Social Security adult listing 2.07 explicitly covers Meniere’s disease.
Many people want to know, can they claim Social Security if they have Meniere’s Disease. It is not a problem in the UK because of the national Health System. But many people say they have difficulty claiming it in the States.
Well according to this lawyer, Gordon Gates from Maine, who specializes in social security disability law, you CAN claim social security for Menieres. Social Security adult listing 2.07 apparently states that you can if you have been treated for it.
Social Security adult listing 2.07 explicitly covers Meniere’s disease. The listing states:
“2.07 Disturbance of labyrinthine vestibular function (including Meniere’s disease), characterized by a history of frequent attacks of balance disturbance, tinnitus, and progressive loss of hearing.
With both A and B:
A. Disturbed function of vestibular labyrinth demonstrated by caloric or other vestibular tests; and
B. Hearing loss established by audiometry.”
Mr Gates states on his blog : “Anyone suffering from Meniere’s has probably seen a specialist, and had the appropriate audiometry testing. This should not be a difficult listing to meet for a claimant suffering from Meniere’s who has had the benefit of good medical treatment.”
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