus and the thymus is responsible for T-Cells (white blood cells vital for immune protection) so the Thyroid must be important.

Alternatively if the body’s metabolism was out of sync then vital nutrients might not be getting to where they should, including the Thyroid. Either way, it has direct links to the immune system whether it be in a causal or effected manner. (read about the relevance of T-cells to Meniere;s here)

She tacitly agreed and said she would have to study the Thyroid more.

Her specific area of expertise was hematology  and was unable to join immune system and thyroid function. Unable to join the dots as a result of focusing all her time on blood work within her compartmentalized field of expertise.

According to PubMed.Com the US official government medical website, in a paper from 2006 titled, ‘The immune system as a regulator of thyroid hormone activity.’ It states, “thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) can be produced by many types of extra-pituitary cells–including T cells, B cells, splenic dendritic cells, bone marrow hematopoietic cells, intestinal epithelial cells, and lymphocytes”

It also states that “functional significance of those TSH pathways historically has been largely ignored

It goes on to state, “There is now, however, evidence linking cells of the immune system to the regulation of thyroid hormone activityand “the immune system may act to modulate neuroendocrine function during times of host stress”

It may be that the Thyroid is an under appreciated part of the puzzle in many illnesses and the number of people not diagnosed correctly as a result might be very large indeed.  The Thyroid is part of the endocrine system and among many other things secretes hormones that regulate metabolism.  Sometimes referred to as the “master gland or the ” heart” of the endocrine system.

As one of the largest endocrine glands, it manages important body processes, including protein creation, energy levels, regulation of body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure and secretes hormones that regulate metabolism.

The thyroid gland is located in the lower neck and secretes hormones into the blood, which are then carried into the body’s tissues. The thyroid gland mainly produces a hormone called thyroxine (T4), which is then converted by each of the body’s organs to the active form triiodothyronine (T3).  These hormones are vital for regulating all of the above mentioned functions in the body.

Blood flow, metabolism and endocrine have been linked in studies to Meniere’s.  Whatever is going on in the endolymphatic sac in the ear that is causing Meniere’s symptoms may be, at least in some cases, the end result in a line of different dysfunctions through the endocrine system and thyroid.

To emphasize how the knock on effect can be relevant, consider that Pituitary dysfunction can mean the pituitary gland cannot send a message to the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormone when needed. Everything is connected and the need for balance in all areas is important.

A 2008 clinical study published on NIH ‘Possible association between thyroid autoimmunity and Menière’s disease’

It stated, “Overall, our data demonstrate a significant association between MD and thyroid autoimmunity, which suggests that an autoimmune factor is involved in the aetiopathogenesis of this disease.  38% of the MD patients had significant autoantibody levels.

Furthermore, 14% of the MD patients were hyperthyroid. In conclusion, our data show a significant association between thyroid autoimmunity and MD, confirming the possible immune pathogenesis of the latter disorder”

Prevalence of Thyroid Dysfunction in Patients With Meniere’s Disease’

The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) reported in 2004 on this clinical study that concluded,

Ménière’s disease is associated with corrected hypothyroidism.

Along the same lines, a 2014 study published on concluded that their findings suggests that circulating antithyroid autoantibodies may represent a risk factor for developing vestibular dysfunction.

It would seem clear that for at least some people there is a connection with Thyroid dysfunctions and Meniere’s Disease symptoms.

How to keep your Thyroid healthy through dietary considerations

Considering the possibility that your Meniere’s disease symptoms may be a result of endocrine and thyroid dysfunctions, it makes sense to keep your thyroid and immune system healthy and balanced.

Environmental and dietary toxins can be a major reason for Thyroid dysfunction. Toxins are present in our environment, and there’s not much we can do to eliminate all of them in the short term. They are here and we have to deal with it. We can, limit our exposure to toxic compounds, reducing the likelihood of experiencing issues with our thyroid.

The worst toxins for thyroid health

  1. Fluoride Almost 70 percent of the U.S. water supply is fluoridated to help prevent cavities.  However, what very few people know according to Journal of Clinical Endocrinology is that fluoride was actually prescribed as a remedy for an overactive thyroid during the first half of the 20th century. According to some reports, 2 to 5 mg of fluoride per day over a period of months was all it took to lower thyroid function; that’s about the same amount people drinking fluoridated water are exposed to daily. This would explain a LOT wouldn’t it?  A 2015 study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health in the UK concluded that locations with fluoridated water were 30 percent more likely to have high levels of hypothyroidism.
  2. PFCs The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reports that a higher level of perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs) in the blood could affect thyroid function in women.  PFCs  are used in the manufacturing of lots of common things, from your mattress to fast food containers! Even though the use of the chemicals is being phased out in the U.S., imported products could still be a concern.
  3. Pesticide Thanks to ‘big Agra’ (no names mentioned) India has seen a rise in thyroid disorders , but there are measures in place to make sure much of the population has sufficient access to iodine, something essential for thyroid function. One recent study reported in the Times of India suggested this spike is due to pesticide and other chemical exposure, with experts noting almost 60 percent of cases aren’t connected to iodine-deficiency.  While the idea of pesticide exposure and thyroid problems is nothing new, maintaining iodine levels and avoiding pesticides could be the perfect combination according to The American Journal of Epidemiology.
  4. Perchlorate According to studies published in Pharmacology Review.. Any number of nasty toxins could be the cause of an unhealthy thyroid, perchlorate is a strong candidate. But while there are numerous studies linking it with thyroid problems, the FDA still approved it for use as an anti-static agent in food packaging, making avoiding it a lot more difficult.
  5. Bromine Studies in the Journal of Clinical Pathology confirm that Bromine is an endocrine disruptor and toxic to the thyroid, but you will find it in everything from pool cleaner to pasta, . Often, even healthy patients can have high levels of the flame-retardant substance in their bodies. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are even finding their way into the breast milk of American women according to a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives. One common source of bromine is brominated vegetable oil—which is still found in many drinks—so it would be wise to check labels.
  6. BPA BPA is an endocrine disruptor and can affect hormone levels and thyroid balance. There are many studies documenting BPA’s effects on the thyroid in adults and children.     One study published in Environmental Health Perspectives looked at newborn babies and their mothers. The study suggested higher levels of BPA cause a decrease in thyroid function in women. All of the baby boys, though, had an increase in thyroid function causing problems from the higher levels of BPA.

While your family history can also play a role in endocrine problems, avoiding toxic exposure would appear to be a very wise move.

Looking after your thyroid and preventing thyroid conditions

Treat the Underlying Causes

Identify and treat the underlying causes of hypothyroidism, like food allergies, heavy metals, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. Eliminate the foods that cause you digestive distress, most commonly gluten and dairy.


The thyroid needs very specific nutrients to maintain proper function. First and foremost is iodine. Selenium, iron and zinc have also been recognized as important elements for thyroid function.

Try eating these foods to support your thyroid:

  1. Seaweeds Dulse seaweed, arame, kombu, nori, sea palm and wakame are all quality iodine and nutrient sources.  Dulse seaweed in particular has the most consistent and highest concentrations of iodine, is full of potassium and is an excellent source of protein.
  2. Fish Fish can be a great source of dietary iodine, plus omega-3 fatty acids which have been found to contribute to a healthy heart. Deep sea fish such as cod and haddock contain the highest densities of dietary iodine
  3.  Coconut Oil The oil from coconut is an age old healing food. Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids needed for proper metabolic function. These fatty acids are easily assimilated by the body and contribute to thyroid function, thyroid hormone production and regulating the metabolism.
  4. Beans Beans are a good source of zinc and iron. They also provide quality proteins and are an excellent source of B vitamins and vitamin C
  5. Eggs Eggs would be the best source for iodine from dairy food as they contain nearly 16% of the recommended daily value. Milk and yogurt also contains iodine but as some people suffer from digestive problems and intolerance from dairy food, organic eggs might be the way to go in these cases.
  6. Liver and Kidney Meat Although not appropriate for vegans or vegetarians, these organ meats, especially beef liver, provide iron, zinc and selenium as well as high-quality proteins. They also provide a more complete, nutrient-dense source of calcium, potassium, Vitamins A, C and D, and the B vitamins than most fruits and vegetables. Again, if you go this route, select products from organic, vegetarian-fed animals
  7. Almonds Almonds are a potent source of nutrients needed by the thyroid. Almonds contain iron, selenium and zinc with essential B vitamins and high protein content.
  8. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables Spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chard, mustard or turnip greens are all a great source of iron, B vitamins (needed for hormone creation), Vitamins A, C and D, magnesium and their incredible antioxidants. These superfoods not only supply the nutrients the thyroid needs, they also help protect overall health.

To underscore the importance of what you have read above, the connections between the Thyroid gland, the immune system and Meniere’s, consider these two shocking facts;

According to studies released by Soma General Hospital and Tohoku University in Japan, in April 2015  following the Fukushima nuclear disaster the number of cases of Meniere’s Disease and vertigo has increased by up to a staggering 600%

Similar studies showed an increase of up to 69% in hearing disorders following the Chernobyl disaster and a 100% increase among workers at the power station.

What is the accepted truth that exposure to nuclear contamination results in? Thyroid dysfunction! This is why iodine is used to treat people who have been exposed.  It is all about joining the dots and understanding the need for overall balance inside our bodies. Low grade radiation also attacks the pituitary gland which is part of the endocrine system. The Thyroid is part of the endocrine system. Anything affecting the endocrine system is likely to affect the Thyroid. Read about the connections between Endocrine disorders and Meniere’s here.

What is the big deal with iodine?

Some thyroid imbalances stem from a genetic condition, such as autoimmune thyroid disease. But should the thyroid be deficient in iodine, then all the other above mentioned problems can occur. Given the possible knock on effect for Meniere’s disease sufferers it would be a good idea to make sure your thyroid is healthy.

Iodine is not only the most vital mineral for thyroid function but it is utilized by every cell in the body!

How big a problem is iodine deficiency?

A 1998 report from ‘The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism’ reported that rates of iodine deficiency had dramatically increased in the United States over the past 20 years. The number of U.S. residents with low intake of iodine increased four fold. It was suggested that lowered rates of iodine intake could be traced to dietary changes…..”burger and fries anyone?”

An even more staggering statistic from the World Health Organization estimates that around 1 billion people will suffer from some form of health issue due to a lack of iodine in the diet. Estimates on Latin American countries show up to 25% the population at risk for goiters due to faulty thyroid function from a lack of dietary iodine.

Scientists agree that iodine deficiency is still a serious global health issue, and that insufficient levels of iodine in the thyroid is the most common cause of global brain damage. Estimates show that approximately 1.6 billion people are at risk for brain damage due to lack of iodine, and that these numbers fall heavily on unborn fetuses and children. Globally, a lack of iodine will effect around 50 million children.

Given this statistic, it is fair to say at least some people will grow from birth with a higher possibility of thyroid dysfunction through lack of iodine that will have the knock on effect in later life of developing Meniere’s disease.

There is a delicate relationship between the thyroid gland, iodine levels, and overall health. Without iodine, energy levels plummet, hormones can become imbalanced, and physical and emotional states can suffer.

If you have read this far then I am sure you are easily joining the dots and understanding why there is a need for balance throughout the body. Thyroid dysfunctions are related to Meniere’s in at least some of us and it could be simply a lack of iodine at the root cause.

A qualified doctor or nutritionist can detect current iodine levels through a simple urine test. A small percentage of people are iodine sensitive so in the case of iodine supplementation you should begin in small amounts to prevent a thyroid flare-up.

The best form of iodine to supplement with is nascent iodine or natural sea iodine It is much purer and biologically accepted by the body. Dr Edward Group of the Global Healing Center recommends everyone supplement with nascent iodine on a regular basis.

How does Nascent iodine help:

  • Keeps thyroid iodine levels in balance
  • Improves thyroid and endocrine system function
  • May improve emotional disorders by balancing glandular systems
  • Helps regulate hormone imbalances associated with weight gain
  • Works as a moisturizing expectorant for the respiratory tract
  • Helps protect the thyroid from absorbing radioactive isotopes
  • Assists in improving brain development
  • May assist in reducing or preventing goiters
  • Aids in the improvement of autistic children
  • Helps aid digestion, transit time and normal bowel function
  • Increased energy and stamina have been reported
  • Supports breast milk production and quality
  • Helps balance body odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.)
  • Helps detoxify harmful halogens like bromides, fluoride, and chlorine

If you found this article useful Click here to support Meniere’s Help

By Mike Spencer
Founder of Menieres Help
Researcher and author of Managing Meniere’s Disease 
and The Need for Balance

Help others who suffer from Meniere’s disease

What are your experiences with thyroid/endocrine issues and Meniere’s? Tell us all about it in the comments box below or email Mike at

Further reading/references: Hypothyroidism is an independent risk factor for Menière’s disease: A population-based cohort study

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